Morgue-a-Rita Cocktail: A great Halloween drink - Party Shakers

Greetings, fellow aficionados of the mystical and macabre! I’m Ina, your witch bartender from the enigmatic realm of Party Shakers, and today, I’m thrilled to unveil the dark secrets behind a spine-chilling elixir known as the morgue-a-Rita Cocktail. Prepare to embark on a journey into the eerie world of mixology.

Scroll down to the bottom of the article for a video on how to make this drink!

Morgue-a-rita (ingredients)


  • 1/4 cup light corn syrup
  • green food coloring


  • 1 oz lime juice
  • 1 oz club soda
  • 1.5 oz tequila
  • 1 oz triple sec
  • 1 oz maraschino cherry syrup
  • Mix together 1/4 cup light corn syrup with green food dye

Setting the Stage for the morgue-a-Rita Cocktail

To begin our alchemical endeavor, let’s prepare our mystical workspace. Retrieve your trusty shaker and fill it to the brim with ice. This icy foundation will serve as the chilling canvas for our Morgue-a-Rita’s ominous allure.

The Elixir of the Underworld

Now, we delve into the heart of darkness – crafting the elixir that gives the Morgue-a-Rita its eerie charm. For this supernatural potion, you’ll need the following ingredients:

One Ounce of Bone Dust:

The essence of bone dust brings an earthy, mysterious depth to our morgue-a-Rita Cocktail, reminiscent of ancient crypts and hidden secrets.

One Ounce of Vampire Boogers:

With a touch of vampire boogers, our potion gains a subtle sweetness that lingers like a forbidden kiss of the night.

One and a Half Ounces of Melted Spider Webs:

Melted spider webs infuse our concoction with an eerie silkiness, weaving a delicate, otherworldly texture.

Now, with our ingredients assembled in the shaker, it’s time to work your magic. Also, shake vigorously, allowing the elements to merge and conjure a potion that’s truly enchanting.

The Art of Presentation for the morgue-a-Rita Cocktail

Presentation is a crucial aspect of mystical mixology. To add that extra layer of enchantment to your Morgue-a-Rita, follow these steps:

  1. Rim Your Glass with Snake Poison: Gently rim your glass with snake poison, creating a tantalizingly toxic edge that beckons to the curious.
  2. Add a Splash of Chicken Blood: A few drops of chicken blood add a visceral, crimson hue to the potion, enhancing its eerie allure.

Crafting the Morgue-a-Rita Cocktail

Now that our glass is suitably adorned, it’s time to unveil the Morgue-a-Rita. Also, carefully pour the concoction into your glass, watching as it dances and swirls, reminiscent of spirits stirring from their slumber.

Goo and Cocktail Fusion

For an extra touch of magic, let’s combine the mystical with the tangible. Mix together a quarter cup of light corn syrup with green food dye to create a gooey, otherworldly concoction to drizzle on the rim of your glass. Also, this goo adds an eerie, luminescent sheen to your Morgue-a-Rita, elevating its supernatural appeal.

Final Thoughts on the morgue-a-Rita Cocktail

As you take your first sip of this tantalizing elixir, you’ll be transported to a realm where magic and mixology unite to create the perfect Morgue-a-Rita. Also, the flavors dance on your palate, leaving you enchanted and craving more of this eerie potion.

If you are interested in learning about why barteding cocktails are so fascinating, check out this blog.

Before we part ways, don’t forget to show your support by liking this video and subscribing to our channel. Also, share your thoughts in the comments, and let us know if there are any other mystical elixirs you’d like to see us conjure in the future.

Also, if you want a sober halloween, here are some mocktails to serve to guests.

Thank you for joining me on this mystical mixological journey for the morgue-a-Rita Cocktail, and until next time, may your cocktails always be bewitching. Farewell, fellow sorcerers and witches!