Who is the world’s best bartender? | Party Shakers

There are many bartenders out there and there is no question that some of them are more popular and skilled bartends than others. With that said, there are several famous bartenders that could take the crown as the world’s best.

There is no single answer to this question and this means the answer is that there isn’t one. There are so many great bartenders that it would be nearly impossible to choose one. It is difficult to pinpoint one as the very best in the world.

It is difficult to even think of the best bartenders in the world without having a specific list. There are many amazing bartenders in every corner of the globe. We are going to give you a few names of some of the best bartenders out there. These are not in any particular order and we believe them all to be just as talented.

A few top bartenders include:

  • Natasha Mesa
  • Tom Walker
  • Ivy Mix
  • Jhonatan Cruz
  • Eryn Reece

There are dozens of other highly skilled and renowned bartenders in the world, so these are just a few names.  We picked those names because of the critical acclaim and they are bartenders with many awards.

It is important to note that many others could have made the list. With that said, the purpose of this article is not to name the best bartender. The idea is to shed some light on the profession. All while talking about some of the things that make a great bartender.

What does it take to be a great bartender?

While it is impossible to choose the greatest bartender with so many talented people, there can be greatness involved. There are certain things that a bartender needs to have in order to become one of the greatest.

The following are 3 key elements to consider:

  • Social Skills
  • Knowledge of mixology
  • Emotional control

Social skills in bartending

Social skills are essential for anyone who is interested in becoming a bartender. When a bartender is not very good at socializing, this makes them unappealing for many types of events.

It is ideal for bartenders to be able to have interesting conversations with people. A friendly attitude is also essential in this process because it makes socializing much easier. This is also a reminder of the fact that anyone looking to bartend needs to be a people person.

Someone who feels at home in social events is always a good candidate to become a bartender. There are many great bartenders out there and one of the things they all have in common is a great level of social skill.

Knowledge of mixology

Aside from the 77 official cocktails in the bartending catalog, there is also the mixologist profession. It is important to note that some people are mixologists and not bartenders. There are also some people who are bartenders and not mixologists.

Some people believe they are both the same, but they are not. A mixologist is someone who learns the compositions of every ingredient in a cocktail and understands the complex attributes found behind each ingredient.

In contrast, a bartender can learn how to mix drinks but does not understand the intricacies of each ingredient. Therefore, a mixologist is someone who can spend their whole life without ever serving a drink. The bartender is someone who could become a professional bartender without learning complex mixology.

If you feel that you are not interested in mixology, you can still have a very successful career in bartending. It is rare for someone to ask you if you have a mixology degree in order to bartender their event. Maybe someone would consider this to be important, but in most cases, that is not going to happen.

With that said, becoming a mixologist is always a plus for anyone who wants to be involved in this career. Just consider how this could help you land some jobs that require that knowledge. That is always a good place to start when thinking of this process.

Ultimately, it is the decision of every bartender if they want to venture into mixology. It is always a good thing to be as prepared as you can be for anything. This is going to be extremely helpful in your career in bartending.

Emotional control

This is perhaps the most difficult thing for anyone to learn in life and it is a very important skill for bartenders. It would be safe to say that emotional control is the key element of bartending greatness.

To understand why you must first consider the elements of emotional control. For example, when someone is being rude at a bar and is annoying the bartender. The way the bartender decides to react is going to be very important.

If the bartender lacks emotional control, this could turn into a situation that will be difficult to handle. The bartender could become angry and confrontational with the guest and this is always bad for their reputation. Emotional control is a truly essential aspect of this profession.

Someone who lacks emotional control is rarely going to be able to last in this industry. They are very unlikely to find more work with a client if they are not careful with how they react. When bartender knows how to handle certain situations, they are likely to have consistent business offers.

Can bartending be a lifelong career?

Yes, bartending can be a lifelong career without a doubt. There are many bartenders who have been working for decades. Some of them are well over their retirement age and they are still interested in the profession.

This is a great way to see that there is no age limit for bartending. Nor is it a profession that is only for young people. The truth is that bartending is a perfect profession for people of all ages. All they have to do is have those specific core elements.

A bartender for party events is very likely to be able to make a career out of that niche alone. At the same time, it is important for bartenders to learn how to handle all types of events.

After all, is said and done, bartending does indeed offer many opportunities for people to succeed. The key element is to always have the skills needed in order to have a long-lasting career.

What other jobs can bartenders do?

Bartenders are usually great at any type of job that requires social skills. They are very likely to find themselves being very interested in jobs that require that they interact with people. It is because of this that many bartenders had a hard time finding work during the pandemic.

Most of the jobs that bartenders are good at requiring some form of socializing. The good thing is that everything is returning to normal in many areas. This means that bartenders for hire are now able to find work again in their field.

Some bartenders decide to go into sales because they are very persuasive social people. Pothers decide to stay in any type of service that relates to social interaction such as hotel management.

The good news is that bartenders no longer have to look for alternate jobs. This is mainly given that bartending is now back in action. The demand for bartenders is growing back now with many new events.

Do bartenders have a place in the future?

Yes, bartenders are not likely to end up replaced by charming robots with great personalities anytime soon. While we say this jokingly, it is true that many jobs are going to become obsolete for people once machines take over.

There are many types of jobs that will be affected by this, but bartending is likely to remain active. The reason for this is that there is a very important human element to bartending. It is that element that livens up parties and keeps guests engaged.

Bartenders are always going to be an important part of the world. It doesn’t matter how much technology is brought into our lives. We are always going to prefer human interaction to machines.

Artificial intelligence has come a long way without a doubt, but machines cannot easily replace bartenders. This means that there is definitely a future for anyone who is looking to get involved in the profession of bartending.

Are bartender services profitable?

Yes, being a bartender can be very profitable, but just as it happens with many jobs, it takes time. You need to consider many factors before you become a bartender and the initial profit is not that high. With that said, there is plenty of opportunities to become a bartender that earns big bucks.

Some of the best bartenders out there can earn hundreds of dollars a day for their work. In some cases, bartenders are paid over $1K for one night of service at top parties and events. While these are not common jobs to find, they are out there.

Only the best bartenders get a chance to land those types of jobs. This is the main reason why bartenders need to be patient if they want to be successful. Once a bartender builds a strong enough reputation, the possibilities are endless.

If there is one place that is ideal for bartenders, it has to be LA. The city of Los Angeles has always been a place for bartenders to make big bucks. This is mainly due to how many jobs are available at all times.

Who is the world’s best bartender? | Party Shakers

Is there anything about bartending that has changed in the last decade?

Yes, there have been some changes in the way bartenders handle their clients, but nothing of substantial note. Technology is great for many professions, but a bartender is usually not going to be able to rely on it.

The main reason for this is that there are always going to be some important factors to consider. A bartender has to be quick to remember cocktail ingredients and it is always important to consider that as a factor.

A good bartender is always going to be ready to handle any cocktail request. Quick thinking, good social skills, and a friendly attitude are all it takes. There is more to being a bartender, but with those elements, you already have most of the requirements covered.

Questions and answers

What does it take to be a great bartender?

Bartending greatness is all about being able to find success with the work that you do. It is also about having the skills to achieve the best possible results. The moment a bartender starts to become popular, that is the moment when their career changes.

Can bartending be a lifelong career?

Bartending can be an amazing and very accomplished career as long as you are able to handle the social aspect of it. The level of emotional control that you bring to your career is going to be an essential part of this process.

What other jobs can bartenders do?

Bartenders are capable of doing many jobs with the skills they learn in bartending. They are most likely to find themselves comfortable in jobs that require social interactions. There are many jobs in interesting fields that meet that description.

Do bartenders have a place in the future?

Bartenders most certainly have a place in the future and it is important to see their value. There are many event organizers that understand just how important it is to have bartenders for their events.

Are bartender services profitable?

A bartender can make a good amount of money from this profession without a doubt. It is important to consider that this is going to be a relatively long process. It will take a while before you can start to see the large paychecks.

Final thoughts

Always remember that bartending is a very good career choice for those who have the social skills for it. This is the reason why it is important for anyone who seeks to get involved in bartending to consider that for their success.