There are many bartenders in the US and all over the world that neglect bartender health. This may not seem like a big deal for a while, but eventually it can have serious effects on the body and the mid. This is why health is such an important thing to consider.
In order for a bartender to stay healthy all year long, there is need for a specific diet plan, for quality sleep, exercise, and a good amount of relaxation and calm. When you implement those elements properly, the success rate of a bartender in terms of health is much higher.
It is important to consider that being a great bartender and achieving financial success is not very rewarding if your health suffers greatly. What good is it to be successful if you don’t have the health to enjoy the benefits of your hard work.
Before we go on, it is important to note that we are not doctors and the content of this article is not medical advice. This is just a general guideline of the things that seem to be most helpful to keep people healthy.
Some important statistics regarding general health in the United States:
- The Sleep foundation mentions that at least half of Americans feel sleepy during the day at least 3 days of the week.
- The foundation also mentions that at least 32% of adults report sleeping six or less hours every night.
- The Recovery Village mentions that over 77% of people suffer from stress that affects their physical health.
Those statistics are very important for people who are involved in bartending. The reason for this is that people who are in bartending usually lack sleep quality and suffer from stress. The reasons why the job can be stressful is due to dealing with difficult people at work. The lack of sleep is due to working nights and days without specific schedules and never allowing the body to adapt to specific sleeping patterns.
How can a bartender health relevant all year round?
There are several ways for this to be possible and it is essential to consider all of them for the best results. There is no magic pill that will cover all of your bartender health related needs. This is why you need to try to practice all of the following habits as often as possible.
Make sure that you catch enough sleep daily
If you have a difficult schedule as a bartender, you should consider more naps. A power nap is a 20-minute event of full sleep. You are not just laying down and resting your eyes, you need to sleep for 20 minutes for it to be a power nap.
According to Verywellmind, a 20-minute power nap in the afternoon is more beneficial than an extra 20 minutes of sleep in the morning. There are also people who sleep only 3 hours in a row daily and then they take 2 to 3 powernaps when they get a chance. This seems to work very well for many individuals to feel rested afterwards.
The idea is for you to squeeze in as many power naps as you can during the day. This is going to help you feel more alert and rested at work. Not getting enough sleep every day is truly one of the most serious issues for someone’s health.
Eat healthier foods for bartender health
Imagine being tired from a lack of sleep as a bartender and having no energy to work. You still have to do the work and you force yourself to stay alert. Then, once the night is over, you find your way to the nearest fast food restaurant to get some food.
This is the story of many bartenders who do not have the time or the energy to cook a good meal. The problem is that the junk food they are eating is nor providing any kind of nutritional value at all. This means their bodies grow more tired and weak day by day.
A good way to handle this is to take a multi vitamin supplement and to try to cut back on the junk food. It’s essential to always consult with your doctor to find out if you are fit to take any supplements. This is great for bartender health.
The idea is to make sure that you get enough vitamins and minerals on your diet to avoid a weakened immune system. If you can change your diet, eating vegetables, fruits, and drinking more water can be great ways to improve your vitality and your wellness.
Exercise with a priority on cardio
There are people who love to lift weights and to perform heavy exercise, but they neglect their cardio. One thing is to get pumped with weights and another thing is to get your heart pumping with cardiovascular exercises.
As we mentioned before, it is important for you to consult with your doctor before any exercise. With that said, if all check out fine, we strongly advice 20 minutes of cardio at least every other day.
A good way to get cardio is to jump rope or job for those 20 minutes. This is recommended by many fitness experts and it helps you keep your hearth and arteries healthy. If you feel that working out 20 minutes daily is too much, even 5 minutes of cardio every day are better than no cardio.
Avoid stimulants to try to stay alert
There are many stimulants that people take in order to stay alert when they feel low on energy. The most popular of the bunch is caffeine and it has become a huge part of our lives. We are not here to argue about the negative effects of caffeine. If you like to have a morning cup of java, that is perfectly fine. The problem is when you start to abuse caffeine intake.
This is an artificial way for your body to handle the daily stress and tasks of life. You need to get some natural energy sources to better deal with work. The best way to do that is to eat healthier food and get more sleep. anyone looking to enhance bartender health will find this optimal.
Learn to stay relaxed
Practice yoga and meditation and be mindful of your anxiety and stress levels. There are more dangers to stress than people think and it can be a serious problem. The best thing about exercise, quality sleep, and good dietary habits is that they all help you lower your stress levels.
It is difficult for people to believe this, but stress and anxiety do cause many serious ailments. There are many people who are trapped in an endless cycle of stress. This ends up creating many serious ailments that affect all areas of the body.
You need to learn to handle the tension that comes from any issues at work or in your personal life. If you don’t do that, it will accumulate and the effects will be terrible in the long run.
There are many ways to relax and to get rid of stress. Having a hobby that is unrelated to your job is always a good way to clear your mind. You need to make sure that you can take the time to look for a reliable strategy to get rid of as much stress as possible.
Have the mindset for consistency for bartender health
One of the biggest issues that people face is their lack of consistency with healthy habits. A good way to explain this is with those New Year resolutions people make. They start by feeling all pumped and excited about a healthier lifestyle in January, but by the end of February, 99% of those people who make that New Year promise will be back to their old habits.
If you want to be successful with anything you do in life, you need to be consistent. There is a very critical threshold that will allow you to stay focused. It is that moment when your initial motivation wears out and you are forced to continue to work hard.
Once you manage to get through that crucial stage, you will find it much easier to stick to your goals. It is all a matter of finding the discipline you need in order to succeed with your efforts.
This is something that applies to exercise, to dieting, to sleeping patterns and to everything else. Life can always be a challenging experience, but you have to stick to your new way of life. You need to take the time turn that new diet or the new exercise routine into something that feels normal in your life.
Look for professional assistance
If you feel that making radical changes in your life is too difficult. You can always look for a coach that can help you handle exercise and diet changes. There is nothing wrong with looking for assistance that can help you reach a new level.
It would be terrible to be unable to achieve those goals. That is the reason why asking for professional assistance with lifestyle changes is a good decision. This is why it is good to consider this option for bartender health. It will help you gain the confidence to move forward and stay focused. Ultimately, that is the main thing that everyone needs to do to succeed. You need to stay focused and keep your eye on the goals that you have set.
What is a freelance bartender?
A freelance bartender is the type of bartender that works at events instead of working a specific job. For example, a bartender that works at a hotel with a daily schedule and a paycheck is not freelancing.
In contrast, a freelancer is someone who works in bartending by doing all sorts of events for different people. The main advantage of the freelancer is that earnings have the potential of being higher, but dry spells are also possible.
There are some people who feel like a steady paycheck is the best choice for them. With that said, there are other who do not feel this way at all. They prefer the idea of being able to get more work done as freelancers. Even when freelancing means they have to work harder to find new clients, the potential for earnings is much higher. This makes it a much better option.
At the end of the day, the bartender needs to offer quality services to be noticed and to be hired often. This article talks about the skills and responsibilities of a bartender regardless of the type of event or job.
How much do you tip a bartender at a private party?
The tips that you give to a bartender should always the amount that you feel comfortable giving. With that said, anything below $5 you might as well not tip at all. A tip for a bartender would normally range between $10 and $40.
Tipping is something that should always be considered unless the bartender has provide a very low quality service. A tip should always be seen as a reward for a good job and this is why tipping should be as generous as possible when a service is reliable.
How many bartenders do you need for 50 guests?
You will find that one bartender can handle 50 guests with ease, but it also depends on the situation. Sometimes you are going to prefer to have at least two bartenders at any party that has more than 30 guests.
There are some events that may need more than two bartenders even if the guest list is small. It all depends on certain factors related to the length and the theme of the event. This is why it is important for the bartending service to get in touch with the event organizer to decide the best course of action.
Party Shakers has a team of energetic bartenders that value their health
We have been in the business long enough to know that bartender health is essential for success. Everyone in our team is health conscious and we like to take this to our bartending services with a dynamic and highly engaging bartending experience.
This is a very competitive industry and the statistics show that there are over 39 thousand caterers in this business in the US alone. This means that we need to stay sharp and guarantee the best service you can find.
There is nothing more valuable for us than to be able to provide a truly remarkable experience for our customers. If you are in need of bartenders, DJs, food catering, or even photo booths, we got you covered. We are ready to get the work done at your events or parties.

Questions and answers
The freelance bartender is someone who is able to get work from different sources. There is no specific work place or steady paycheck. Instead, the freelancer relies on being able to find work at different events and turn some of those event planners into recurrent customers.
The amount of money that you tip a bartender that is serving you drinks is up to you, but anything above the $10 range is usually ideal. If you tip $5, it is borderline ok, but anything below that would be a bit too low.
There are many people who believe that bartenders can handle 50 guests on their own. This is true in some cases, but it also depends on the type of event and how many of those guests order something at the bar. Ideally, there should be two bartenders handling 50 people.
Final thoughts on bartender health
There is no doubt that staying healthy is a challenging process. Just remember that it is essential for you to achieve that goal. That is if you want to be able to enjoy the rewards of your hard work.