How do you bartend a private party? | Party Shakers

Private party events are always the kind of event organized with careful planning. This is a common thing to see in Los Angeles due to the lifestyle and the general vibe of the city. The best bartending services in Los Angeles need to keep this in mind.

There are many considerations when you are looking to bartend for a private party. The first thing to remember is that you want to hire the best bartenders in the area. They should be professionals that understand the value of accessible quality.

With that said, there are many factors to keep in mind when you decide on the best bartenders. The goal of this post is to help provide some insightful tips on the process of choosing the best professionals. Once you are clearer on your options and your expectations, you will have a much easier time achieving results.

How much does private party bartending cost?

Private bartending is a service that will have different price ranges. If you are hiring a single bartender, you are likely to find one for a low cost. When you hire a team, you will need to invest more. The same goes depending on the timeframe and other factors such as using a Photo Booth service.

The good news when it comes to private bartending is that you can find very accessible prices even when hiring quality bartending. Just to give you a rough estimate, you can be looking at anything between $18 to $50 an hour. Usually, something in the middle is to be expected.

The costs are also going to depend on other factors such as the number of guests and the required amount of time for bartenders to handle the bar. This can be quite different depending on the type of event that is held. Just make sure to have a clear discussion with the person that is hiring your services.

How many bartenders do you need for 100 guests?

It is recommended to have at least one bartender for every 80 to 90 guests at a private party. This means that the best way to handle 100 guests or more is to have two bartenders at least. This is the best way to ensure that no guests are going to wait too long for drinks.

If your party has more than 200 guests, you need to have at least four bartenders handling everything. This is very important at private parties because you want to give people the best possible experience. 

How much should I charge to bartend a party?

If you are on the bartending end and you are looking to decide how much to charge for a private party, you need to make some important decisions. The first one is to consider your potential client’s budget. 

This is often going to depend on the location of the party and the size of the venue. You also need to think about the number of guests and how much work you will be doing. The busier you are, the more you should be charging.

Do you need a license to bartend in Los Angeles?

There is no requirement for a license to bartend in LA, but you may require certain certifications. The LEAD program is the most common request by many employers in Los Angeles, but this entirely dependent on each client.

How do I hire a bartender for an event? | Party Shakers

How do I hire a bartender for an event?

Some people have a hard time making this decision due to many factors. This can be a huge reason why it is important to have a checklist of what you expect from the bartending service. The bartender you hire is going to set the tone for the overall success of the event in many cases.

The following are some of the most relevant things to consider:

  • A bartending team with experience
  • Competitive prices with optimal quality
  • Great reviews from past clients for all services provided
  • A friendly and responsive customer service
  • Proper precautions regarding social distancing

The experience

It is important to make sure that you can hire a bartender that has the level of experience you need. When a bartender has done plenty of work tending to events they will have a much higher level of emotional control.

It is essential that a bartender and a bartending team have experience and exposure to many situations. This is going to guarantee that they will provide an excellent service for your private party. 

When you consider hiring a new bartender service provider without experience, you are taking a risk. While this is fine if you like to give new services a chance, you need to consider that it could end up being an issue.

Competitive prices

Now that bartenders are able to get more work, the competition is back in full force. Bartending services are in high demand all over Los Angeles and this means that competitive prices are essential

It is very important to consider that even the best in the business want to keep their prices competitive. Overcharging due to experience can be a bad idea in times when everyone is just getting back on track.

The more you can sacrifice your earnings at first for the purpose of gaining popularity, the better. The best way to start a bartending service is to get the word out about the quality of the services you provide.

Great feedback

This is also going to be extremely important when you are looking for bartenders for hire in LA. The more satisfied clients people can read about, the easier it is to make a decision. This is one of the reasons why it is so important for bartenders to have a good amount of positive customer feedback to show.

The more feedback that a bartending service collects, the easier it is for a potential new client to decide. It is always essential to have this content on display, as it is very helpful for a successful outcome.

If you really want to be successful with any line of business today, you need to have customer satisfaction content available.

Quality customer service

This is going to be one of the factors that most people are going to consider to be essential. If you can find quality customer service, you are going to be more inclined to make use of any service. 

When bartender service providers are responsive and friendly to inquiries, this is a clear indicator of their commitment. You are always going to prefer a service that is good before and after you hire them.

If there is one thing that truly makes a difference when it comes to returning customers, it has to be the quality of your service. Make sure that everyone is happy with the services that you provide.

Social distancing protocols for private party events

Many protocols are going to be important to follow. Even when many restrictions go away, there are still concerns over the pandemic and it is essential for certain protocols to remain active. 

The modern world is one that requires a more careful approach to social distancing and hygiene. This is why every bartender that is working at events or parties should be careful with this aspect of the job. Masks are still an important part of current social interactions.

How much does mobile bartending cost?

Mobile bartending can usually have a higher cost due to all the equipment, and liquor required. The number of drinks and the types of brands you request can be very important. When you look for the most expensive brands, this requires a mobile bar with a more expensive load of items.

The cost of mobile bartending is one that can be very important to consider. This will depend on several factors that are going to be very relevant to this process. For example, the liquor and beverage package that you request. Also the number of bartenders and mobile bars you want at the venue. 

When you hire a mobile bar, you may expect to have the best liquor brands. Some people prefer to go for more popular brands that are good quality but have lower costs. You should always consider that these decisions alter the cost of the mobile bartending service. 

If you are a bartender looking to decide the best rates for your services. You should always take the time to look at the competition and see what kind of prices are out there. This is a good way for you to test things out. You will have an easier time deciding on the best rates for beverage catering and bartender service in general. 

The demand is high and so is the competition

These are times when the competitive edge is essential for bartending. If you are hosting a party, you have to remember that many bartenders offer different services. Some bartenders may only have basic services, while others could even offer flair.

Flair bartending is the process of doing all kinds of stunts and tricks with bottles, glasses, and liquids. This is often requested by private and public parties alike. The cost of this type of service will depend on each bartender and the level of complexity of the tricks.

If you wish to be able to provide the most entertainment for your event, the flair bartender is always a good option. With that said, the most relevant aspect of this is to ensure that you can hire someone with experience. The experience mixing drinks and handling guests with a friendly attitude.

When you are able to find bartenders that are in total control of their emotions. Bartenders are very professional about their services and know all of the IBA cocktail mixes. That is when you have found the best bartenders for your next private party. 

Bartenders for private events have to be the kind of people that are easy to work with. They also have to be people who have proper emotional control.  Private party events are very different from public or corporate events and knowing how to handle guests is essential. 

Party Shakers  offers the services you want and need

Now you have a better idea of the aspects you want to consider when hiring a bartender service. Party Shakers offers all of the services you want without ever dropping their level of quality. 

There are great and very accessible prices for all the bartending services offered. The team understands how to handle all sorts of events and you can expect a high level of professionalism.  

Feel free to reach out and find out what kind of services to hire for your next event. We are ready to handle any private party event. We do this with the best and most professional bartending team you can hire.

Questions and Answers regarding private party events

How do you bartend a private party?

Bartending a private party is all about the quality of the bartending service as a whole. This means that the person handling the bartending process should be someone that is friendly and outgoing.

How much does private party bartending cost?

The cost of private bartending is going to depend on many factors. It is important to consider this and understand that too many factors are involved. This means that hourly rates for a single bartender can range from, $18 hour to $50. The same goes when you are looking to hire a team of bartenders.

How many private party bartenders do you need for 100 guests?

Bartenders for parties will usually need to evaluate how many guests will attend the event. This is going to be a very important part of the process. It will help determine how many bartenders should be available. If you have over 100 guests, you should have at least 2 bartenders handling the bar at all times.

Do you need a license to bartend at private parties in Los Angeles?

This is a common question when people are looking for the best bartending services in Los Angeles. There is no need for a license to be a bartender in LA, but some employers could request specific certifications. This type of requirement is always going to be something that varies depending on the client.

How do I hire a bartender for a private event?

When you are looking to hire bartending services for an event or party, you need to consider the best options. This can be a long process if you don’t know where to look. It is important to decide on a good one. The best bartending services understand the importance of balancing rates and quality at all times.

Final thoughts on private party events

Many parties are taking place in LA now that things are getting back to normal to a certain degree. If you want to hire a truly reliable bartender for a party or bartenders for private events, you need to look for the best in the business.

Private parties are usually the type of event that is going to require more careful planning. Hosts always want to make the best impression and the best way to do this is to provide a really outstanding experience. The kind that people at the event are going to remember.

Party Shakers offers all the solutions you want and need for your next big party!