Resourceful bartenders: How to save the day during an event? - Party ShakersThere are many resourceful bartenders out there that you could consider working with for your events. This is always going to be the best approach if you want to get the best results from hiring bartenders.

There are many ways in which a bartender can save the day. This ranges from learning a new cocktail within seconds to keep the flow going to keeping someone who is very drunk from drinking any longer.

The main thing to remember is that resourceful bartenders have several obligations at work, but there are also unwritten moral obligations.

We can start with all the resourceful bartenders obligations

The following are some of the most relevant things that any bartender should always do with their efforts. These are the most basic things that are expected of bartenders during the job.

  • They should keep the bar clean

This is a very common thing that is expected of any bartender that is working at any event or venue. The bar area should always be clean and free of any spilled liquids, dirt, or fruit peels.

Keeping the bar clean is not really that difficult as long as the bartender wipes the area as often as possible. This is a good strategy because it makes it easier for the bartender to avoid any issues.

  • They should treat customers well

Perhaps this seems like it is too obvious, but there are some bartenders who are rude. In some cases, they are not rude, but they are also not very friendly. This is the moment when a bartender is likely to start losing popularity in the industry.

A great bartender can really save the day when he or she is resourceful enough to keep guests happy. This can be easy as long as you are friendly and you can carry a conversation.

When someone is friendly as a bartender, they are also likely to get more tips. The good thing about friendly bartenders is that they really help lighten the mood. There are bartenders that can be very good at this and they are the most popular.

  • They should be efficient at serving drinks

There are many reasons why it is essential to ensure that you can get the best results from serving drinks. The very core of the bartending profession is to be good at serving drinks. If you are unable to handle that aspect of the job, you are really lacking on a very relevant skill.

Keep in mind that there are 77 official drinks in bartending and this means there is a lot to learn. The biggest issue with this is that it is not just 77 drinks. There are also many variations of those drinks. This makes the list grow to hundreds of cocktail mixes.

  • Resourceful bartenders should know how to handle rude people

This is a very important thing and there are many bartenders who are unable to handle this sort of situation. The very best bartenders in the world are the ones that can handle the emotional aspect of the job. This means that they should be able to stay cool even when a situation seems to be difficult.

If a bartender has a short fuse and is easily angered by annoying people, this can become a serious problem. The best way to ensure that this is not going to be an issue is to learn to separate life from work. The only way to do this is by remembering that you are offering bartending services.

This means that you should never find yourself in a situation that makes this impossible. If you start to lose your cool and get in a fight, this could easily end your bartending career. Do not forget that and you will be able to handle anything that happens around you.

This is also known as emotional control and you want to hope that you can search for bartenders near me that have that skill. The main issue is that it is not so easy to find people that are able to control their emotions.

  • They should stop serving people who are too drunk

This is a big one and it could often be seen as a moral obligation, but it is also by law in some areas. In many places, a bartender is never held responsible for serving too much alcohol to someone. In contrast, there have been cases when drunk driving accidents have been pinned on a bartender.

The very best in the business are always people who can handle certain things with ease. If you are good at talking to people, it is easier to persuade them to stop drinking. The main issue with this is that it can also be difficult to decide when a person is really drunk.

Now we can talk about all the unwritten rules for resourceful bartenders

Just like there are some rules that are meant to be required from bartenders, there are others that are more of a moral obligation. The following is a list of those things that are not required, but they are expected of a bartender.

  • They have to avoid getting into arguments over politics and religion

This can tend to be a problem for someone bartenders who cannot separate work from their social life. A bartender can really save the day when he is able to stay neutral in conversations.

Then you have other situations in which people are almost pushing the bartender to give his opinion. Even when this happens, a good bartender always needs to keep his cool and stay neutral.

Very few things can easily spark issues and problems between people as easily as politics and religion. This is the reason why it is best to stay away from that kind of topic. You need to do all you can to avoid it.

Sometimes it is tempting to give your opinion on something. This happens more often when talking about politics and religion. This is why those are the types of topics you need to avoid.

  • They should always do their best to keep guests in a good mood

There is nothing worse than being at a bar that has a bunch of people who are anxious and annoyed. This is something you really need to work on if you are going to survive any situation with angry guests.

If you can learn how to keep people in a good mood by saying something funny. Maybe you simply encourage people to sing or dance and this is always good. The best beverage catering services come with bartenders who can handle crowds.

  • They are on the lookout for fights

There are some things that are relevant to consider in those situations. The resourceful bartenders are people who know when a crowd is going to become problematic too. This is the reason why it is a good idea to always stay vigilant and let security at the venue know that things are getting heated.

There are many times when bartenders see the conflict starting to brew (no pun intended) and they don’t do anything. It is better is a bartender can serve as another set of eyes for security. This is not a job obligation, but it does seem to fall into the category of a moral obligation.

  • How much do you spend to hire bartenders in Los Angeles?

The costs of hiring a bartender in Los Angeles is usually a bit higher than in other states. The reason is that this is a very expensive city and also very glamorous. This is the reason why the rates for bartending can usually be of no less than $20 per hour, but the average price would be around $30 to 50.

This is going to depend on several factors including the level of popularity of the bartender. The more popular a bartender is, the higher the rates. The good thing is that popular bartenders are usually very efficient at their job.

  • What is the most common issue that bartenders face at work?

This is usually when they have to handle drunk people who are rude and annoying. This is the main reason why it is so important for people to work a certain way. One that allows you to avoid taking things personally.

The issue is that for most people it is easier said than done and they allow rude people to annoy them. If this happens to you, it will be very hard to stay cool if you easily lose your tempter.

This probably the most common issue and emotional control is likely to also be the main thing many bartenders lack.  This is why it can be hard to find bartenders that have green check marks on all required skills.

How much do you tip resourceful bartenders in Los Angeles?

There are many things that are going to be essential to learn when you are tipping bartenders in LA. The first thing is that the average tip is usually above $20 or at least that amount. Anything below that you might as well not tip.

Always remember that tipping is something that you do in order reward the bartender for a good job. It is not always going to be the case with all service providers. With that said, if the bartender really works hard to deliver a good service, tipping is very important.

What is the best way to find quality resourceful bartenders in LA?

If you are looking to find the best bartenders in the Los Angeles area, the best thing you can do for this purpose is search online. There are many ways to do this, but you need to look out for specific things.

For example, once you conduct a keyword search such as bartenders in LA or bartending services Los Angeles; you will get several results. The main thing you need to consider in those cases is what their online presence is like. A great service is always going to have a good website for their business.

This is important because it shows you that the business is serious about what they do. The website needs updates and it should contain a portfolio of work. Once you have checked this, it is also good to check for external sources with reviews.

One of the best and most reliable ways to find out if a business is good is to check customer reviews. This has always been a powerful way to do this and it is the most reliable method.

Customer service matters for resourceful bartenders

The next step can be to give them a call and test out their ability to handle customer service. This is always the kind of thing that is going to let you know how efficient they are at handling inquiries.

The best customer service is always going to be the kind that answers fast. The kind of business that ensures the best outcome for everyone. This is why it is always good to test it if they are good at customer service.

You could also send them an email message and see how long they talk to reply. These are all essential things to consider for the service. The faster their replies, the better the results in most cases. It is also the more likely they will maintain a good level of customer service.

Party shakers offers the most resourceful bartenders

If you are looking for the best resourceful bartenders that can handle any situation, Party Shakers offers results. This is the main reason why so many people looking for bartenders near me Los Angeles choose our services.

We offer the best beverage catering, Music DJs, and photo booth services. Our level of experience matches with our love for what we do. Bartending is a way of life and we are always looking to ensure that we can upgrade our services.

Questions and answers on resourceful bartenders

How much do you spend to hire bartenders in Los Angeles?

This is not an easy question to answer with a general cost because it depends on many factors. We could say that the average hourly rate for LA is somewhere between $20 an $50.

What is the most common issue that bartenders face at work?

When they have to work in a place with too many drunk people who are being rowdy and sometimes rude. This can be a real trial for any bartender in the world.

How much do you tip a bartender in Los Angeles?

The amount of money that you decide to tip to a bartender in LA is up to you. With that said, it would not be very nice to tip anything less than $10. The best range is between $20 and $50 for a bartender that works efficiently.

Final thoughts on resourceful bartenders saving the day

When a bartender is really good at the job they do, they are also good at handling the social environment. This is the main reason why it is very important to always consider having the extra skills that can help at the job.

If you are looking for top quality bartending services, you will find that working with Party Shakers is ideal. The bests in the business are always people who are able to work in any environment with optimal results.