How to make The Flaming Sambuca - Party Shakers

Have you ever wanted to turn a regular night out into a thrilling adventure with a single shot? Look no further than the Flaming Sambuca! This extraordinary concoction combines fire, flavor, and a hint of spice to create a unique experience. In this Party Shakers blog post, we’ll break down the steps to learn how to Make The Flaming Sambuca.


  • A bendy straw
  • A cocktail napkin
  • A snifter glass
  • Another glass that fits inside the snifter
  • 2 coffee beans
  • Sambuca
  • A source of fire (e.g., a lighter)

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Step 1: Prepare the Napkin

To get things started, grab a cocktail napkin and poke a tiny hole in it, as shown. This hole will play a crucial role in the flaming part of the shot, so make sure it’s small but well-defined.

Step 2: Assemble Your Tools

Now, you’ll need to grab your bendy straw and insert it through the hole in the napkin. This napkin-straw combination will be used in the later steps to create the flame.

Step 3: Set Up the Glasses

Get your snifter glass and the other glass that fits inside it. Place two coffee beans inside the snifter glass. These coffee beans are going to add a delightful aromatic touch to your Flaming Sambuca.

Step 4: Pour the Sambuca

Next, you want to pour about an ounce and a half of Sambuca into the snifter glass. You can adjust the quantity to your liking, but this is a good starting point for a standard shot.

Step 5: Ignite the Flame

Now comes the exciting part! Set the second glass alongside the snifter and, holding a flame source, ignite the Sambuca. As it blazes, gently spin the glass to ensure an even warming effect. This step takes about 10 seconds.

Step 6: Pour and Close

After 10 seconds, carefully pour the flaming Sambuca into the other glass. Then, cover it quickly with the snifter glass, suffocating the flame. Safety first!

Step 7: Sip and Chew

Now, for the fun part. Grab the snifter and place it over the straw. Take the shot, and immediately chew the coffee beans. This combination of flavors and sensations is what makes the Flaming Sambuca truly unique.

Step 8: The Grand Finale

After sipping the heated shot and savoring the coffee beans, it’s time to conclude your adventure. Remove the snifter, take one last sip through the straw, and enjoy the lingering taste.

Final thoughts on how to Make The Flaming Sambuca

Sambuca’s anise-like flavor, combined with the warmth from the heated shot, makes the Flaming Sambuca a perfect choice for chilly nights. It’s not just a shot; it’s a fun and captivating experience that anyone can enjoy. So, the next time you’re looking to spice up your evening, try your hand at making and savoring a Flaming Sambuca shot.

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