Bartending age: What is the perfect time to become a bartender? - Party Shakers

There are endless reasons why bartending is a great career choice for those who want to take it seriously. It is important to consider the age factor when someone decides to get started in this journey. This is why the bartending age is always relevant.

While 21 is the legal bartending age at which someone can bartender without restrictions, the best age to start bartending is around 25. There are many reasons for this such as emotional maturity, a committed mindset, and discipline. We are going to explain them in detail.

The main thing to keep in mind at all times when it comes to bartending is that you need to be prepare for it in many ways. All of these things are going to be just a relevant and that makes it essential to ensure you can handle each one.

Learning to have discipline at any bartending age

It is very difficult for someone under the age of 25 to have discipline when it comes to work. This is not to say that some people at that age are not disciplined because they can be. This is just based on the average mindset of someone between the ages of 21 and 24.

Discipline is a very difficult thing to achieve in life and it usually comes after we hit some bumps on the road. It is likely that someone will first need to have another type of job experience. It can be anything they want, but it will be useful for them to start developing a sense of discipline.

When you think about the way that some people behave and you see they have their act together, they usually owe this to discipline. There is much more to this word than most people realize. It takes no effort to have no discipline, but it also brings no rewards. In contrast, discipline is difficult to achieve at first, but the outcome of it is outstandingly rewarding.

What does it meant to be disciplined?

To have decline has nothing to do with being or feeling motivated in any way. Discipline is all about the way that we handle life in general. It is about doing things even when we don’t want to do them. That is the basic principle of discipline and it is crucial in a career in bartending.

For example, if you are working as a bartender and you have an important event the next day very early; you want to make sure that you can get enough sleep. With that said, your friends are telling you that you should go to a party tonight because it will be super fun. This is when discipline comes in and you have to decide if you will forget about that party so that you can be properly rested for work tomorrow.

If you instead decide to go for the other route and party all night, you will be tired and grumpy at work. It will be harder to focus and you will be unable to perform at your best. All of this can easily be noticed by your employer and it could affect any future work from that client.

This is just one of the many ripple effects that come from our inability to have discipline. We need to be able to enforce that one aspect of our lives as much as we possibly can. Those who have discipline always have the right kind.

It is said that the ley to happiness is to have the discipline to get things done when all you want to do is do nothing. It is easier said than done for many people, but those who practice discipline will always be more successful and happy that those who don’t.

Commitment to the profession

If bartender is something that holds your interest, you need to commit to the journey of bartending. There will be times when you won’t want to go to work. This is something that is going to happen to you even when you are working on something you love.

The main thing that you want to consider when it comes to this aspect of the job is that things can get very hectic. If you are ready to bartend, you will find that his can be a draining job if you are not committed.

The main thing that often happens with this kind of job is that it becomes difficult to stay energized at times. Some bartenders take too many liberties with their sleeping time. This means that they can often end up being super tired during work.

Few things can make someone feel like they do not want to work as much as being tired. This takes us back to the importance of discipline and being able to prioritize the things that matter.

Emotional maturity and bartending age

This is the most difficult thing for anyone in bartending to ever master. With that said, it is also the one thing that every bartender should have. The power to be in control of your emotions has a got a lot to do with the bartending age.

When people are in their twenties and even early thirties, it can still be very hard to handle emotions. The main problem with this is that when they get angry when they are faced with difficult situations. This is a terrible thing because their anger dominates their decisions.

When someone in bartending is unable to keep cool they will quickly fall into a situation that is very difficult. The emotionally controlled and mature bartender is always going to be the preferred choice of people.

Perhaps this is the reason why it is hard to find great bartenders who are too young. There are of course many exceptions to this rule. A large number of bartender’s have proved to be extremely reliable even in their twenties.

There are many situations that put a bartender’s emotional control to the test. This happens because bartending is a profession that forces people to deal with inebriated guests.

This means that there will be many situations when the bartender will deal with someone who is rude. The best approach in this case is to have the emotional skills to deal with the issue.

Learn to detach your personal feelings with your Bartending age

A great way to achieve that is by not taking this sort of thing personally. These drunk and loud guests would have been just as annoying to anyone else. This is the reason why it is crucial to be able to detach yourself from situations. To make them personal is to allow them to greatly affect you.

You can also make use of the strategy of not involving opinions about politics or religion. These are two of the main topics that create conflict between people. It is also the reason why it is a good idea to avoid this as much as possible. A great bartender is neutral regarding this sort of topic.

The ability to prioritize work over leisure

When we mentioned this in the section about discipline, we did not go deep into the subject. It really does deserve to have its own section because of how important it is. The main thing to keep in mind is that bartending is a job that you need to take seriously.

When you feel like you need to take time off and you don’t want to work, that is when you have to work the most. Once you start to practice that level of dripline, it becomes easy to reject leisure in favor of work.

The main problem this for many people is that they feel like they need more free time. They believe that having as much free time s possible is necessary. The truth is that taking too much free time off work is always a bad thing.

You need to remember that everything in this world is a competition in many ways. This means that taking too much time for leisure is always going to set you back. There is always someone else out there working harder than you. They are also prioritizing rest, exercise, and a good diet.

If you want to remain competitive in this type of situation, you really need to step your game up. You have to be ready for work even when it feels like you want to be out having fun. The good news is that bartending can be a very fun profession in itself.

To have a great memory for Bartending age

You need to be someone who has a great memory if you are looking to be a bartender. The main reason why this is important is to ensure that you can memorize all the cocktails.

There are a total of 77 official cocktails for bartending, but there are dozens of extra combinations. What this means is that you are very likely to end up needing to learn over a hundred cocktail mixes.

You also need to consider the importance of having a great memory to remember faces. A great part of being a bartender is to be able to socialize with people. This is going to help you achieve the best results. When you have a good memory, you can call people by their name, and also remember what kind of drinks they like.

The main thing to remember with beading is that it is all about the social environment. This is the reason why people with good memories are usually going to achieve better results.

How old does someone need to be to bartend?

There is no specific age to be a good bartender, but there is an age that is required by many states. Legally speaking, a person should only be able to bartend after they turn 21. This is the case in many countries and US states.

So, the legal age is usually 21, but most people are still not really prepared to barter at that age. There is need for a certain level of emotional maturity that is very unlikely when you are 21. Like we said earlier, this is not always the case, but it is a common thing to see.

What is the most important skill for any bartender to have?

The one skill that all bartenders should have is to become emotionally strong. This is the emotional intelligence of a person. It is crucial for this sort of job as you will be dealing with a great number of people day after day. Most people have a problem learning this skill properly for work and for their lives.

There are many people who are great at all other aspects of bartending, but they lack this crucial skill. This is going to prove to be very important and it is the thing that often separates the successful bartenders from those who are unable to succeed.

How much can a new bartender earn as a freelancer?

The money you can earn by freelance bartending as beginner bartender can be around $10 to $15 an hour; in some cases, it can also be around $20 an hour. The main thing to consider in this situation is that experience allows you to charge more. So, it is always a good idea to be ok with charging less.

There are many people in freelancing that sacrifice the first few months and even years. They will earn less but they will gain experience and become more valuable as freelancers. This s often the best way to approach this as it allows people to become better at the job.

Party Shakers ensures the best service for your needs

The team at Party Shakers is 100% professional and working at the right bartending age. Most of the team is old enough to have all the required skills, but young enough to be energetic and dynamic.

If you feel like you want the very best for your next event, you can always hire the services at Party Shakers for the best results. Just let us know what kind of event you wish to have; our team will make sure to bartend for it with the best services.

Questions and answers

How old does someone need to be to bartend?

The age for people to become bartenders is going to depend on several factors. The legal age is 21 in most areas, but this can also be different in some places.

What is the most important skill for any bartender to have?

The one skill that is truly the most important for a bartender to have is to be in control f their emotions. When someone can control their emotions, bartending becomes much easier.

How much can a new bartender earn as a freelancer?

The most common thing to see is someone earning between $10 an $20 as a freelancer at first. The rates charged per hour can start to increase when someone has gained enough experience. This is why popular batenders charge more.

Final thoughts on bartending age

The best bartending age is one where you are legally able to bartend, but also one that showcases skilled and mature individuals. This is be the best formula for you to achieve optional results with your efforts.

If you want to see how the best in the business work, just hire Party Shakers for your next event!