Hiring a bartender for an event, what do you need to know? | Party Shakers

Bartenders have become not only those people who are behind the bar and who we order our favorite drink or cocktail. They are more than the person we can talk to and tell them how complicated our day has been. They are also present in a large number of activities and events.

There are many things you need to know when hiring a bartender. You should focus mainly on the quality of the service and the ability of the bartender to handle specific situations. This is going to be important and it will help ensure great results.

When someone is going to host an event or party in the city of Los Angeles, they will generally look for event bartenders in Los Angeles. In order to take care of all their needs during the event. The truth is that today, organizing an event or party, be it a birthday, anniversary or wedding is not an easy task. Especially since it requires a lot of preparation and. In addition, you have to pay attention to many details.

Finding event bartenders 

Today, anyone can find the best bartending services in Los Angeles just by doing a little internet search. Therefore, if you are looking for the best in the area, you can be sure that it is what you will find as first options. Nevertheless, despite that, hiring a team of bartenders to attend your event is not an easy task.

There are important events like our wedding, where everything must be perfect. From the food to the music that is going to be used. However and above all, we want our guests to enjoy a spectacular party. That is the moment when we start looking for the best wedding bartenders to hire. We want them to be the ones who serve their guests the best cocktails and drinks throughout the activity. 

Today events are much more than playing music and eating and drinking. Weddings, birthday parties, anniversaries, are full of surprises and many activities. All that people want is that the guests enjoy an unforgettable moment. The various options such as Photo Booth services or having a DJ at the activity encouraging the guests, is increasingly common.

Why bar service?

Nevertheless, as we said at the beginning, there is something to consider. There is not an activity or party that can never be complete or successful if there is not good service in the bar area. In any event or party, the bar is undoubtedly one of the most popular places for all the guests. Some of the best bartending services in Los Angeles offer the best when it comes to bartending.

However, with so many offers at hand, how can you determine which are the best bartending services in Los Angeles? There are several qualities and skills that every bartender must have. This is more important when we need to hire them to attend an event or party.

Hire a bartender for an event or party | Party Shakers

Hire a bartender for an event or party

The bartender service for events or parties is ideal for any type of guest. Since they are highly professional and that allows them to adapt to any type of party or activity. These bartenders go beyond serving drinks, as some have learned or possess various skills. For example, some have specialized in flairtending (flair bartending). Flairtending consists in juggling some elements of the bar like bottles, among others.

There is a wide variety of Event bartenders in Los Angeles. However, when you are doing your research, there are several things to make sure this bartender team delivers. One cannot lose sight of the fact that, although a professional bartender is hired, bartenders are not robots that can only be programmed. This means that it is important to know what qualities they should have and what type of services they can provide.

Several considerations before hiring

What must be taken into account when we are hiring a bartender? No matter if it is for an anniversary or birthday or for events that are more special than others are. One important event is a wedding. Therefore, you will need the Best wedding bartending services. Next, we will mention some of the functions of bartenders at events:

  • The bartender must keep his work area (the bar, and all the spaces and tables around) clean. In addition to having on hand all the ingredients, utensils, mixes and drinks that he will need to serve each drink. Needs to consider what drinks will be available in the event.
  • They must prepare the party area completely. This will help them to perform their work in optimal conditions. At the same time, make it easier for them to move everywhere and the guests who will approach the bar.
  • If during the event there is any other entertainment activity such as Photo Booth services. The bartender must inform the guests that these activities are part of the event or party. Especially if the same company provides these services.
  • It is the bartender’s responsibility to take good care of all the guests. At the same time, prepare their favorite drinks and cocktails that they request. In addition, they must always maintain a cordial, friendly, special treatment, be courteous and listen to the guest effectively.
  • Do everything possible to attend to all the guests in an agile way. That way, there won’t be a line in the bar area. This is important since the guests do not want to wait for their favorite cocktail to be served. In addition, they don’t want to have to wait long to have their drinks in their hands.

Hiring a bartender for an event or party, what skills should they have and how they should work 

When you hire a bartender to work at your party or event, you should see it as if you are hiring a friend. In addition, it is important to serve the most popular cocktails and drinks. Maybe also those that are currently trending. It will help the guests to have a fun, enjoyable and entertaining time. If you hire one of the best bartending services in Los Angeles, you are hoping that they will give you the best. Not only when it comes to preparation of cocktails or drinks, but also in terms of their attitude towards guests.

Theskills of a bartender should always be related to all mixology experience. This is usually the kind of thing that makes the difference. it is not neccesary for them to have specifiuc knowledge of mixology in terms of studies. This can also be learned by experince.

What qualities should the ideal bartender have for your event?

A bartender must be fully trained to not only prepare delicious cocktails and smile throughout the event. Also, manage all your supplies in the appropriate way. If you are hiring a team of Event bartenders in Los Angeles, you want not only the best quality and professionalism. You need to manage the drinks you serve well, especially so that guests do not get out of control with large amounts of alcohol.

It is also essential for a great bartener for an event to be someone who is calm and easy to work with. This should be a person that shows a great deal of emotional control. This means that you want to hire a bartender that truly understands the required skills to handle difficult bar goers. 

For some good rextra reading, Bar Jockey talks about 10 qualities a bartender should have.

What to consider when hiring a professional bartender team

When you hire a professional bartender team, therefore, you are also hiring the services of the entire bar. This means that, when holding the event or private party, you will have the presence of a full bar in place. This will include the bartenders. So if you are going to hire Event bartenders in Los Angeles, you should not only pay attention to how the bartenders work, but to everything that includes the bar service you are paying for.

You are not only investing in someone who can bartend, you are also investing in someone who can handle pressure. The bartender you hire needs to be someone who can work in any kind of situation with any type of crowd. This is the type of thing that truly makes a difference when you decide to hire anyone for this job.

The benefits of hiring a professional bar and bartending team

  • Having a bar with both alcoholic and non-alcoholic beverages always provides you with some kind of special alternative. That way your guests can easily enjoy good cocktails or drinks. In addition, they get to be served by the best bartenders.
  • Have a bar and bartender serving your guests, now you have time when you are planning all the details of the event with regard to drinks. They will cover everything.
  • Some of these companies that offer Mobile bars are more than that. In addition to the professional bartenders who accompany them, they have other services such as Photo Booth services. That will ensure that their guests enjoy a fun moment. In addition, they can take with them a nice memory of the party or event.
  • When you are looking for the Best wedding bartenders to hire since the party or event you want to organize is your wedding, you want the best. There are expert bartenders who provide their services for this type of event. You just have to do a search to find out what are the best options in your area.

Things to also look out for

  • When you hire a team of professional bartenders for an event, you can be sure that they will be able to adapt each drink (with or without alcohol).  In addition, every cocktail will be personalized to the type of event or activity you are celebrating. For example, if it is a wedding, and the wedding has some type of theme or particular color, the bartenders can create cocktails and varied drinks with that specific color. That way, everything will be coordinated, which will make everything much more special. Both for the married couple and for the guests.
  • In many cases, these bartenders are professionals who are experts in mixology. Therefore, they will be able to pair with the food you are providing at the event.
  • In general, these services where bartenders can be hired, offer different prices, for each budget. Many companies offer complete packages where they add the bar, bartenders, catering. Moreover, even other entertainment activities such as Photo Booth services.

Other benefits include

  • Many of these bartenders specialize in the well-known Flair bartending, which consists of making a series of movements and juggling with bottles. In addition, they do movements with other elements that may be present in the work area of ​​the bar. This will undoubtedly be another attraction for the guests, and will take your party or event to another level.
  • There are important advantages that must be taken into account when hiring a bartender or a team of bartenders. This, without a doubt, will convince you that the best option is to hire a team of expert and professional bartenders to support you in your event and the same is a success. Some of these advantages are:
  • When doing a party or event, if you do it by yourself, at the end of the activity, you are going to have to clean and tidy everything up on your own. However, when you hire a group of bartenders, they usually take care of this annoying part of the event, cleaning and leaving everything in order. This is more important in activities such as a wedding, so you have to look for the Best wedding bartending services.
  • All bartenders know all the drinks on the menu, whether they are the most traditional or not. An expert bartender will know and be able to make all kinds of mixes that can be made with the drinks that are being served during the event.
  • The bar is the busiest space of any party or activity. Therefore, having an experienced bartender team will make a big difference between your event being a total success, or just one more event. A professional bartender team will have the party or event always on the move and will avoid long lines to order a drink or cocktail. 

Questions and answers

How much does it cost to hire a bartender? 

This is going to depend on too many variables such as the type of event and the specific requirements for that given event.

How to test a bartender’s skills?

This is very easy, you arrange a meeting and request that the bartender makes some popular drinks, but alternatively, you could test the bartender and ask on the phone or via conference if he or she knows the ingredients and mix to any specific drink in the official list.

What are the safety protocols during covid?

Wearing a quality mask at all times and using hand sanitizer whenever handling anything like used glasses, money, etc.

Final thoughts on hiring a bartender

If you want your event or party to be a complete success, hiring a professional bartender team can ensure that and above all. It will allow you and your guests to enjoy the party without worrying about anything.