While we all wish we could have long-lasting and endlessly productive relationships with others; this can fail to be the case in many situations. This is the main reason why it is very important to take the time to look into bartender behavior and warning signs of problems.
There are many factors that one should consider if they are going to let go of someone. Lack of efficiency, any theft, being late all the time without letting you know, and being disrespectful toward others are some of the most common reasons.
There are some people who have a very low tolerance for mistakes, but a good approach is to give warnings. Before we go into details on how to handle those things, we can discuss the most common issues.
Lack of efficiency
This is definitely one that we see with inexperienced bartenders. Their working habits in general are not ideal; which means that they lack the efficiency to perform at optimal levels.
There is no doubt that efficiency is the element of a productive day at any type of job. This is very much true in the world of bartending as it is in any other position. Efficiency is basically the ability to accomplish any task with as little effort, energy, or time wasted.
This is going to prove to be an extremely important aspect of any bartender’s workflow. Anyone that is unable to have efficiency is always going to fall behind.
Getting drunk at work
Unfortunately, there are many bartenders out there who end up suffering from alcoholism. This is a huge problem in the bartending world due to the constant temptation for drinks.
There are many bartenders who start drinking heavily due to how many drinks they are offered every day. The best way for a bartender to handle this is to politely decline any drinks at work. The bartender can always claim that they are not allowed to drink during work hours.
When you consider the most important thing for a bartender, their health is first and above all. This is the reason why it is crucial to have the discipline needed to avoid getting involved in any heavy drinking.
Lack of essential bartending skills
This is also a problem that can become a huge issue in many cases; this is why you need to be on the lookout for it. There are some situations that will make things difficult. For example, a friendly and social bartender can be great, but they may be terrible at mixing. This is a big issue because mixing drinks is essential for the job. In contrast, a bartender could be someone who is highly skilled in mixing, but unable to handle the most basic guest issues.
Part of the process of being able to have the required skills comes in the form of emotional control. This is a very important skill for bartenders, but often one that is not seen. This is why it is crucial to make sure that any bartender you hire has that emotional control.
Any form of theft at work
This can be a big problem that is often done in ways that are hard to identify. Some bartenders could sneak out bottles with someone on the outside. They could also be taking some cash or other things. These are the types of issues that can happen more often than expected.
If you find that someone is stealing on the job, this is the kind of issue that needs to be handled immediately. You can’t allow this to happen and keep that employee working for you.
Being late frequently is bad bartender behavior
This is another problem that is more common than people think. Some bartenders get any with this by claiming that traffic is always unpredictable. The truth is that all employees for any job need to take those issues into account. It is their responsibility to be on time for work regardless of the regular traffic.
There are all kinds of excuses that people can make when it comes to why they are late. It is always a good idea to allow the employee to state their reasons. This makes it fair and it gives you insight.
Any form of extraordinary setbacks like a roadblock or an accident causing a traffic jam is more understandable. With that said, any regular traffic issues during the day should not be an excuse for being constantly late.
Not showing up at all without notifying is bad bartending behavior
This is the kind of thing that some people fail to see as a problem because it usually happens sporadically. There are some cases when this starts to happen often and it needs to be taken into consideration. Warnings are often a good approach and three strikes are a good way to handle the issue.
No-shows are not a good thing when you know that your bar needs a bartender every day. When your current bartender forces other employees to take their place, this is bad for business. Perhaps this is the reason why it is very important now to allow this to become a frequent issue.
Learn to detach yourself from emotions when it comes to work
Firing people is never something that feels good, but you need to learn to detach yourself from those feelings. Always keep in mind that business does not mix with personal issues.
This means that you have to do what is best for your business and not focus on anything else. When you let personal feelings get in it, you let many things slide. Maybe you hired a friend for this purpose and you feel that this is becoming a problem. This is the moment when you need to forget about any type of friendship and just take care of your business.
You can always stay friends with people outside of work, but this is also why some people prefer not to hire friends for work. This is something that becomes a business lesson for many people. You can hire anyone that you want for your business, but the best practice is to hire them for their skills, not for who they are in your life.
Lack of proper clothing is also part of the Bartender’s behavior
If a bartender is allowed to wear any clothes they want, they should be responsible for looking good. We are not saying that they should look like runway models, but the basic expectations of proper clothing and grooming are expected.
If you feel that this is an issue, maybe it is best to offer the bartender to wear a uniform for work. With that said, it is important to look into a dress code that your bartender or bartending team can follow.
Something like a buttoned black shirt and a pair of jeans can be good for this purpose. You can also use long sleeves or short sleeves. Some places will require a more formal style.
Arguing politics and religious debates
It is very easy for people to get into heated arguments when they are in a drinking environment. This is one of the reasons why it is important for a bartender to avoid getting personal with opinions.
This is very important when it comes to both politics and religion. The more you learn to handle this sort of issue, the better your results will be in general. If someone is talking about politics and religion, just let them speak and avoid involvement.
Any form of discrimination towards others is terrible Bartender behavior
Be it due to a racial comment or because of the gender orientation of a guest or employee; a bartender should never discriminate against people. It is essential to ensure that things are going to stay civil between the bartender, the rest of the staff, and the guests.
Being disrespectful to other workers and guests
This is also going to be a very delicate issue and it is the type of behavior that cannot be tolerated. Any form of disrespect towards other people within the working environment should usually end up in that person being fired.
The reason why this is the most reliable route is that you need to consider the bigger picture. If an employee is disrespectful to others, they are more likely to end up resenting that coworker. This is why the person that is being disrespectful is more likely going to need to leave that environment.
Again, this is what happens in most cases, but everyone has the right to decide how to approach those issues. It is also important to note if the disrespect is starting to happen with other staff members. The idea is to have a drama-free and friendly work environment at all times.
How many warnings is it ok to give to a bartender for any mistakes?
There are people who use the three-strike method and this is a common thing to see in many places. The thing that you need to consider when this happens is the severity of the mistake.
For someone who is late from time to time, you could just give them a warning or two. A third time, you might want to tell them that this is unacceptable without a compelling reason.
You should also think of hiring people who are near your location if you want to avoid any issues. This is something to consider from a strategic point of view. The closer the employee is to the work place, the less likely it is that they will be late.
What do you need to pay a bartender if you fire them from the job?
This is not something to answer as a universal thing. There are different state laws and work contracts that will determine this. That is the reason why you need to be careful and make sure that everything is clear in the contract.
Keep in mind that the average work contract requires that any time you fire someone, you pay severance. This is also going to depend on the type of contract that you create. That is the main reason why you have to be careful in terms of how you hire employees.
How much time do you need to give a bartender to find a new job?
There are places that give two weeks’ notice while others give a little more. The least you should consider is at least 15 to 30 days. This is also going to depend on the laws in each location.
It is always essential to take your time and ensure that you can make this a fair situation; one that is going to allow you to continue to make this process as simple and easy as possible for all parties involved. Now that 2023 has started, there are more job opportunities for bartenders.
There are cases when an employee could deserve a second chance
If you have a great bartender that has been very efficient, but things have taken a bad turn; you can always consider if this employee is dealing with a bad situation in their personal life.
This is why communication with your employees always proves to be a very important consideration. Make sure that you are periodically asking your employees how things are going. This is a good way to ensure that their workforce is willing, committed, and motivated.
Party Shakers offers an excellent team with optimal bartender behavior
If you want to ensure the best results for your next event or party, you will find that our services are ideal for your needs. Just be sure to contact our team and let us know what you need. We are always ready to handle events of all sizes and requirements.
Just contact us to find out what kind of events you are looking to run. We are going to ensure that you can get the best results based on your needs and budget.
Questions and answers on Bartender behavior
The common thing for small issues like being late and not knowing certain mixes is to give 3 warnings. This is the famous third strike and you are out method.
There are some locations that require that you pay the employee a certain amount of money. This is also based on how long they worked as employees of your business.
The amount of notice to give to a bartender is at least 15 to 30 days. Just remember to keep local laws in mind when you decide to fire someone from a job.
Final thoughts on bartending behavior
The more you learn about the basic bartender behavior expectations, the easier it is to set boundaries. Give warnings when they are fair to give and do not accept any serious mistakes or issues. This is going to allow you to achieve the best results with your efforts.
Always consider hiring your staff with professionals and Party Shakers offers the best in the business!