Drinking games: what are the best ones you can play? - Party Shakers

There is no doubt that drinking games have always been a popular choice for people everywhere. As long as adults are drinking responsibly, this is a fun way to make a party even more entertaining.

The best games that we consider ideal for any party are Beer Pong, Kings and Flip Cup. They each have their own set of rules that you need to keep in mind. We are going to detail those rules here in order to help you set those games up easily.

Hosting a memorable party involves creating an atmosphere filled with laughter, camaraderie, and a touch of friendly competition. One way to add an extra element of enjoyment to your gathering is by incorporating drink games. These interactive games not only entertain your guests but also provide an opportunity to bond and create lasting memories. In this article, we will explore three exciting drink games that are sure to elevate the fun at your next party.

So grab your favorite beverages, gather your friends, and get ready for an unforgettable evening of laughter and spirited challenges. You can also decide to get an event started with bartenders including these games.

Beer Pong drinking games

Beer Pong is a classic drink game that never fails to bring a lively atmosphere to any party. To play, set up a triangular formation of cups at each end of a long table and fill them with a beverage of choice, typically beer. Split into teams and take turns trying to throw a ping pong ball into the opponent’s cups. If the ball ends up in a cup, the contents have to be consumed by the opposing team, and the cup is removed from the table. Also, the first team that manages to eliminate all the cups from the opposing team wins.

Beer Pong combines skill, strategy, and a dose of good-natured competition. It encourages camaraderie, cheers, and plenty of laughs as players attempt to sink shots and outwit their opponents. Customize the game by introducing house rules or unique variations to keep the excitement levels high throughout the evening.

Here are the detailed rules for playing Beer Pong:


Arrange ten cups in a triangular shape at each end of a long table.

Fill the cups with an equal amount of beer or any other preferred beverage.

Split into two teams, with each team standing behind their respective triangle of cups.


The game is played in turns, with each team taking one throw per turn

The team that starts the game is determined by a coin toss or any agreed-upon method.


Each player must throw the ping pong ball from behind the edge of their side of the table.

The ball must be thrown directly into the opponent’s cups without touching any other surfaces or objects.

Hitting Cups:

If a ball successfully lands inside one of the opponent’s cups, it is considered a hit.

The opposing team must drink the contents of the cup that was hit.

After drinking, the cup is removed from the table.


As the game progresses and cups are eliminated, the remaining cups can be rearranged.

Teams are typically allowed to request a “re-rack” to reposition the cups into a more strategic arrangement.

The specific re-rack formations may vary, but common options include a diamond shape or a straight line.

Redemption Shots:

If a team manages to hit the last remaining cup of the opponent, the opponent gets a chance at redemption.

The opponent gets one chance to shoot a ball into one of the remaining cups of the team that made the hit.

If the redemption shot is successful, the game continues. If it misses, the team that made the hit wins the game.


The game continues until one team successfully eliminates all of the opponent’s cups.

The team that eliminates all the opponent’s cups first wins the game.

House Rules and Variations in drinking games:

Beer Pong allows for a variety of house rules and variations to add excitement and personalization to the game.

Some common house rules include bounce shots (where the ball must bounce on the table before landing in a cup), finger flicks (using only fingers to shoot), and the ability to swat away or deflect incoming balls.

Drinking games: what are the best ones you can play? - Party Shakers

Kings Drinking Games

Kings, also known as Kings Cup or Circle of Death, is a popular drink game that combines card play with entertaining challenges. To start, arrange a deck of cards facedown in a circle around a large cup placed in the center. Each card corresponds to a specific action or rule that players must follow.

For example, drawing an Ace might require everyone to take a sip of their drink, while a King could establish a rule that must be followed until the next King is drawn.

As the game progresses, the actions become more amusing and the drinks flow more freely. The beauty of Kings lies in its versatility, as players can invent their own rules or modify existing ones to match the party’s vibe.

It’s a game that fosters laughter, surprises, and encourages involvement from the crowd, ensuring a memorable experience for all.

Here are the detailed rules for playing Kings:


Gather a deck of playing cards and place them facedown in a circle around a large cup or “the king’s cup” in the center of the table.

Each player should have a drink of their choice within reach.


Players take turns drawing cards clockwise, starting from the player who goes first (typically determined by a predetermined method or by the person who last went to a bar).

Each card drawn corresponds to a specific action or rule.

Card Meanings and Actions:

Ace: “Waterfall” – In this one, every person starts drinking their drink, and no one can stop until the person who drew the card stops. The person who drew the card determines when to stop.

Two: “You” – The person who got the card can choose someone to take a drink.

Three: “Me” – The player who drew the card takes a drink.

Four: “Floor” – Everyone must touch the floor as quickly as possible. The last person to touch the floor drinks.

Five: “Guys” – All male players take a drink.

Six: “Chicks” – All female players take a drink.

Seven: “Heaven” – Everyone reaches for the sky, and the last person to do so drinks.

Eight: “Mate” – The player who drew the card chooses a “mate” who must drink every time they drink for the rest of the game.

Other cards

Nine: “Rhyme” – The player who drew the card says a word, and each player takes turns saying words that rhyme with it. The first player who can’t think of a rhyme or repeats a word drinks.

Ten: “Categories” – The player who drew the card picks a category (e.g., types of fruits, car brands), and each player takes turns naming something in that category. The first player who can’t come up with something or repeats a previous answer drinks.

Jack: “Never Have I Ever” – The player who drew the card starts by saying “Never have I ever…” followed by something they have never done. Any player who has done it must drink.

Queen: “Questions” – The player who drew the card starts by asking a question to another player. That player must respond with another question to a different player, and this continues. The first player who fails to ask a question, answers a question, or repeats a question drinks.

King: “King’s Cup” – Whenever a player draws a king, they pour a portion of their drink into the king’s cup in the center of the table. The player who draws the fourth king must drink the entire contents of the king’s cup, which may contain a mix of various drinks.

Game Continuation:

After each card is drawn and the corresponding action is taken, the card is placed face-up on the table.

The game continues with the next player drawing a card and following the corresponding action until all the cards have been drawn or players decide to end the game.

Flip Cup Drinking Games

Flip Cup is a fast-paced and exhilarating drink game that is perfect for larger groups. Split into teams and line up on opposite sides of a table, with a cup filled with a drink placed in front of each player. The objective is to drink the contents of the cup as quickly as possible and then flip it upside down using only a flick of the wrist.

Once anyone manages to successfully flip their cup, the next person that gets to go in line can begin the same process. The team that finishes flipping all their cups first wins the game. Flip Cup is energetic in  atmosphere, as players cheer on their teammates and celebrate each successful flip. It encourages teamwork, coordination, and a healthy dose of friendly competition.

Here are the detailed rules for playing Flip Cup:


Split into two teams and line up on opposite sides of a table.

Each player should have a cup filled with a drink placed in front of them.

Ensure there is enough space for players to comfortably stand and flip their cups.


The game plays in turns, also with each team taking one turn at a time.

The team that starts the game is determined by a coin toss or any agreed-upon method.

Drinking and Flipping:

When the game begins, the first player from each team starts by drinking the entire contents of their cup.

After finishing their drink, the player must place their cup upside down on the edge of the table and attempt to flip it by flicking or tapping the rim with their fingers.

The cup must make a complete 180-degree flip, landing with the bottom facing up, to succeed.

Once the first player successfully flips their cup, the next player in line can begin.

The process continues until all players on one team have successfully flipped their cups.

Passing the Turn:

Once a player flips successfully, they can proceed to the folloing player that is waiting from their team.

It is essential to wait for the player ahead of you to finish flipping before starting your turn.

The team members take turns drinking and flipping their cups until every player on the team has finished.


The team that manages to flip all their cups first also wins the game.

Variations and House Rules:

Flip Cup allows for various house rules and variations to add excitement and also customization.

Some common variations include timed rounds, where teams compete to finish their cups in the shortest time, or incorporating penalties for players who fail to successfully flip their cups.

Teams can also create their own unique rules, such as requiring players to use their non-dominant hand for flipping or introducing additional challenges to increase the difficulty.

A Global Celebration of Drinking Games

From the beer pong tables of American college campuses to the flip cup battles in British pubs, drinking games have evolved into organized tournaments that span the globe. These tournaments not only showcase the skills and strategies of participants. They also celebrate the social aspect of drinking games, creating a unique sense of camaraderie among players and spectators alike.

Variety of Drinking Games and Formats

One of the fascinating aspects of drinking tournaments is the wide range of game formats on display. Beer pong, flip cup, kings cup, quarters, and many other games transform into competitive events, each with its own rules and strategies. Whether it’s precision aiming in beer pong, lightning-fast cup flipping in flip cup, or the unpredictability of card-based games, participants showcase their abilities and adaptability in pursuit of victory.

International Tournaments

Around the world, drinking tournaments are organized at various levels, from local competitions held in neighborhood bars to larger-scale regional and international tournaments. Some events attract teams and individuals from different countries, creating a diverse and multicultural environment.

Moreover, these tournaments provide an opportunity for participants to engage in friendly rivalry, learn from each other’s drinking game traditions, and foster international connections. Just like it happens with competitive bartending, there are stats and ranks.

Beyond the Competition in drinking games

While the focus of drinking tournaments is undoubtedly on the competition itself, these events offer more than just spirited games. In addition, they also serve as platforms for cultural exchange. Also, for promoting understanding and appreciation of different drinking game customs. Participants and spectators get to enjoy the thrill of the games while building lasting memories and friendships.

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If you want to make your next event a big hit, you will find that the Party Shakers team offers exactly what you want and need. This is a team of highly specialized bartenders with many years of experince in every aspect of the business.

Questions answers about drinking games

Are drinking games dangerous?

Drinking games should not be dangerous as long as adults know their limits. They should be fun, not contests on intoxication.

Who can play drinking games?

Anyone old enough to drink at bars could participate and it is also about being responsible.

Are there drinking game tournaments?

Yes, there are many drinking game tournaments held worldwide and many of them are in Germany and also the US.

Conclusion for drinking games

Adding drink games to your next party is a surefire way to enhance the fun and create unforgettable memories. Whether you opt for the classic Beer Pong, the dynamic Kings, or the energetic Flip Cup. Also, these games provide opportunities for laughter, camaraderie, and a touch of friendly competition.

Remember to enjoy these games responsibly and ensure everyone participating feels comfortable and included. So gather your friends, stock up on your favorite beverages, and get ready to elevate your next party with these entertaining drink games that are sure to leave everyone with a smile on their face.

If you want to work with a great bartending team, Party Shakers offers the services you want and need!