There are very few things that are as unpleasant to a person more than having to fire employees. Bartender etiquette is very important and lack of it can be a problem. This is often the kind of thing that people want to avoid, but it can be important and necessary to handle those issues.
There are many reasons why a bartender could end up being fired. It is important to consider that this is not the kind of thing that you can take lightly. The main reasons are theft, disrespect, lying, lack of skills, and drinking on the job. You should always take your time and determine if the bartender is worth keeping or not.
Now that we have mentioned the main things, it is important to go into detail about each issue. This is going to allow you to make a decision based on several factors.
Any kind of theft at work
This is a very complex topic and it is not one to take lightly at all. Theft can happen in many ways and it is not just something like stealing bottles or cash. This can also be a situation when a bartender is giving away free drinks or food without authorization.
Theft in bartending is very hard to catch at times because it can happen in a very subtle way. This is the main reason why so many bartenders tend to get away with this. The thing is that when a bartender does this regularly, it could be easier to spot.
Unlike many other faults in bartending that could allow for several strikes before firing someone, this is a one-strike thing. This means that any bartender that steals and is caught should be fired immediately. It is up to you as an employer to decide if you wish to press charges.
The issue with a bartender that steals is that it would be hard for you to trust that person again. When someone steals, it can be problematic to deal with that issue and to feel like you can allow this person to redeem their mistake.
Constant no-show with no communication
A bartender constantly calls in sick and does not communicate any reason other than being sick. This is a problem because you are left with the need to find an alternative. Make sure that you have a talk with the bartender if this happens several times.
This does not qualify as a one-strike situation, but you should let your bartender know how you feel. If there is a response that shows interest in making amends, you can carry on. If it happens again, do let them know that you need them to be on time and to show up every night.
A third time does not necessarily mean you would fire the bartender if there are good reasons. If the bartender is having personal issues, but they shows to be talented and honest, you can offer a part-time job or ask them to make an effort to be on time. This is good Bartender etiquette.
If the bartender is still unable to get things done and show up on time, you may need to let them go. Just make sure that you are at least helpful and understanding in case their reasons are valid. Sometimes life gets in the way, but you also have a business to keep in mind at all times.
Disrespect towards the staff or the guests
Any time that a bartender is verbally or physically abusive to anyone at work is definitely a one-strike deal. You should not tolerate this kind of behavior from anyone due to obvious reasons. It is a big no no in Bartender etiquette.
When you are dealing with someone that behaves this way, you know that you have a problem in your hands. This kind of behavior could escalate to something even more concerning.
This is the main reason why you can’t really have the person come back to work the next day.  When someone behaves this way, they are like a ticking bomb and you don’t want to be dealing with that sort of issue all the time.
If a person is disrespectful or abusive in any way, they are very likely to do it again. The only thing that you need to consider is if the situation was somewhat extraordinary. This is going to be the best way for you to make a decision. Maybe the bartender was pushed too far by someone who was rude or disrespectful.
This is the reason why it is a good idea to always consider this sort of issue. Make sure that you hear both sides of the story and consider any factors before making a final decision.
Lack of skills and bartender etiquette
A bartender can be good-looking, very friendly, social, and great for the job, but that is not enough. They also need to be very good at their job in terms of their mixing skills. Bartending is all about creating cocktails based on specific recipes.
Don’t hire someone that is unable to mix the most popular drinks and is looking for info on their phone. This is not a person that is going to be able to handle a crowded bar at all. You need to make sure that you are careful with that situation.
If the bartender presents that problem, you may want to discuss this and let them know that they need to catch up. It could be the kind of thing that allows for more than one strike. The issue is that a bartending with a lack of mixing skills can ruin an event.
Being drunk at work
This is also a big problem and there are some bartenders who like to drink while they are at work. It is easier for a bartender to end up drinking due to the accessibility of alcohol while working. If you find that your bartender is drinking at the job, but not drunk, you could give them a warning about this behavior.
When someone decides to drink at work, they are likely to end up in a bad situation. If they get drunk, this is a very red flag and it can cause problems. There is no excuse for a bartender to get drunk on the job.
When someone does this, they are also being disrespectful and careless and those are serious issues. This is the kind of thing that you really need to discuss with the employee as something that cannot happen again. It is a mayor issue with Bartender etiquette.
Other issues that you could consider problematic:
- Lack of proper clothing
- Talking about political issues
- Discriminating people due to gender or sexual orientation
- Inability to work certain shifts
Lack of proper clothing
This one is also important because a bartender could wear clothes that are simply inappropriate for the job. This is not usually a cause to end up fired, but it can become a problem if the issue persists.
This is one of the main reasons why any good bartender out there should always consider this to be important. Being presentable and knowing how to dress depending on the situation are important factors to consider.
Talking about political issues
Political issues are always going to be a problem in one way or another. This can be a subject that could upset some guests. This is why it is better for a bartender to always avoid this sort of conversation.
The main issue with political talk is that you never know how passionate some people can be in that regard. This is why it is best to avoid any situation that could turn ugly. If your bartender like to argue about politics, you need to warn them about this behavior.
Discriminating people due to gender or sexual orientation
While we are living in a modern age that is very open minded, you are still going to find many people who discriminate others due to their gender or their sexual preferences. If you have a bartender that is doing this, you need to ensure that it does not continue to happen.
There should never be a situation when a bartender can discriminate anyone for any reason. This is not only unacceptable for them, but also very damaging for any event or business reputation.
Inability to work certain shifts
Any bartender that is looking for work at many events needs to be available for all sorts of shifts. This is always going to be important and it will ensure that the bartender finds constant work. This is probably the least problematic thing because it is not common for bartenders to have that issue.
How to hire bartending & cocktail bar services for private events
There are many people who like the idea of being able to hire a single team for several services. A good example of this is when you hire bartending and catering from the same provider.
The great thing about this is that it makes things easier for you in terms of logistics. You will also find that when these services come together, they are more affordable. It is always important to consider that this needs a quality provider. You have to look for someone who is able to do this properly and without any issues.
How do you decide which bartenders are worth keeping based on bartender etiquette?
Some bartenders may not be the best in terms of being on time or knowing all the drinks, but they show to be honest and loyal to their employers. This is a good reason to consider keeping a bartender but make sure to set some ground rules.
When your bartender is not clear about the rules of the house, it is also your fault as an employer. This means that even if something seems to be obvious, you should always be clear about what is acceptable.
Party shakers offer the results you want and need
We are a team of highly skilled bartenders that have the experience that you want for your events. We have been able to create a reliable, trustworthy, and highly effective bartending service that goes beyond all expectations.
If you need a great bartending team, we have the best in the business. If you are looking for catering services, we offer an excellent number of options. This is one of the reasons that we have become a favorite for those who seek optimal bartending services. You can get in touch with us and you will have peace of mind that you won’t have to worry about quality.

Questions and answers?
There are many reasons that could get a bartender fired. With that said, the main ones to consider include theft, disrespect, lying, lack of skills, and drinking on the job. Those are the most common issues and you should consider them based on their severity.
The best way to hire bartenders for private events is to consider their abilities and experience. You will find that this is the kind of thing that proves to be very reliable. When bartenders have the experience, it becomes much easier to ensure that the results will be great.
This is not a simple decision, but it is one that is important to consider. If you can see many good things about a bartender, you may want to think twice about firing that person. Weigh the pros and cons and consider the factors that can help you make a decision.
Final thoughts on Bartender etiquette
There are many mistakes that bartenders can make during their job, but some of them are more forgivable than others. It is up to the employer to decide if this particular employee is worth continuing to hire.
Sometimes a great bartender can make mistakes and that is fine, but it also depends on the severity. Just keep things we said in mind and this will help you make a decision.