There are many issues that bartenders can end up facing when they are working at events. Bartender problems are common in all kinds of jobs, but the best bartenders always find ways to handle those issues.
These problems can range from overly annoying patrons and power outages to bleeding fingers and broken glass. There are countless things that can happen during an event and we are going to go over the most common.
Before we go on with the list, it is important to remember that all bartenders that succeed are usually emotionally mature. There is no room for extreme motions when you are involved in bartending and this is always a good thing to remember. This article by HR Bartender reminds us of the importance of developing stronger emotional intelligence.
Difficult and unruly patrons
This is one of the things that every bartender can expect to deal with at every single event. Be it a small gathering, or a large party or celebration, there will always be unruly patrons. This could be a seemly friendly patron that seems friendly when sober but turns into an obnoxious and rude person after a few margaritas.
It could also be someone who is having a bad day after work. When someone is having a difficult time, alcohol brings out their frustrations. Unfortunately for bartenders, this means that they are easy targets for those who are angry or frustrated.
The biggest thing to remember when someone is being difficult is that this is never personal. You may find some rare occasions when a bartender and a patron have an altercation that is of a personal nature. With that said, this is not going to be the case 99% of the time.
The best bartenders always know how to handle someone who is being difficult. It is always very important to remember that this is a frequent issue. An emotionally intelligent bartender is never going to let this become an issue. This article reminds us of the many ways to handle unruly patrons.
Broken bottles are required for specific mixes
There are some liquors and other ingredients for drinks that can be hard to find. The last thing you want to see happening is an accidental drop of one or more bottles. Mainly if those bottles contain key ingredients for certain drinks.
When this happens, the entire bar activity can come to a sudden halt. This means that people will start lining up at the bar waiting for their drinks and this can be stressful. When this happens, the bartender can choose to communicate with the event planner and ask for new bottles.
While this is solved, it is always a good idea to suggest other drinks to patrons until the new bottles arrive. This is essential in order to be able to buy some time and avoid any issues. Keep in mind that people want to be served their favorite drinks. With that said, they are likely to be willing to get something else as long as they have a drink in their hand.
avoiding bartender problems in this situation requires some quick thinking to come up with a good cocktail suggestion. This needs to happen based on the requests of the patron and any similar drinks to what they are expecting.
A cut finger early in the shift
There are many painful injuries that people can experience, but a cut on a finger is a torturous experience. The main reason why this can be a big deal for bartenders is the pain it causes. This can be quite painful when handling citrus fruits and certain liquids.
There is also the matter of people not wanting you to spill your blood on their drinks. This is why it is important for a bartender to have an emergency kit ready at any event. Always remember this and it will be extremely helpful. All you need to do is clean the finger, wrap it up and keep working.
It is better to go to a hospital if you feel that the cut on your finger is too deep. Maybe you even keep bleeding and soaking the wrapper. When this is the case, it is better to stop and to leave someone else in charge of bartending. This is the responsible thing to do in certain situations.
Broken glass
Be it near your feet and hands or even more alarmingly, near your ice bin, you really don’t want to be dealing with broken glass. If there is any minor indication that glass could have shattered into your ice bin or anywhere near your bottles and glasses, it is best to get rid of the ice and double-check all glasses.
This is more common than people imagine, but it is also very dangerous, so you need to be careful when this happens. A broken glass or bottle is not something that is a big deal (unless the bottle is expensive) but even then, the real problem is when you are dealing with broken glass.
If someone is served broken glass in their drink, this could end up causing them serious health issues. This is why it is extremely important to be careful in this sort of situation. Always remember that any time a glass breaks, you should consider any small pieces and where they could land.
A sudden upset stomach is a common part of bartender problems
Believe it or not, this is a problem that happens to many bartenders when they least expect it. You could have eaten something that didn’t sit right with your stomach and this can lead to unexpected bathroom breaks.
This is also a reason why a bartender should always have something ready that they can take for an upset stomach. If this is a common issue, it is best to stay away from certain foods until the event is over. Everyone knows how their body works and this is why it is important to make sure things run smoothly.
Reading some content on bartender health tips is always useful and this article covers the essentials on that topic.
Delayed payment for the service is a known issue part of bartender problems
Sometimes a bartender will face a situation in which they will be required to finish their services before getting paid. This is perfectly fine as long as the payment is made right after the service is finished.
The problem is that there are some instances when the person in charge of paying can delay things. If this happens, it is very important to be able to get them to pay for the services as quickly as possible. A bartender should not have to wait any longer once their work hours are finished and their services are no longer required for the day.
With that said, it is very important for you to make sure that you agree on a payment time for the event. This is going to be a good way for you to avoid any misunderstandings with your employer.
Disagreements between bartending team members can create bartender problems
When you work as a bartending team, you need to make sure that everyone involved is able to work together. This is not just about people being able to work with others, but about bartenders being a perfect team.
This is the main reason why it is very important for bartenders to be able to work in synergy with other team members. This can take time, but you also need to make sure that their personalities do not clash with each other.
This is probably the number one element that many bartenders seem to fail to consider. They get involved in bartending teams, but they have personality clashes. This often leads to discussions and disagreements during events.
This article talks about the issues related to bartender etiquette and when to fire your bartender in case they are not team players and not following rules.
There are many other issues that can happen
We posted the most common issues but that does not mean that there aren’t others. Bartenders deal with many types of thing all the time. This is why they need to be ready to handle those types of situations as much as they can.
One of the main things to keep in mind is that a bartending job is not necessarily one that is always stressful. You can find a large number of benefits that come from bartending that far outweigh the disadvantages. The main thing to always consider is that bartending is a very dynamic profession.
If there is one thing that most bartenders can agree on, it would have to be the fact that this is never a boring way of life. Bartending is always fun and time flies when you are busy bartending. This is also the reason why it is such a great profession once you become efficient.
Is freelancing better than a steady job?
There are many people who get into bartending as a par time job. They usually don’t see the potential for higher income. This is the reason why it is very important to be able to understand this process and to make the most of it.
A bartender can decide to get a permanent job with a single employer. While this can be a good thing in some cases, it does limit the amount of money to make. This is the reason why freelancing as a bartender can be a great idea.
The main issue with freelancing is that this is always a rocky start for most people. You need to be able to establish yourself in your area to start getting constant jobs. The best way to achieve that goal is to make sure that you are working with discipline.
If you plan to be a freelancing bartender, you need to make sure that you can work as often as possible. You should take as many jobs as you can and start growing in popularity. One of the biggest bartender problems is not being able to become popular enough.
What is an ideal location for work to avoid bartender problems?
If you decide that you want to become a bartender, you need to work in places that are profitable. What this means is that you should always look for places with enough guests in a tipping environment.
There are some bartenders who prefer a quiet setting with a small number of people. The main issue with this is that there will be less potential for good tips. This is the reason why some bartenders who are looking for profit are likely to work in crowded places.
They often say that the best place for a bartender to work is one with fewer complications. This is true in a sense, but the potential for profit comes from hectic environments packed with people.
How can I choose the right bartender to avoid bartender problems?
The process of hiring a good bartender is one that can require a good number of considerations. For example, when you are working on any kind of event, you need to consider several factors. You want to work with a bartender who is emotionally mature and able to handle any kind of challenge.
You also want to work with someone who is heavily experienced in mixology and someone who can handle large crowds. It is essential for you to be abler to look at several options and see what they offer. Their hourly rates should also be a relevant consideration. The better the bartender, the higher the hourly rates in most cases.
The main thing to remember is that the best bartenders are the ones that work on several types of events. These are the most dynamic type of bartenders and they always get the job done. They are dependable, reliable, and easy to work with for any occasion.
Party Shakers offers the best bartending services you can hire
It is always important to be able to find the very best bartenders to hire for your events. We are a team of very dedicated and highly experienced bartenders and we work hard to ensure excellent service.
You can reach out to us and let us know what kind of event you have planned. We will provide the best bartending team to guarantee that you get the results you need.

Questions and answers
Is freelancing better than a steady job?
A freelance bartender is someone who works independently instead of having a steady job with a single employer. This is often difficult for people to achieve because the first few months can be rough. Once a freelancer establishes a name, things become much easier.
What is an ideal location for work as a bartender?
There is no specific location that anyone could ever say is the best one. With that said, it is always a good idea to consider that the best locations are usually easier to handle. Crowded places are often difficult for bartenders for many reasons, but they get more tips from those types of events.
How can I choose the right bartender?
Hiring a good bartender for your events is never something to take lightly. You need to make sure that you can find someone who is smart and emotionally mature. This is going to be essential for optimal results.
Final thoughts
There are always going to be all sorts of problems when you are dealing with bartending events. The main thing to remember is that even when certain issues are common, there are ways to handle each one. This is the main reason why all bartenders need to remember to stay focused and keep their cool.
Send a message to us if you want a team of bartenders that knows how to handle any situation!