Party Shakers bartending From side income to career

There are many people who have worked in bartending at some point in their lives. With that said, many of them never consider it to be a full time bartending profession. Those who do take it to the next level can expect to find a very rewarding experience.

The best strategy for a bartender to reach the next level in terms of their bartending efforts is dedication. This is the number one thing that separates the casual bartender with side income from the full-time professional.

There are many factors that need to be considered when you are getting this process started. The majority of people who bartend see this as a temporary job. With that said, there is no way for a bartender to achieve success with this mindset.

This article by Touch Bistro shows you the basics on how you can start your journey. Keep in mind that the goal of this post is to show you what it takes to go from casual to pro, so the advice on that article is mostly for beginners.

The content of this post focuses on the differences that determine the success of bartenders based on their ability to handle certain things. The actions that they take towards their future in bartending will be essential. If they are to be successful in any way, bartenders really need to follow a number of strategies.

The casual bartender never looks at bartending with passion and dedication

If you want to be able to achieve success in life, you need to do something that you love. This is a very true statement that many people fail to consider. This article by Better Up gives you some tips on how to find out what is your true passion.

Once you have really figured out if bartending is a job that you enjoy, you can begin your bartending journey. With that said, you could also just bartend as a temporary job with no expectations of a career and that is also perfectly fine.

For those who decide that they want to take bartending to a full time career level, read on. The profession of bartending is one that can be very rewarding and there is limitless potential for profit.

Why do people perceive bartending as a limited income job?

Some people have the perception that bartending is just a job that you can do as a side business. They never really see this as something permanent or something that could end up being a full time job. This article explains some details on what it takes to be a successful bartender.

This is an incorrect perception as bartending is indeed a job that can be very rewarding and accommodating. You need to consider that a large amount of hard work is needed to make this a profitable profession. Once you gain momentum, the process becomes much easier and the earnings much higher.

The bartender that freelances versus the single job bartender?

This is probably one of the biggest factors that determines the difference between a side income bartender from a full time career bartender. You will find that anyone who decides to work in bartending as a steady employee is very limited.

While the bartender with a steady job can get tips, the earnings they get from their employer are not optimal. It is very rare for a bartender that works a single job to earn substantial income.

In contrast, when a bartender works with several clients each month, there are more opportunities. There will be a larger variety of clients and it can become a very profitable way to work.

The main issue with this way of working is that most people have a hard time with their promotional efforts. This is why so many people never see the potential of working as full time bartenders.

How can full time bartending workers promote themselves?

The factor that usually determines the success of any business is in the ability to promote it to their audience. It is very easy to create a business, but to start seeing profit is not so easy. This is the main reason why it is important to guarantee that you can promote your business the right way.

One of the best ways for bartenders to do this is to make use of social media. A great bartending team or single bartender will start to showcase videos of their skills. Even if you are not a flashy bartender, you can still show your elegance and style.

People like to see videos of the staff they plan to hire for events. This allows them to see people from a different angle and that is always important. This is why you need to make sure that you take the time to create good content.

Social media also allows a bartender to create live streams and to interact with potential clients. When event planners or people looking to throw a party see these videos, they are more likely to hire.

The power of content is still undeniable

You also need to consider the importance of using the power of blogging to start gaining some traction and momentum. The more content you write that relates to bartending, the higher you will rank.

This is what is known as organic growth and it will help your business achieve amazing results. The idea is for the content to use as many relevant keywords that people use when searching for bartenders.

Any bartender or bartending team that masters this process is going to have an easier time achieving amazing results. The reason is that people will find them with ease when compared to any service that is not using proper marketing strategies.

The main thing that everyone needs to remember is that this type of work needs to be consistent. The best way to guarantee that you can achieve the results you want is to be creating new content as often as possible.

Traditional media can still be of help for full time bartending

The best bartender services out there are making proper use of the internet and all kinds of digital tools. We are living in times that allow us to promote our services entirely via digital means. With that said, the use of traditional offline marketing is still quite common.

Any bartenders decide to pay for newspaper ads and this is a good way to expand your opportunities for conversions. This is also one of the reasons why so many people decide to do this. There are also other ways to advertise such as the use of radio ads, or even by contacting influencers to get some mentions on their live streams.

It is crucial for anyone involved in bartending to be able to consider that promotional efforts are essential. The more you invest in this, the easier it becomes to achieve the results you want and need. It is essential to understand that a large number of people are usually going to expect their business to work without proper marketing.

This is a phenomenon that happens to many business owners. They think that their business will succeed just because they are open for business and that never works. Being open for business is just the first of many steps toward success in any type of venture.

Knowing how to network is another big factor

One of the greatest skills that successful bartender shave is the fact that they can provide network with ease. The process of networking requires that you have a charming personality and that you are persuasive.

If you have the required skills to do this, you will find it very easy to achieve great results with your efforts. Keep in mind that one of the main things that make a difference in the business is to have people skills.

Those who can win people over in a genuine way are always going to have more work as bartenders. People like to hire someone that they find friendly and trustworthy.  This is why we have to emphasize the importance of having the required social and networking skills for success.

When you are looking to become someone who understands the value and the power of networking. The process of being able to get as many new clients as possible becomes much easier.

To have emotional control is also a huge factor in full time bartending

Anyone who is involved in bartending and is impatient and easily angered is never going to last in this business. If you are a bartender, emotional control is your best friend and it will be tested often.

When you are working in bartending, you are more likely to bump into difficult people due to the alcohol involved. It is very important to keep this in mind at all times. It is common to be in such a situation and you need your emotional intelligence to be strong.

Let’s face it, there are many things that can be difficult about bartending. The simple fact that you need to work hard to keep your emptions in control is a challenge in itself. You really have to be able to make the most out of every interaction. When you show to be in control of your actions, you will have more clients because they will know you can handle yourself well in difficult situations.

If you feel that your emotional control is lacking, you can always remember one rule. That rule is that rude customers are usually this ways because of the drinks and it is not personal. The more you learn this, the easier it is to handle difficult people. You just need to take things without involving your personal feelings. This article goes into detail regarding some of the elements of quality bartending.

How much do you tip a bartender at a private party?

The amount of money that you decide to tip to a bartender is going to depend on many factors. There should always be a range that you should consider. For example, the lowest tip is usually no less than $10 and the average tip is usually between $20 and $50.

These are good numbers to keep in mind, but in some cases, tips can be as high as $100 or even $200. Some high-end bartenders can see tips of upwards to $500 and $1,000 USD. Those are truly amazing tips that are not common, but they can be expected a certain private parties.

What is freelance full time bartending?

A freelance bartender is someone who works at different types of events and for different employers. This means that this type of bartender is not someone who is attacked to a single job at any point.

Party Shakers is a great example of a team of people who work as freelancers for parties, celebrations, weddings, etc. You will have nothing to worry about once you hire us to handle your events bartending and catering needs.

Party shakers is a team of highly committed bartenders that get the job done

If you are looking to get seasoned and highly efficient bartenders to work with, we have the team you want. Every member of the Party Shakers bartending family is aware of the importance of a reliable service. We also provide catering, photo booths, and DJs for those who wish to take their events to new heights.

You can get in touch with us and request our bartending services for your events. We will make sure that your next event is an unforgettable experience that will be loved by those around you.

Questions and answers

Why do people perceive bartending as a limited income job?

There are many people who see this as a limited income job, but this is not really the case. The issue is that most people who bartender do not cross the line of casual bartending to professional bartending. The reality is that bartending can be a very lucrative job for those who are committed to the profession.

What is freelance full time bartending?

The freelance bartender is anyone who decides to work independently and not rely on a single employer. Instead, the freelancing bartender is constantly working with different clients for all kinds of events and occasions. This can prove to be a very lucrative way to work if you are good at networking.

How much do you tip a bartender at a private party?

The amount of money you tip to a bartender at a private party is usually somewhere around $20 to $50 as an average tip. With that said, there is no minimum or maximum that is obligatory. Anything lower than $10 is a bit too low, so just keep that in mind.

How many bartenders do you need for 50 guests?

Some people feel that anything over 50 guests requires at least two bartenders. With that said, even some events with 30+ guests can require two bartenders. It is always important to consider the reasons why this is the case. It is often due to the kind of drinks and the number of people who drink.

Final thoughts on full-time bartending

There are many bartenders that don’t really consider the thought of becoming full time workers. Those who do want to reach that next level are more likely to seek the most reliable ways to handle this process.

This is the main reason why it is very important to consider the factors that will be essential for success.