The Bartending business these days is very lucrative when you have many bar customers. Be it as the main bartender in a bar or if you are working as a bartender at events or parties. In both cases, you can make a lot of money.
Bartenders have to deal with a lot of things, from people fighting in the bar, to mad customers to people who just sit down for hours to talk about their problems even when the bartender is clearly busy.
This business will give you the opportunity to grow. The opportunities are numerous for instance, you can make good tips, and you have the day free. You will constantly learn new skills and the job can be very social, which is something many people enjoy.
Also, you will gain a lot of experience as you will be able to work in different jobs. From Restaurants, bars, and lounges to private events such as parties and events. There are a lot of options to choose from if you want to make a living as a bartender. This article can give you some basic ideas on strategies to land your first bartending job.
The job can be difficult at times with bar customers
Being a bartender isn’t always easy though. For example, you will be working most nights and weekends. It can be a very tiring job and normally, there are not a lot of options for schedules. With that said, let’s talk about other challenges that bartenders face.
Most bartenders are capable of managing all those common situations. However, there are some basic rules that customers should follow in order to make the bartender’s job easier. Next, we will talk about all those things that you should never do to a bartender.
There are some things that bartenders have to face and that definitely are going to make your job challenging sometimes. If you are a bartender, you are going to have to deal with those situations and learn to control yourself.
With that said, next, we will talk about those things that people should never do to a bartender and that is unfortunately pretty common. Most bar customers are aware of these things, but some are not.
What are seven things you should never do to a bartender?
Never yell at bartenders with an angry tone
Remember that bartenders are there to serve many guests and you need to be patient if they are busy. Ask politely and you will get great results when interacting with a bartender.
It is important to give the bartender space to finish the cocktails or drinks that they are already doing. This way they will be able to make your drink or cocktail ASAP.
We need to understand that they are not robots, they are people who are working several hours every night. They make those drinks that you love, so you need to be empathetic and polite and more importantly, patient.
If you are capable of doing that, your bartender will appreciate it. They will be able to serve your drink or favorite cocktail as fast as possible. Remember that if you treat them well, they will always serve you with a positive attitude. Just to give you perspective to put yourself in the shows of the bartender, here are some of the golden rules they need to consider.
Don’t wave money to get the bartender’s attention
Waving your money around for the bartender to pay attention is a very rude thing to do. Unfortunately, it’s something very common in every bar. People believe that if they do that, the bartender will serve them first, but sometimes it’s just the opposite.
Waving money to get the bartender’s attention is never a good idea. Especially if the bar is packed and the bartender has a lot of orders before yours. In those cases, the bartender will serve the drinks and cocktails in order, not because someone is offering money.
What is recommended instead of weaving money is to try to make eye contact with the bartender. Most importantly, be patient and you can be sure they will serve your drink as soon as possible. This article offers some good insight into how to treat bartenders.
If you plan to tip too low, don’t tip at all
Tips are one of the best things about being a bartender. Most of them make a living with this job and a big part of what they earn every night comes from the tips they get. Of course, how much you make as a bartender will depend on many factors. With that said, normally you can make plenty of money.
Tipping a bartender one dollar is too low, so try to keep it above $10 or at least $5. Remember your tip is a reflection of their service value. Giving $1 will make them think that they didn’t do a good job.
So it is important that when you visit a bar, keep some money for tipping. $10 is considered appropriate but of course, if you can give some more, it will be more than welcome.
Don’t try to hog all the attention as bar customers
Bartenders are very busy people that need to talk to a large number of guests at any given time. Do not hog their attention for too long. Sometimes when we get to a bar, we want to start drinking immediately. Some guests want to start talking to the bartender for several minutes.
Even when bartenders are used to working under pressure and talking to their customers, sometimes they can get very busy and are not able to do it as much. Therefore, it is important to be patient and understand that they are not there just to serve you, but to serve plenty of other customers.
The bartender will pay attention to you eventually, you just need to wait for your turn, they will be grateful that you waited and will serve you the most delicious cocktail that you have ever had. if you want to know about many of the responsibilities bartenders have to deal with, this article can shine a light on the subject.
Don’t ask the bartender to pick your drink for you
If you ask the bartender to choose for you, it may not be a drink you end up liking. This could create unnecessary problems. It is important to point out that bartenders serve hundreds of drinks every day and that even when they know the recipe, they don’t know what you would enjoy.
There are a lot of drinks, cocktails, and shots that you can have in a bar. Beverages that basically any bartender will know how to prepare, however, they don’t know exactly what types of drinks you will like so please, don’t let them choose for you.
If you don’t drink often and you have no idea what to drink, you can ask your bartender for some recommendations. This should be based on your preferences, however, in the end, it is important that you decide and choose, what drink you want to have.
Don’t ask for free rounds even if you are a regular bar customer
If the event is not a free service, you should always pay for your drinks, it’s as simple as that. Never, ever, even when you know the bartender, ask for free rounds or drinks. It is important to understand that everything has a cost.
Every single mix, ingredient, and liquor that the bartender is using to prepare your favorite cocktail or drink has a cost. Therefore, it’s not okay that you come and ask for any drink or cocktail for free. The bartender has the necessary amount of ingredients to make the drinks every night.
It is important to consider that every time we go to a bar or lounge, even if we are paying a lot of money for our drinks and maybe food, it doesn’t mean that you will get something for free.
On the other hand, if the bar has some kind of promo or perk for their customers who are frequent or are always spending a lot of money, that’s something different and you will be able to enjoy it, but just if the bartender offers it to you.
Don’t leave a mess at the bar
If you are sitting at the bar, try to avoid leaving a mess. Yes, the bartender is there to keep everything clean and to keep the area of the bar as safe as possible. However, you can put forth some effort to keep your space at the bar as clean as possible.
Is important to consider that the bartender not only has to serve hundreds of drinks and cocktails every night but also has to deal with all types of customers. The bartender also has to keep an eye on them in case there’s any dangerous situation.
Also, they have to deal with other situations like people throwing drinks to the floor. Perhaps someone leaving food on the bar and floor, and people complaining about the drinks they are having or asking for a drink and wanting to be served first when the bar is packed.
So, it will be really helpful for the bartender if you try to keep your space at the bar as clean as possible, so they won’t need to clean up the mess at the end of their shift later that night.
These are the most common things that people do when they are at the bar and that aren’t okay. Especially because the bartender would not appreciate them. However, there are some others that are common also and that we need to try to avoid when we are in a bar.
Other things to avoid as bar customers
For example, don’t flirt with the bartender. It is known that a lot of people have a crush on their bartenders, and it’s okay. However, you need to understand that they are just doing their job. They are nice because you are a customer and they want to see you happy.
It is okay to have a conversation with them if they have the chance to do it and they are not too busy, however, if they are busy try to let them do their job and don’t try to flirt with them or talk to them, it is important to be respectful.
Another thing that we don’t have to do in a bar is hold up the line at the bar. It is important that you know exactly what you are going to order and also to have the amount of money that you will spend ready in your hands.
Remember that it isn’t only about you, there is a line of thirsty and impatient customers. They are all trying to get a drink or a cocktail like you, so if you hold up the line, the bartender is going to have to deal with dozens of impatient customers. Many of them will be angry because you are holding up the line for too long.
These are some of the things that you need to avoid every time you go to a bar. Even if it is the bar that you regularly visit and you know the bartender that is working there every night. This is all about being empathetic and respectful of the job that the bartender is doing.
Party Shakers is ready to work with any bar customers
At Party Shakers, we know and understand the bartending business in every possible way. The company provides mobile bartending and photo booth services. We provide not only an inclusive bar but also booth services for your public or private events.
We have caterers when you need to set up a pop-up bar and also full liquor services. This is the case regardless of where you are located. You can be sure that when you hire Party Shakers, you will get the best private bar and photo booth service in town.
Therefore, if you are looking for the best quality, the best drinks, the most professional bartenders, and entertainment in the LA area, we offer the best option for you. Especially if you want your party or event to be successful.

Questions and answers
The best way to hire a good bartender is to check for references. You can ask any friend or family if they can recommend any bartending service they know. If not, you can always search on Facebook or Google for the best options in your area. Also, don’t forget to check their references.
The main advantage of working as a bartender is that you have plenty of options for places to work. You can be a regular bartender in a bar or lounge or you can work in different places, mainly for events and other activities like parties and cooperative events. Private small events are ideal to avoid large crowds.
Anyone that is able to work for a long time and can handle any situation has the potential to be a top bartender. This is the type of bartender that not only is capable of preparing the best cocktails and drinks but also knows how to prepare special syrups and bitters as well as understands what’s happening during the preparation process.
Final thoughts on bar customers
If you go to a bar, it is important to remember that your bartender is going to try their best to serve you fast and will do their best to prepare the best cocktails and drinks for you, however, it is important to consider all these things you should never do to your bartender.
Remember that they are there to serve you, but also to serve a lot of other customers. This means you need to be patient, polite, and more important, empathetic with your bartender.
if you are looking to find a team of bartenders who know how to handle all types of guests, Party Shakers is the ultimate choice!