Top bartending countries: Which ones are they? - Party Shakers

There are bartenders in every country in the world without a doubt. The difference is that some countries have more opportunities than others for bartenders to work. This is the reason why we are discussing the top bartending countries.

From the United States and The UK, to Japan and Spain, the top bartending countries are also countries with a very strong cultural mix. There are also specific cities in each of those countries that can be considered. 

The top bartending countries

United States

The United States is renowned for its vibrant bartending scene, with cities like New York, Los Angeles, and San Francisco leading the way. The American cocktail culture is incredibly diverse, with a multitude of bars and mixologists pushing the boundaries of creativity. From classic speakeasies to trendy craft cocktail lounges, the U.S. offers a wide range of experiences for both bartenders and cocktail enthusiasts. The country has been a pioneer in the craft cocktail movement, reviving forgotten recipes, experimenting with unique ingredients, and elevating the art of bartending to new heights.

United Kingdom

The United Kingdom, particularly London, has a rich history deeply intertwined with cocktail culture. London’s cocktail scene is a melting pot of creativity, craftsmanship, and elegance. From iconic hotel bars to hidden speakeasies, the city offers a myriad of options for cocktail lovers. British bartenders are known for their impeccable skills, attention to detail, and ability to deliver exceptional hospitality. The UK has been at the forefront of cocktail trends, combining tradition with innovation to create unforgettable drinking experiences.


Australia has developed a thriving bartending scene known for its inventiveness, quality, and a laid-back approach to hospitality. Cities like Melbourne and Sydney are home to a plethora of bars that showcase creativity and dedication to sourcing high-quality, locally-sourced ingredients. Australian bartenders prioritize flavor exploration, pushing the boundaries of taste and presentation. The cocktail culture Down Under is diverse and vibrant. Ranging from sophisticated rooftop bars with breathtaking views to cozy hidden gems tucked away in laneways. Also, the Australian bartending scene embodies a relaxed and approachable atmosphere that encourages camaraderie and enjoyment.


Japan has made an indelible mark on the bartending world, celebrated for its meticulous approach, precision, and reverence for the craft. Japanese bartenders have elevated bartending to an art form, focusing on flawless techniques, exquisite presentation, and a deep understanding of flavor profiles. Tokyo, in particular, boasts a thriving cocktail scene, featuring hidden gem speakeasies, high-end bars, and innovative mixology concepts. Japanese bartending embodies a sense of dedication, discipline, and omotenashi. Also, a unique form of hospitality that aims to create a memorable experience for every guest.


Spain has emerged as a hotbed of creativity and innovation in the global bartending community. Cities like Barcelona and Madrid have become renowned for their avant-garde cocktail culture. Spanish bartenders embrace a spirit of experimentation, utilizing cutting-edge techniques and unusual flavor combinations. Molecular mixology has found a welcoming home in Spain, with bartenders pushing boundaries and challenging conventions. Whether you’re enjoying a cocktail at a modern, stylish bar or sipping drinks at a traditional bodega, Spain offers a dynamic and thrilling bartending experience.

While these countries are often highlighted for their bartending scenes, it’s important to note that many other nations, such as Italy, Mexico, France, and Brazil, also have remarkable cocktail cultures worth exploring. Each country brings its own unique traditions, flavors, and influences to the art of bartending, creating a truly global tapestry of cocktail experiences. Ultimately, the best country for bartending is subjective. Also, it depends on individual preferences and the specific aspects of cocktail culture that resonate with each person.

The value of cultural differences in top bartending countries

The value of cultural differences in bartending extends beyond the simple act of mixing drinks. It encompasses a rich tapestry of flavors, techniques, and traditions that enhance the craft and create memorable experiences for both bartenders and customers. Embracing and celebrating cultural diversity in the bartending industry has several key benefits that shape the dynamic nature of the profession.

One of the most significant advantages is the exposure to unique perspectives and traditions. Cultural differences bring forth a wealth of diverse viewpoints and customs related to drinking. Each country and region has its own distinct drinking culture, rituals, and preferred beverages. By embracing these differences, bartenders have the opportunity to learn from one another, broaden their knowledge, and incorporate new flavors and techniques into their repertoire. This infusion of diverse perspectives adds depth and richness to the bartending community.

Cultural diversity in bartending also opens doors to an incredible array of flavors and ingredients. Each culture boasts its own set of herbs, fruits, spices, and traditional spirits that are used to create signature drinks. By exploring and incorporating these diverse ingredients, bartenders can craft innovative and exciting cocktails that captivate the taste buds of customers from around the world. The fusion of flavors from different cultures creates a delightful fusion of tastes, enticing customers to embark on a culinary journey with each sip.

Cultural collaboration

Moreover, cultural differences foster cross-cultural collaboration within the bartending community. When bartenders from different cultural backgrounds come together, they have the opportunity to collaborate, share ideas, and create remarkable innovations. These collaborations can lead to the fusion of techniques, the blending of ingredients, and the creation of entirely new cocktail experiences. Such collaborations not only inspire creativity but also foster camaraderie and unity within the bartending community.

Embracing cultural differences in bartending also promotes inclusivity and representation. When bartenders acknowledge and respect cultural diversity, it creates an environment where everyone feels welcome and valued. Customers from various backgrounds see their own cultural traditions reflected in the drinks being served, evoking a sense of familiarity and pride. This encourages customers to explore and appreciate different cultural flavors and experiences, promoting cultural understanding and appreciation.

Continuous learning

Additionally, cultural differences in bartending provide an opportunity for continuous learning and cultural exchange. Bartenders who actively seek knowledge about various drinking traditions and customs become ambassadors of culture, sharing their insights with colleagues and customers. This not only promotes cultural understanding but also encourages curiosity and appreciation for different traditions and rituals associated with drinking. Through education and awareness, bartenders foster an environment that celebrates cultural diversity and encourages exploration.

The value of cultural differences in bartending is not only experienced by bartenders but also enhances the customer experience. By offering a diverse selection of culturally inspired cocktails, bartenders can transport customers on a sensory journey, providing them with a taste of different cultures and their unique drinking traditions. This enhances customer satisfaction, promotes exploration, and encourages a deeper appreciation for the cultural diversity represented behind the bar.

Embracing cultural differences opens doors to professional growth and global opportunities. As the bartending industry continues to expand and diversify, professionals with a strong understanding of different cultural preferences and techniques are highly sought after. Bartenders who are well-versed in cultural nuances have the potential to work in international establishments. Also, participate in global competitions, or even become cultural ambassadors themselves.

The most popular drinks in each top bartending country

Japan – Sake and Highballs

In the enchanting world of Japanese bars, two drinks reign supreme. Sake, a traditional rice wine, holds a cherished place in the hearts of locals and accompanies a variety of delectable dishes. Another favorite is the highball, a refreshing blend of whisky and sparkling soda water. Crafted with meticulous precision and an emphasis on harmony, Japanese bartenders create an extraordinary experience with these beloved beverages.

Australia – The Espresso Martini and Aperol Spritz

Down Under, Australians have developed a fondness for two captivating concoctions. The Espresso Martini, a heavenly blend of vodka, coffee liqueur, and a shot of espresso, delivers a delightful caffeine-infused kick. Additionally, the Aperol Spritz has won over many hearts with its vibrant colors and tantalizing flavors, combining Aperol, prosecco, and a splash of soda water. These drinks perfectly complement Australia’s laid-back beach culture and love for inventive libations.

United Kingdom – Gin and Tonic, Pimm’s Cup

In the United Kingdom, gin takes center stage, making the classic Gin and Tonic an eternal favorite. The harmonious fusion of gin’s botanical notes with the invigorating bitterness of tonic water creates a timeless combination. Another beloved drink is the Pimm’s Cup, a quintessentially English summer delight. Blending Pimm’s No. 1, lemonade, and an array of refreshing fruits. This libation brings a taste of sunshine to British gardens.

United States – Margarita and Old Fashioned

Across the United States, an abundant cocktail culture has given rise to several beloved drinks. Leading the pack is the Margarita, a tangy and refreshing blend of tequila, lime juice, and orange liqueur that has gained international fame. Meanwhile, the Old Fashioned, a classic concoction featuring bourbon or rye whiskey, sugar, and bitters, showcases America’s enduring love for timeless traditions and bold flavors.

Spain – Sangria and Gin Tonic

Spain, with its vibrant nightlife and festive spirit, offers two beloved national drinks. First, the delightful Sangria, a fruity and refreshing blend of red or white wine, chopped fruits, and a hint of brandy. This cheerful libation captures the essence of Spanish gatherings and conviviality. Additionally, Spain has embraced the Gin Tonic with fervor, transforming it into an art form. Spaniards emphasize the perfect balance of gin, tonic water, and carefully selected garnishes. This makes each Gin Tonic a personalized masterpiece.

Is Bartending Worth Pursuing as a Career in top bartending countries?

Bartending, a profession intertwined with a vibrant and social lifestyle, has captivated individuals with its artful cocktail creations, beer-pouring finesse, and engaging interactions with customers. But does bartending hold enough value to be considered a worthwhile career pursuit? With its fusion of creativity, sociability, and the potential for financial success, bartending can undeniably be a fulfilling and rewarding professional journey.

Bartending thrives on social interactions in top bartending countries

This makes it an ideal vocation for individuals who revel in meeting new people and forging connections. Engaging with customers, listening to their tales, and fostering a warm and welcoming ambiance are pivotal aspects of the job. Bartenders often become trusted confidants, lending a sympathetic ear and a friendly smile to patrons seeking solace or revelry. The relationships formed behind the bar can transcend the fleeting moments, blossoming into lasting and meaningful connections. For those who derive joy from human connection, bartending can offer a truly fulfilling career path.

Financially, bartending can prove to be a lucrative pursuit

While entry-level positions may not yield substantial income, seasoned and skilled bartenders can amass considerable earnings through gratuities. In popular establishments or during peak hours, bartenders who deliver exceptional service and create memorable experiences for their customers can significantly augment their earnings. Furthermore, those specializing in high-end cocktails or working in upscale venues have the potential to garner even greater financial rewards. With the right blend of expertise, dedication, and experience. Bartending can provide a comfortable and financially rewarding livelihood.

It can be a flexible career choice

Another advantage of embarking on a career in bartending lies in the flexibility it affords. Many bartenders work in shifts, allowing them to accommodate diverse schedules and other personal commitments. This flexibility facilitates the pursuit of additional interests or the exploration of other passions outside the confines of bartending hours. Whether it involves venturing into a side business, pursuing further education, or delving into personal hobbies. Bartending can provide the freedom and time necessary to cultivate these endeavors.

However, it is crucial to acknowledge that bartending also presents its fair share of challenges. The occupation can be physically demanding, requiring long hours spent on one’s feet, often in a high-pressure environment. Dealing with difficult customers or managing inebriated patrons can prove emotionally taxing. Furthermore, the late-night nature of the job may disrupt one’s personal life and hinder the establishment of a consistent routine.

Good things come to those who wait

Bartending has the potential to be a gratifying and financially rewarding career path for those who possess a penchant for creativity, relish social interaction, and thrive in dynamic work environments. The opportunity to showcase mixology skills, forge meaningful connections, and earn a respectable income through tips are among the compelling reasons to consider bartending as a profession.

However, it is vital to recognize the physical and emotional demands associated with the job and be prepared to tackle the challenges that may arise. With the right balance of passion, skill, and dedication, bartending can indeed be a worthwhile and enjoyable career pursuit for those who are up to the task.

Party Shakers is the perfect example of a team that works the right way

The Party Shakers team works the Los Angeles area, but they have also done events in other cities and states. If you want to learn the details of their services, you can reach out to them to book your event staff.

Questions and answers

What are the most popular drinks?

Most countries have specific popular drinks, so to generalize this question would be a bit of a stretch. With that said the gin and tonic and margarita are very common requests worldwide.

What are the countries that have more opportunities for bartenders?

The UK, USA, Spain, Australia, and Japan are at the top of the list without a doubt. There are others, but those are the most popular without a doubt.

Is bartending a career worth pursuing?

Yes, bartending is definitely worth pursuing as a career and it is the kind of profession that starts to show results in time.

Final thoughts on the top countries for bartending

While there is no doubt that there are many countries out there that are ideal for bartending, the ones we mentioned do take the front spot as the most engaging.

Contact Party Shakers to see a great bartending team in action!