How to make the Autum Spritz - Party Shakers

As autumn sets in with its vibrant foliage and crisp air, our cocktail cravings take a delightful turn towards flavors that reflect the season. Today, we’re going to guide you on how to make the Autum Spritz with Party Shakers. This refreshing yet cozy cocktail combines tequila, Aperol, lime juice, simple syrup, and aromatic bitters, topped off with soda water.

The Ingredients:

  • 1.5 ounces of tequila
  • 0.5 ounce of Aperol
  • 3/4 ounce of lime juice
  • 0.5 ounce of simple syrup
  • 2 dashes of aromatic bitters
  • Ice
  • Soda water
  • Dehydrated orange slice
  • Straw

Here are some popular Tequila brands from best to worst.

The essentials on how to make the Autum Spritz

Tequila: The Heart of the Autumn Spritz

At the core of this drink is one and a half ounces of tequila. The warmth of the tequila, with its earthy and agave notes, sets the stage for the autumn-inspired flavors we’re about to introduce.

Aperol: A Touch of Bitter Sweetness

To complement the tequila and add a layer of complexity, we introduce half an ounce of Aperol. This Italian aperitif, with its bittersweet orange flavor, brings an autumnal character to the drink.

Lime Juice: A Citrus Zing

Three-fourths of an ounce of lime juice provides the cocktail with a refreshing burst of citrusy zing. It balances the richness of the tequila and Aperol while adding a lively note. This is important when learning how to make the Autum Spritz.

Simple Syrup: The Sweet Harmony

A half-ounce of simple syrup is added to sweeten the deal. It marries all the flavors in the cocktail, ensuring a harmonious blend that’s not too sweet or too sour.

Aromatic Bitters: The Fragrant Twist

To impart depth and a hint of spice to the Autumn Spritz, two dashes of aromatic bitters are incorporated. These bitters introduce a subtle complexity and a delightful aroma to the drink.

The Art of Crafting the Autumn Spritz

Begin by filling a glass with ice. The scoop of ice creates the ideal foundation for this chilled cocktail, ensuring it stays refreshing from the first sip to the last.

In a shaker, combine the tequila, Aperol, lime juice, simple syrup, and aromatic bitters.

Shake the mixture well to blend the ingredients thoroughly and chill the concoction.

Strain the cocktail into the prepared glass, pouring it gently over the ice. This is essential when learning how to make the Autum Spritz.

To add a sparkling touch to the Autumn Spritz, top it off with soda water. The effervescence not only enhances the overall experience but also makes it more seasonally apt.

Garnish your creation with a dehydrated orange slice, a perfect representation of the fall season’s bounty.

For convenience and an added touch of elegance, insert a straw into your drink.

Here are a couple of drink suggestions you might like:

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Final thoughts on how to make the Autum Spritz

The Autumn Spritz is a testament to the delightful flavors that autumn brings. With the earthy warmth of tequila, the bittersweet allure of Aperol, the zing of lime, and the aromatic bitters, this cocktail offers a unique blend that celebrates the season.

So, whether you’re cozied up by the fireplace or hosting a gathering of friends and family, the Autumn Spritz is an ideal choice to capture the essence of fall in a glass. Raise your glass, sip, and savor the flavors of the season with this beautifully crafted cocktail.

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