bartending private events | Party Shakers

There is no doubt that any good event is going to require a good bartender to go with it. This is the reason why it is so important to ensure that you can get the best bartending private events service.

When you hire bartenders, you need to ensure that the have a reputation for a great service. This is going to be the best way for you to be able to ensure that everything goes smoothly. It is essential to do that when you want your event or party to be a total success.

It is always essential to remember that the best services available are also going to be on high demand. This means that you have to make sure that you can request the service ahead of time.

The search for the best bartending private events services

When people go online and search for reputable bartender agencies near me, this means they want quality. Considering that good quality is not easy to find, the best approach is to look for specific benefits.

The best services have to meet a specific number of qualities that are going to be extremely useful and important. This is why we are going to go over some of those important aspects right now.

How to hire a bartender for a party?

When you consider the search for a great bartender service, you have to start by searching the web. You will often find the essential information about the services in your area. It is always important to ensure that you can find services that have the right kind of presence online.

This means that you should always expect any professional and reputable bartender agencies to have their own website. It is essential for any business that is serious to have one. This means that there is a level of commitment to their profession and that will go a long way in ensuring optimal results.

The nest thing to consider is that any bartending business that is serious should also have active social media pages. They should be showcasing their work and there should be updates at least every month. This is also a good way to know that a business is looking to achieve the best results.

The personality of the bartenders is essential

When you are looking to decide how to hire a bartender for a party, their personality is an important consideration. Always remember that people who are friendly and outgoing are best suited to be bartenders.

The last thing you want for your events is someone who seems to be unable to interact with people. You need people with genuine smiles and a friendly and helpful attitude. This is going to be your ticket for an excellent environment that will make this process better for your guests.

It is also good to consider the way the bartenders look in terms of their clothing and their overall presentation.  These are all points that will count towards the best and most reliable options for your bartending needs. Never forget that a good bartender is someone who can make people feel special.

Emotional control is a huge part of the service

It is very difficult for anyone to be able to achieve results as a bartender if you are not emotionally strong. Emotional maturity and intelligence are both super important in any kind of service.

When we talk about emotional control, we are talking about something that is very deep and extremely important to consider. This is the type of thing that is going to make a world of a difference in everything that we do. There are all sorts of things that you need to take into account. You have to be on your best in order to handle all kinds of people and situations.

For example, a bartender that is unable to have emotional control is always going to struggle to stay calm. This is a big problem in an industry that forces you to deal with a lot of people who are drinking.

It is also important to remember that people who drink tend to become louder and more confrontational at times. This means that it is much easier to find yourself in a situation that tests your emotional control in bartending.

How much do bartenders charge for bartending private events?

The costs of a private party are always going to require a talk with each bartender separately. You want to make sure that you are working with a bartender that knows how to handle the work and the specific requirements of your event. With that said, they can usually range from $50 upwards to $300 depending on the abilities and the experience of the bartender.

The costs depend on factors such as the size of the event, the expected cocktails to serve, and the timeframe. Once you are able to have a talk with the bartender, you should be able to get a cost.

Keep in mind that good bartenders have very busy schedules and this means you should reach out ahead of time. The recommendation is to do this at least one month prior to any event as this is going to ensure the best outcome.

What are the bartender rates for private parties?

The rates that bartenders charge for private parties are always going to be changing, but you can see new bartenders charging as little as $15 to $30. The factors that we mentioned before are all going to play important roles. The most reliable bartenders are people who are committed to their jobs and they are full time bartenders.

When you work with bartenders that have other jobs, you are likely to find that they won’t be as committed. This is because they will often be tired from their day job and it will be harder to handle things.

This is why you should always ask bartenders if this is a job that they do all day long. It is crucial for their success to be able to do this. Never forget that there will always be bartenders who do this for a living exclusively.

Get to know the bartenders you plan to hire

It is important to get to know the bartenders that you are looking to hire. This can turn into a very good way to make a decision. You can arrange a meeting via a video conference application or a face to face meeting. Either way, the goal is to get to know the personality and the experience of the bartender you are hiring.

This is very insightful because you can decide if a bartender is ideal for your event with an informed approach. One thing is to hear about someone’s credentials and experience, and another is to speak to them and ask questions.

If you can hire the right group of bartenders, you can expect things to turn out exactly as you wish. This is why it is a good idea to take the time to get to know them and see how they work.

What happens when you need a bartending team?

Many events will require more than one or two bartenders. When this happens, you need to consider the value and importance of hiring high-end bartender services. The kind that offers a whole team of reliable professionals.

This requires that you hire an experienced bartending agency. One that knows how to work in team efforts with a group of bartenders who are all equally skilled. Always remember that and you will find it much easier to see results.

The best bartending teams out there are the kind that can handle any type of event. They can also provide any number of required bartenders and they all know all the mixes. Once you are able to find a team like this, things will be simpler. You will have a much easier time achieving the results you are looking for at all times.

How to bartend private events?

When a bartender works for a private event, it is always a good idea to do some research. It is essential that he is able to get a clear picture of the kind of work that is going to be required. The best results are always possible when this is considered.

The bartender should learn about the types of drinks that are the most popular for that particular audience. This is also going to prove to be an important thing to keep in mind. This will allow the bartender to properly organize the party drink requirements. Party organizers requires this at all times in most cases.

Bartending private events can be very similar to the process of bartending regular events. You need to take the time to consider any specific needs of your clients. It is likely that the person that hires you will hear feedback from all the guests at some point. This is due to a private event often being something done with people you know.

Party Shakers offers the services you want and need

One of the greatest things about Party Shakers is the fact that the ream is highly committed to the assurance of quality. This is going to prove to be a very important part of the process. You have to be able to guarantee that the results will be up to your expectations. This is why you can feel extremely satisfied with the process by hiring Party Shakers to get the job done.

We have been in the bartending business long enough to understand what it is that our customers need the most. The ability to create a very reliable and highly efficient service is one that makes things much easier.

That is why we are different from the rest in the industry. It is also the reason why you can see us as the ultimate service provider. We have a team of bartenders that is extremely efficient in their job.

They all understand the importance and the value of getting things done with the best possible outcome. Every bartender at Party Shakers is highly experience with the process of mixing cocktails.

On top of that, they all work with a very friendly attitude at all times. The kind that ensures your guests get the right kind of treatment. Emotional control is also a huge part of the Party Shakers tea and we are proud to say we know how to handle all sorts of difficult situations. Click here to book our services.

Bartending private events: Why hire reputable bartenders for your events?

Questions and Answers

How to hire a bartender for a party?

Hiring a bartender for a party should not be that difficult of a task and it can always be ideal. Always remember that the very best in the business will have a strong online presence. This gives you a great window of opportunity to check what they can do.

How much do bartenders charge for private parties?

The cost that bartenders charge for private events are going to depend on many factors. The length of the event, the size of the event, and the required service for the bartender to perform. For example, the costs of bartending with regular drink preparation are different from those for flair bartending.
The cost that bartenders charge for private events are going to depend on many factors. The length of the event, the size of the event, and the required service for the bartender to perform. For example, the costs of bartending with regular drink preparation are different from those for flair bartending.

What are the bartender rates for private parties?

The rates for the private event bartenders are not possible to specificy simply by the hour. There are other factors that will play a role in this and they need to be taken into consideration. You need to start by taking the time to ensure that this happens properly and that it is achievable with the best outcome.

How to engage bartending private events?

The process of bartending private events if very different for bartenders from the process of tending to regular events. We always recommend that anyone that is looking to get the best results in bartending should learn all the details.

Final thoughts

While hiring bartenders for events is fairly easy, hiring the best ones is not that simple. You need to make sure that you take the required time to get the work done right. Once you have done your research, it will be easier to find the best and most reliable services.

The main thing to remember at all times is that experience and reliability are essential for a great bartending private events service.