What should you think when hiring bartenders for events or weddings? | Party Shakers

What is required of a professional team of bartenders?

There are several factors to take into account when it comes to hiring the ideal bartender for an activity. In these cases, if for example, you hire the services of a Bar Rentals at the same time you will want to hire the services of a professional bartender team. That must have several specific qualities.

You have to attend to the requests of all the guests at the event or party. Therefore, you must know and prepare all the most popular cocktails and drinks. At the same time, the bartender has to help with the client’s requests. In addition to serving them, it is super important that they serve them with some special or beautiful detail that refers to the party or activity that is taking place.

You must make cocktails, or if applicable, serve wine, sparkling drinks, spirits, or, failing that, draft beer. The truth is that you must be prepared for any request made by the guests at the event. The greatest way for any bartender to truly stand out is to be prepared for any request.

Beyond all skills that every bartender must logically have, other elements must be taken into account. One of them is the ability to communicate appropriately with guests at the event. Clients are different and therefore your treatment of them must be different as well.

Awareness is also key for event bartenders

You must be aware of everything else that happens at the party or event.  An example of this is that, if there is a Photo Booth service at the event, the bartender can invite everyone who comes to the bar to check on it.

You should encourage them to visit the area where the Photo Booth is located. This in order not only to support those who provide another additional service during the party or event but also to make sure that all the guests have the best.

If the event is a wedding and you hired the best wedding bartending services bartenders to hire, you can expect various things from the bartenders who are serving your guests. However, later on, we are going to talk about what is needed from a bartender serving his guests at a wedding.

You must keep the bar area clean and tidy, taking care that there is nothing dirty or out of place. Being able to see that everything you need to properly serve guests is in place. 

If you want more details on how to hire a bartender, this possector content is very insightful.

The extras service that makes a difference

Some bartenders, who are in charge of working in activities such as events and private parties, learn to develop special activities. Some of those activities are learning juggling with bottles. At the same time, learning other skills such as Flair Bartending or Flairtending would be nice. Flairtending consists in performing other types of juggling or movements with implements that you have at your side, to entertain all the guests.

The bartender, who attends an event, must generally stay until the end of the party or event. That’s why they must at that time, lift, clean and order everything that was used during the activity. While making sure to leave everything clean. In addition, you need to clean the bar and all the implements you used.

You must pay attention to some important things to look for when you are looking for bartender service to attend your event. In addition to the skills of a bartender such as serving the best cocktails or drinks, there is something more. You must also have well-developed the concept of customer service at a level of excellence.

A good attitude, smiling constantly, being helpful and friendly. Talking when necessary or listening effectively if the client wants to talk to you. Those are some of the skills and qualities that every bartender must have. Especially when serving several people at once at an event. This is important to ensure that guests have a pleasant and entertaining time when they are approaching the bar.

The top rules of bartending

There are also some golden rules that bartenders should follow and the rules are here detailed.

Weddings, the most important event, require the best bartenders and this is a very common request. The bartending world has always seen weddings as a very good source of work. This is to be expected given that this is the sort of event that is held at all times.

The wedding is the most important event for a couple, and, therefore, the only thing that you want is that that day is unforgettable. Therefore, taking care of each of the details is important. Especially you want your guests to have a special time at the wedding: So, perhaps you can consider hiring a Photo Booth service.

In addition, you need to think about what waiters will help you with and what food are we going to serve. All and not least, what best wedding bartenders to hire are going to be the ones that will be handling your celebration.

One of the most important things in the wedding is the groom and the bride. However, one of the great attractions of the night is undoubtedly the bar. Therefore, the drinks and the bartenders as will serve customers all night.

Go above and beyond as event bartenders

Then, if a person is looking for a bartender service near me, what qualities must the bartender team have that will serve their guests on that special night? The truth is that beyond all the skills of a bartender, which are standard. There are other elements that are essential, especially in this type of event.

Personal presentation in these cases plays a super important role. Since this is a wedding, it is expected from the bartender to look good. Just as all the guests will look elegant, the bartenders do too. They need to dress and be presentable to agree to the occasion.

Event bartenders should be polite and friendly

It is important that beyond the personal presentation, the bartender is courteous, friendly, and helpful. In addition, they are capable of holding appropriate conversations with the rest of the guests. Moreover, at the same time, serving them in the best possible way, preparing the cocktails or drinks that are requested. This is why so many people seem to be very happy with the idea of hiring a bartender that is skilled and experienced.

The bartender who attends a wedding must have on hand all the ingredients, materials, and utensils that he will need to prepare each drink or cocktail. Especially those that guests will ask for, so you must be sure that inventory is enough.

You must keep the bar in order, as well as keep all the utensils. Also, the glasses and everything you use to prepare the various cocktails and drinks is clean. There are so many elements to good bartending and they should all be taken into account.

For your wedding to be a success, it is necessary that you hire the best wedding bartending services. That way, your wedding is not only going to be unforgettable for you, but also for all your guests.

Extra fun at your event with the Photo Booth Services

The best Photo booth services for events, weddings, and private parties are always great. This is going to allow people to enjoy the experience much more. 

Whether you are holding a company-wedding, birthday, anniversary or New Year’s Eve party, think about the drinks. Beyond thinking about music, drinks, and food, you should think also about how to provide your guests with the best entertainment.

When we talk about entertainment. Beyond having live music or a DJ entertaining an event, other options can become much more entertaining. An example of that, you can hire a Photo Booth service.

The Photo Booth will provide a unique and special memory to all your guests. Since they will have a personalized photo. One that can be taken inside the Photo Booth with a group of friends or family. 

Party Shakers can offer everything you want and need

If you are looking to achieve the best results with your efforts, you will find that Party Shakers is the ideal service to hire. We have the experience and the skills to handle your wedding events with ease.

Questions and answers

Is hiring a bartender worth the investment for an event?

Of course, it is! A bartender is always going to make any event of a private party or wedding a much more engaging time. A good bartender can really make a difference.

How are bartenders handling the pandemic issue?

All bartenders that are looking to get new jobs to need a vaccine. While this is not something that should be obligatory. It is something that vaccinated people are requesting from those they employ for events.

Are there enough jobs for bartenders to earn full-time income?

The pandemic has been very damaging to the bartending community. Luckily, people started having parties at their homes, so many bartenders were able to do private events. The important thing is to always stay safe and take proper precautions.

Final thoughts on event bartenders

If you want your event to be a success, it is important to hire not only the best Mobile Bar. Also, the best bartenders that you can find in your area. Especially if you are going to plan your wedding soon.