How to make the Indian Summer Cocktail - Party Shakers

Hey there, cocktail aficionados! We are Party Shakers, and today I have a delightful concoction in store for you – the guide on how to make the Indian Summer cocktail.


  • 3/4 oz of vodka
  • 3/4 oz of gin
  • 1 1/2 oz of kahlua
  • 1 1/2 of pineapple juice
  • top off with tonic water

Here is a list of the Best Vodka Brands.

Mixing It Up to learn how to make the Indian Summer Cocktail

Begin by grabbing your trusty tin and adding a generous handful of ice. Remember, we want this cocktail to be cool and refreshing.

Now, let’s start with the spirits. Pour 3/4 ounce of vodka into your tin, followed by 3/4 ounce of gin. These two spirits will form the base of our Indian Summer cocktail.

Next up, let’s introduce some intriguing flavors. Measure out 1 1/2 ounces of Kahlua coffee liqueur and add it to the mix. The rich, dark coffee notes are about to create some magic with our next ingredient.

Now, for a tropical twist, pour in 1 1/2 ounces of pineapple juice. It might seem unusual, but trust me, the combination is surprisingly delightful.

With all the ingredients in the tin, it’s time for the magic touch. Give it a good, hard shake. This step is essential to ensure that all the flavors meld together harmoniously.

Serving in Style

Reach for your preferred glass – I personally enjoy using a wine glass. Its larger size allows for a comfortable sipping experience without the need for ice. Plus, it comes with a handle to keep your drink cooler for longer.

Carefully strain your Indian Summer cocktail into the glass. The rich, inviting color promises a tantalizing experience.

Finishing Touch

To complete our Indian Summer creation, we’ll add a generous splash of tonic water. This effervescent addition not only livens up the drink but also adds a layer of refreshing complexity.

Tasting the Indian Summer

Now, the moment we’ve all been waiting for – let’s give this unique blend of flavors a taste test.

When I first came across the Indian Summer cocktail, I must admit I had my doubts. Pineapple juice and coffee liqueur, combined with vodka and gin? It sounded like an unusual mix, to say the least. However, upon taking my first sip, I was pleasantly surprised. The sweetness of the pineapple juice beautifully complements the rich, coffee-infused notes of the Kahlua. If you have a sweet tooth and enjoy coffee, this drink might just become your new favorite. It’s a delightful, unexpected twist that makes the Indian Summer cocktail truly special.

Check out our guides on other drinks worth considering:

The Alien Brain

Cucumber Melon Spritz

Final Thoughts on how to make the Indian Summer Cocktail

So there you have it, the Indian Summer cocktail – a testament to the adventurous spirit of mixology. Sometimes, the most surprising combinations can result in the most rewarding flavors. Give it a try, and you might find yourself sipping sunshine in a glass. Until next time, cocktail enthusiasts, keep experimenting, keep sipping, and keep those suggestions coming in the comments below. Cheers to memorable moments and fantastic cocktails!

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