Staff loyalty: How to keep your bartending team motivated - Party Shakers

Keeping your bartending team motivated with staff loyalty is essential in the dynamic and competitive industry of bartending. As an owner of a freelance bartending business, you need to ensure that your team remains engaged and motivated to deliver high-quality service and satisfy customers. Here are some key strategies to keep your freelance bartending team motivated and committed.

First and foremost, set clear expectations from the beginning. Communicate the business goals, service standards, policies, and deadlines to your team. Help them understand how their work contributes to the success of the business. This will provide them with a clear vision and a sense of purpose in their role, leading to increased commitment and motivation.

One thing that is very important to consider is that there are many things that are completely dependent on the staff itself. Meaning that some people are bound to be more difficult as employees than others. This can even be the case when the right type of environment is presented to them.

This is one of the main reasons why it is essential to understand that you are unable to control everything that happens in terms of employee satisfaction. Being able to handle the things that you can indeed control is a great step in the right direction.

Offer development for your staff loyalty

Offering training and professional development opportunities is an effective way to keep your bartending team motivated. Moreover, providing training programs in bartending techniques, mixology, customer service, leadership, and other relevant skills is useful.

Additionally, allow your staff to attend industry seminars, workshops, and events to improve their skills and stay updated. Professional development offers them a chance to grow and progress in their career, which can be a powerful motivator.

Recognize their accomplishments

Recognition and rewards play a crucial role in keeping your freelance bartending team motivated. Publicly recognize their hard work and achievements through praise, awards, or incentives. Let them know that their work is valuable and appreciated.

Consider offering performance-based incentives like bonuses or salary increases to acknowledge and reward exceptional performance. In addition, recognition and rewards foster a positive and motivating work environment.

Ensure constructive feedback for staff loyalty

Encouraging open and constructive communication is essential for maintaining motivation among your bartending team. Create an environment where your bartenders feel comfortable expressing their ideas, concerns, and feedback.

Actively listen to your team and value their opinions. Provide regular constructive feedback and recognition to help them improve and grow in their role. Effective communication fosters a sense of belonging and commitment among your team.

Provide a safe and healthy environment for work

Providing a safe and healthy work environment is fundamental in keeping your freelance bartending team motivated. Ensure that your workplace complies with all safety and hygiene regulations and provide the necessary equipment and tools for your staff to perform their work safely and efficiently.

Promote healthy habits like proper rest, hydration, and nutrition to ensure the physical and mental well-being of your team. A safe and healthy work environment creates a conducive atmosphere for motivation and optimal performance. It is also important to encourage proper attire at all times.

Encourage team work at all times

Encouraging teamwork and camaraderie is crucial for keeping your bartending team motivated. Foster collaboration and communication among your team by promoting activities that strengthen their bonds, such as regular meetings, recreational activities, or social events. A positive and friendly work environment promotes camaraderie and mutual support, which contributes to keeping your team motivated and committed. This is the best way to ensure they become the best at what they do.

Provide opportunities for growth

Providing opportunities for growth and professional advancement is a powerful motivator for your freelance bartending team. Allow your team to grow and advance in their career through internal promotion, challenging projects, industry event participation, or acquisition of new skills. This gives them a sense of progression and development, which can greatly motivate them to perform at their best.

Value flexibility and autonomy

Valuing flexibility and autonomy in your bartending team is essential. Recognize and respect your staff’s ability to work independently and make appropriate decisions in their role. Allow them to have a certain level of autonomy in their work and provide flexibility in schedules and tasks. All within the limits established by your business.

Valuing flexibility and autonomy promotes responsibility, ownership, and empowerment among your freelance bartending team. Recognize and appreciate their ability to manage their own schedules and tasks, and trust them to deliver quality work. This level of autonomy can greatly contribute to their motivation and job satisfaction.

Milestones should always be celebrated as a staff loyalty booster

Celebrating successes and milestones with your bartending team is crucial. Acknowledge and celebrate achievements such as hitting sales targets. Also receiving positive customer feedback, or completing challenging projects. Recognize and celebrate these milestones through verbal praise, written notes, or small tokens of appreciation.

Celebrating successes and milestones reinforces a culture of achievement and valuing flexibility and autonomy, celebrating successes and milestones, promoting work-life balance. This is also great for listening to feedback, you can create a positive and motivating work environment. One that encourages your bartending team to excel in their roles.

The challenges of keeping your staff in their best shape

However, despite implementing these strategies, you may encounter challenges in keeping your freelance bartending team motivated. Bartending can be physically demanding and mentally exhausting, with long hours. You also deal with high-pressure situations, and dealing with difficult customers. As such, it’s important to be aware of any signs of demotivation or burnout among your team and take proactive steps to address them.

There are many situations when you will find that there could be an issue with the way that your staff is performing. It is essential to be able to detect this issue as early on as possible so that it won’t be a serious problem.

The longer you wait to handle this sort of issue, the more likely it is that it will turn into something more complicated. This is why it is important to act as quickly as you possibly can. Even if this means investing in certain things to make things right.

What to do when things seem to be falling apart?

If you notice any decrease in performance, lack of enthusiasm, or signs of fatigue among your bartending team, it’s important to address these issues promptly. Firstly, have open and honest conversations with your team members to understand their concerns and challenges.

Then, offer support and solutions, such as adjusting work schedules, providing additional training or resources, or offering incentives or rewards to reignite their motivation. Taking proactive measures to address demotivation or burnout can prevent further decline in performance and help your team regain their motivation and engagement.

Some relevant stats on employee engagement:

  • Gallup’s State of the Global Workplace report in 2021 dropped a bombshell, showing that a mere 20% of employees worldwide are deemed “engaged” in their jobs, while a whopping 14% are “actively disengaged.”
  • Studies have uncovered that younger generations, including the ever-elusive Millennials and enigmatic Gen Z, are more prone to high turnover rates compared to their seasoned counterparts. Brace yourself for the Deloitte Millennial Survey 2020 bombshell: a staggering 42% of Millennials and a jaw-dropping 61% of Gen Z expect to leave their current job within a mere two years.
  • The median employee tenure, or how long an employee sticks around with an organization, in the United States was a mere 4.1 years as of January 2020, as reported by the Bureau of Labor Statistics. That’s right, folks, employees these days are changing jobs with unprecedented frequency. It’s a brave new world out there and staff loyalty is at an all time low.

Evaluate all your strategies often for staff loyalty

In addition to addressing challenges, it’s important to continuously evaluate and adjust your motivational strategies based on the unique needs and preferences of your bartending team. Consequently, listen to their feedback, observe their behaviors, and customize your approach accordingly.

For instance, some team members may value recognition and rewards, while others may be more motivated by opportunities for growth and advancement. By understanding and catering to the unique motivations of your team, you can keep them engaged and motivated.

As a freelance bartending business owner, it’s also crucial to lead by example and be a positive role model for your team. Show enthusiasm for your work, demonstrate professionalism, and maintain a positive attitude.

Your team will look up to you and follow your lead. Additionally, be approachable and open to feedback, and actively involve your team in decision-making processes. When your team feels valued and included, they are more likely to be motivated and committed to the success of your business.

10 reasons why you need to enforce staff loyalty for bartending

Perhaps sometimes it feels like there are other aspects of your business that require more attention. The truth is that it can be hard to make the right kind of decision when it comes to how you spend your time within the workplace. With that said, the following are 10 reasons why you need to enforce staff loyalty and why it is very beneficial to do so.

  1. Trustworthy Teammates: When your bartending team is loyal, it creates a solid foundation of trust among team members. They know they can count on each other to provide outstanding service and support each other during busy shifts or tough situations.
  2. Consistent Service: Loyal team members tend to stick around for the long haul, which means they really understand your business’s values and standards. This consistency in service ensures that customers receive the same top-quality experience every time they visit your place.
  3. Open Communication: Team members who are loyal to your bartending team are more likely to openly communicate with each other. They feel comfortable sharing ideas, feedback, and concerns, which fosters a collaborative and supportive work environment.

Other relevant factors:

  1. Increased Productivity: When your bartending team is loyal, they’re truly invested in the success of your business. This motivation and dedication can lead to increased productivity, as team members are willing to go the extra mile to keep the bar running smoothly.
  2. Positive Team Dynamics: Loyal team members often form strong bonds with each other, leading to positive team dynamics. They support and encourage each other, creating a sense of camaraderie and teamwork. One that enhances the overall atmosphere of the bartending team.
  3. Reduced Turnover: High turnover rates can be a real challenge for bartending teams, as they disrupt workflow and increase recruitment costs. However, staff loyalty can help reduce turnover rates, as team members are more likely to stay with your team for longer periods. This way reducing the need for frequent hiring and training.

Also consider the following:

  1. Enhanced Customer Service: Loyal team members are more likely to build relationships with regular customers. Never forget about remembering their preferences and providing personalized service. This enhanced customer service can lead to increased customer loyalty and repeat business.
  2. Lower Training Costs: Training new bartending staff can be time-consuming and costly. However, with loyal team members who stick around for the long term, you can save a lot. Mainly on training costs and invest in further professional development for your existing team members.
  3. Higher Employee Morale: Loyal team members feel valued and appreciated, which leads to higher employee morale. When team members are happy and satisfied with their work environment, they’re more likely to perform at their best and take pride in their work. High morale is always an amazing way to encourage loyalty in any environment.
  4. Positive Reputation: A bartending team with loyal team members who consistently deliver excellent service and demonstrate professionalism. This team can earn a positive reputation in the industry. Word of mouth and online reviews can spread, attracting more customers and talent to your team.

Party Shakers offers staff that is finely tuned to the business philosophy

If you are looking for a business that is able to help you achieve optimal results due to a great team, we are the best choice. Everyone that works at Party Shakers understands the value and the power of teamwork.

Creating this business and keeping it running smoothly is a very important part of its history and we intend to keep it that way. If you wish to learn more, just send us a message and we will be more than happy to assist you.

Questions and answers

What are the advantages of staff loyalty?

Reduced turnover, lower training costs, great team dynamics, a positive reputation and a consistent service are a few of the many things worth considering.

How long does it take for an employee to become loyal?

It could take one day or one decade for an employee to gain a sense of loyalty. This depends on how the employer decides to handle the relationship with employees.

What are the most common challenges for staff loyalty?

A feeling of no acknowledgement, a lack of any kind of progress, and no opportunities for growth within the business. Those are key elements that affect staff loyalty.

Final thoughts on staff loyalty

Keeping your freelance bartending team motivated and engaged is essential for delivering high-quality service and ensuring customer satisfaction. By setting clear expectations, providing training and professional development opportunities, recognizing and rewarding performance. Also, by promoting open communication, providing a safe and healthy work environment, fostering teamwork and camaraderie, valuing flexibility and autonomy.

In addition to celebrating successes and milestones, promoting work-life balance, and listening to feedback. You can create a positive and motivating work environment that inspires your bartending team to excel in their roles.

If you wish to work with service providers with a strong team, hire Party Shakers for your next event!