7 top reasons why event bartending is an awesome profession | Party Shakers

Think about the most important things to consider when choosing a career. When you do this, you will find that the main thing to consider is to enjoy yourself. With that said, there are many other factors that should be taken into consideration. Some will be mentioned here for bartending skills and services.

When it comes to becoming a skilled bartender, there are several top reasons and you will find that they are all very compelling. The main thing to remember is that feeling passionate about what you do is essential. Nevertheless, there are some professions that are ideal for the many benefits they offer.

The first thing that comes to mind when people think of bartenders for private events is the fun. The job does seem very fun from the perspective of a customer and it can truly be that way. There are many things that make bartending an awesome profession. We are going to mention the 7 that we consider being the most relevant.

  • You get to be your own boss

There are some people who believe that your boss is your current client when you work in bartending. This is not the case and it is not how things work. A boss is someone who provides clients to you for you to do work for his or her business. A boss is someone who provides the connection between you and clients, so all you are doing is working for their clients, while they tell you how to do the work.

So, when you cut the middleman and you find your own clients, you do not have a boss, your clients are not your boss. They are people you provide services to, but you set the terms, you set the prices, and you decide if you want to work with a particular client. Therefore, you are the boss in that situation.

If you decide to become a bartender for one exclusive spot like a nightclub or restaurant, this is different. In that case, you do have a boss, but if you decide to be an independent bartender, you decide. You are the boss and you call the shots in this type of situation. You really need to determine what kind of bartender you are and if you can decide to be your own boss.

  • You get to meet new people every day

If you are someone who likes to socialize and network, you will be more than delighted with being a bartender. There are many things about this process that are important. The main thing to consider is that bartenders are always meeting new people. This kind of interaction can lead to new opportunities to work with other clients.

One of the best things about this is that you will be in a position that allows you to always have fun during work. The most common thing that bartenders will tell you is that time flies. They are very likely to experience an extremely fun time when they are working and this speeds time considerably. 

Beverage catering in general has turned into one of the most relevant ways of service. Being a bartender you really get to have an opportunity to enjoy yourself at a whole other level. If you are what is known as a people person, you will find yourself in the perfect job to have. This is especially true for the traveling bartender.

  • You get to decide when to work and use your bartender skills

If you work in bartending services in Los Angeles, you will be able to decide when to work. You will also decide at what time to work. While some clients can have their own schedules and ideas, you can always just provide a schedule of your work hours. 

Most bartenders are good with the idea of working nights. With that said, others prefer to become bartenders for events during the day.  The choice is yours and you can also just decide if you want to take a day off. This gives you a level of freedom that is truly undeniable and this makes everything much more interesting.

When you have the freedom to work when you please, you always feel that you have a better job. Even if you decide to work very hard all day, you know that you can always decide to just take a day off as long as you have no scheduled clients during that day. Then you can come back to work once your batteries are recharged.

  • Your efforts go into your pocket

This is a great thing about bartending services to offer in any area. You are always going to have a much better sense of accomplishment when you work on your own. Even if you work with a team, you know all the money is going to the team. There is no boss that is making you work while he or she sits back. 

Another important thing about this is that you always feel encouraged to work harder. You know that you are making money for your benefit and you are not just earning a salary. Some weeks or even some months can be hard when you work independently. The money is always going to your pocket and that of your collaborators. This is why bartender skills are important.

Nothing is more encouraging than to know that there is no limit to how much you can earn. This makes you want to sacrifice more time and work even harder. You know that everything you are doing now is going to lead to the possibility of earning more and more. Here is what the average freelancer bartender earns.

Your efforts go to your pocket | Party Shakers
  • No day at work is ever the same

The job itself may seem to be quite usual in the sense of tending to a bar and serving drinks. The truth is that the guests and the type of event that you are bartending to will make the difference. There are events for all kinds of groups of people and with different themes. You will find that every day at work is going to feel fresh because of that.

The main thing to remember in this kind of situation is that most events are going to have music. They are also going to have some kind of entertainment available. This makes it very unpredictable to know how things will turn out. The fact that you are constantly talking to new people is always going to make the job very unpredictable too.

There are just too many things related to this job that can be extremely fun and engaging. The one thing that is for sure is that you are not sitting in a cubicle. Just getting the same work done all day with a stack of papers in front of you. This is not the life that some people want and bartending is a great alternative to consider. 

  • You could travel to new places and showcase your bartender skills

Once your bartending service becomes popular enough, you could start to get job requests from people seeking bartenders near me. This is a common thing to see and this means that you will have the chance to travel. This could be traveling to a city nearby, or to another country.

Even if you don’t get to travel to other countries, you could be traveling to other cities. You are also going to get to work at all kinds of different venues. This is always a very fun way to do things and it also allows you to get to know these venues. It is good to consider further work or to suggest a specific place to a customer. 

In some cases, there are bartenders who are invited to international events all the time. This gives them the opportunity to travel the world and see counties on all continents. 

  • You get to have more time for a life outside of work

One of the worst things that can happen to a person is to be tied up to a job and unable to enjoy life. This is the kind of thing that can be extremely important when choosing a profession. For the most part, bartending can be perfect in this sense. You will be able to create your own work schedules and decide when you want to have time for family and friends or just time for yourself.

The value of being able to spend more time doing things you enjoy outside of work is huge. This is something that is going to make any person feel happier and more accomplished. The best thing about doing this in life is that you will be able to experience many more things. This is more likely to be possible for bartenders for private events.

When someone is able to spend time with those they love and also have a good job. This is what is known as balance in life and it can be a great way to live. Everyone should be able to enjoy more time with loved ones, but that is not always the case. Bartending presents the opportunity to do this more often. 

The website liquor provides a very insightful look into this process and the rules to achieve work/life balance. After all, there is no value in hard work if you don’t get to enjoy the benefits of your efforts.

Loving what you do is always an advantage

The one thing that we want to stress as much as possible is that loving what you do is always going to be the best approach. You want to be able to enjoy your job and this is going to make it easier to handle difficult times. Bartending can be an amazing experience without a doubt and it is important to understand how it works.

You also need to be able to immerse yourself in this business and feel that love and commitment to mixology. This is something that all successful professional bartenders feel and it should be the same for anyone in this business.

It is said that there is no such thing as Mondays or Fridays when you love your job. This is something that happens when people dislike their job. They will start talking about how Monday is coming soon and they feel unhappy about it. Then, they will say how they cannot wait for Friday to come. Once you can feel like those days don’t mean anything special, that is when your work is something you love.

Party Shakers offers the bartender skills that you want for any event

When it comes to reliable and professional service, you will find that Party Shakers offers everything you want and need. Working with this team also means that you can find quality Photo Booth services, food catering, music DJs, and mobile bars. 

These are all services that you can book with a single provider when you reach out to Party Shakers. We are committed to the process of ensuring that you can achieve the results you want with any event. After so many years in business, we have learned all the intricacies of the job and what to do and what not to do. This means that you can expect a service that is accurate, professional, and updated to modern world requirements.

Questions and answers about bartender skills

Are event bartenders in Los Angeles usually booked?

Yes, now that events are back and more people are attending them, the bartender profession is back in action. There are many people who find this to be very important and they will hire bartenders often. Bartending has always been very popular in LA, but it is also popular in any city, country, or region in the world.

Are bar rentals a common thing to see today?

Yes, some people can rent a bar at any event and these mobile bars are becoming a very popular choice. This is a great way to save time and save money while hiring a quality bar rental service with bartenders to go with it.

Does someone need to study something specific to become a bartender?

The study of mixology is the most relevant. With that said, there are no specific studies needed for bartending. There are many studies that can be helpful, but very few are required to become a bartender. Learning new languages, learning very exotic drinks, and being great at dealing with people are all very important things to consider.

Can I earn a good amount of money from bartending?

You sure can and the possibilities are endless. The best thing about bartending is that many you can become a very popular bartender. This means many events will want your services and that is always a great thing. There are bartenders who make a full-time income that is enough to pay for all their needs and the needs of their families.

Final thoughts on bartender skills

Bartenders for private events are usually going to have a great time in their profession. This is one of the reasons why it is such a fun and engaging career. If you consider that the idea of becoming a bartender is appealing, you will love the job. This is a great profession that can be amazing at many levels.