Professional bartenders for events are emotionally strong. There is a very specific process that is required from bartenders when they are dealing with someone who is difficult. This process requires that they are emotionally stable enough to handle any situation.
The way the best bartenders handle this type of situation is by having an immense amount of emotional control and intelligence. It is essential to understand how this works and how it can be so important in life.
One of the first things to know is that a bartending team needs to have the skills to handle crowds. If a single bartender in a team is not able to do this, the results can be terrible.
The nature of people an alcohol and professional bartenders for events
When have all seen what alcohol can do to people and it is never a good thing. Some people commit very serious acts of violence when they are under the influence of alcohol. This is never a thing to take or see lightly.
Alcoholism ruins lives, but even if someone is not an alcoholic, they could end up in a very serious situation. A single night of hard drinking can land someone in problems for a multitude of reasons.
When alcohol is involved in parties, everything becomes more difficult and more likely to turn difficult. People who are normally very jovial and easy going can turn into ill-tempered individuals.
This can often be seen happening at events and parties with alcoholic beverages involved. It is very important to take the time to look into this and to see how it can be fixed. It is inevitable for alcohol to bring out bad behavior in people. With that said, it is not viable to have to stop serving drinks at events. This means that the solution has to come from somewhere else.
Why are people more likely to be rude and confrontational when they drink too much?
Before we go on, it is important to determine that there are usually two types of drinkers. Those who become super friendly and those who become violent. The good news is that statistically, those who become aggressive are the minority.
Those who are irritable and easily angered when they are sober are more likely to become confrontational while drinking. This is not always the case as it seems that some people who are calm and peaceful sober can strangely turn aggressive instead of friendlier.
The problem with aggressive drunks is that even when they are a minority, they can be very problematic. The most common scenario is when someone who is drunk enters a party. Let’s say one hundred people are happy drinkers and two of them are not.
The two angry drinkers could start to upset the friendly drinkers and this could cause a fight. One thing to consider is that alcohol lowers inhibitions and this means that even peaceful people can be easier to trigger.
So, the one hundred people are not acting in a way that is bad or negative, but the negative and aggressive drinkers start misbehaving. This can create a violent situation for the entire bar and that is always a problem.
One bad apple can ruin the whole batch
If you’ve ever seen a bar fight unfold, you will notice that this is a very common situation. Everyone is having a good time, but there is always that one person that is just looking for trouble.
Sometimes people who get drunk just want to be difficult and they want to start trouble. Like Alfred says to Bruce Wayne about the Joker “some people just want to watch the world burn” and there is much truth to that statement.
This is a problem that is inevitable and there will always be a rotten apple in the bunch. This is the reason why a great bartender is always going to find a way to handle this kind of situation.
How can a professional bartenders for events help with this issue?
A bartender that has the emotional control and maturity to handle drunks is always the best. Imagine what it would be like to be a bartender and to have someone yelling at other people or even at you.
If this happens and you see that someone is being very violent, the results of this can be problematic. A great bartender is laws going to find a way to calm things down even when someone is being rude.
The good thing is that when a bartender knows how to put out “fires” during an event, everything is smoother. This is why the emotionally stable bartender can control all emotions and handle issues with ease.
How can a bartender react to someone who is being rude?
It is important to consider that there are many boundaries that the bartender should not step over. The first one is that the bartender needs to be careful not to end up getting physical.
This means that the bartender should not push, shove, or grab anyone who is being drunk. If this person is being physically aggressive to the bartender, this is a completely different situation.
Everyone has the right to defend themselves and it is never admissible for a person to be physically abusive. If the person is insulting or yelling, the best course of action is for the bartender to request security to remove the person.
If this is not possible, the bartender should try to keep their distance from this person. Someone who is being overly aggressive can snap at any time and avoiding confrontation is best.
This is part of the reason why emotional maturity is so important. Anyone who is in bartending has to deal with two critical emotions. Those are the pride and the ego. For example, when someone is acting badly and being aggressive, a bartender could feel like backing down is a sign of fear.
This is the ego that is getting in the way and not letting the bartender think clearly. Being able to shut that down is going to be crucial if you want to be able to avoid any issues. The ego and the pride can get in the way and make us do things we regret.
Emotional control allows you to avoid taking things personally
The secret to being able to avoid ego and pride issues is to learn not to take things personally. Most of the time, when someone is drunk and rude, they will act this way with anyone. They are not acting out of a personal issue with the bartender, they are simply drunk and annoying.
When a bartender can detach himself or herself from the belief that the problem is personal, this is ideal. The bartender that is able to do this is going to be in full control of the situation.
The best thing is that when a bartender does that, the process of keeping things calm is easier. There is no need to feel like the situation is personal at all and that makes a world of a difference. This is what makes the difference with professional bartenders for events.
Is there a way for people to avoid getting mad when they are drunk?
There is no sure way to say why people get angry when they are drunk. There are some people who are having problems at home or at work and they feel angry about that. When they drink, they let their frustrations out on other people.
In some cases, they are unable to see the importance of not causing trouble and not stepping on people’s toes. This can be a common thing to see, as there are countless situations when people are not able to work through their problems.
Perhaps the most common reason why people will act badly when drunk is chemistry. A higher level of intoxication lowers their inhibitions and makes them feel invincible. This is also important to keep in mind and it will create a higher level of awareness.
The best route is to drink responsibly
Perhaps when someone is unable to behave properly when they drink, the best approach is to avoid drinking. Some people can handle one or two beers or a couple of cocktails and their behavior is unchanged.
When each person understands their limits and they know when things can get ugly, this helps. It is a significantly powerful way to avoid situations that can make them feel aggressive and angry.
This is also why it is a good idea for people to drink to always go out with friends. They are going to help them keep the alcohol on check. The last thing that anyone wants is to be in a bad situation for drinking.
Some people can get in too much trouble for drinking. When someone gets in a physical fight with others, this can lead to serious injuries and even death. The same happens when someone is drunk and drives. There are endless cases when fatal accidents have occurred due to drinking.
Should we all just stop drinking?
The solution to any problem is never to go to extreme measures. It is like saying that we should ban junk food, sweets, and sodas. The solution is in moderating your behavior and jot taking things to the extreme.
This is always going to be the best way for anyone to handle any kind of situation that is difficult. If someone feels that drinking clouds their judgment it is better to avoid that as much as possible.
When someone feels that they have trouble sleeping because they drink too much coffee, they should also avoid that. This is always the kind of thing that affects every aspect of life and moderation is key.
The decisions we make are always going to have a ripple effect in every aspect of life. Knowing how to make the right kind of decision is always important. No one can tell other people how to act and how to live their lives. It is up to each person to know this and take action.
How does this take us back to bartenders and their role in this issue?
The reason why we have gone into details on this topic from the perspective of the aggressive person is simple. It is only once you know the possible hardships of the other person that you can stay in control. This is the reason why it is so important to avoid letting your emotions control you in those situations.
Hire Party Shakers to ensure the best outcome for professional bartenders for events
At party Shakers, we are a team of people who have worked in bartending for a very long time. After years of experience, we have learned how to handle all sorts of people in drinking environments.
This is the reason why you can have certainty that hiring us is going to be ideal. We make this process much easier for you in every possible way. There is no need to work with someone who is not able to handle difficult crowds. We know how important this is with any event.

Questions and answers
This is not an easy thing because there is no way to know how a bartender will act under pressure. A good way to ensure the best results is to hire bartenders with plenty of experience. This usually means that they have handled many difficult situations in the past.
You want to make sure that you can hire someone who is going to be responsible at work. The type of bartender that is always on time and knows how to handle all sorts of situations. The most important thing is for people to take their time and hire someone with experience.
Some people have a hard time keeping their emotions under control, but it is possible to learn this with time. When you find yourself in situations that test your emotions. This is a perfect time to learn to handle those issues.
Final thoughts on professional bartenders for events
When you are dealing with drinkers, you need to be someone who is able to handle any situation. Knowing not to take things personally and being in control of your emotions is crucial for success.