The history of bartending cocktails: how did it all start? - Party Shakers

There is no doubt that the history of bartending cocktails has always been a huge part of the lives of people who enjoy going to bars. There are all kinds of options when it comes to cocktails, but it all started with something way smaller.

The main thing to remember is that the most common cocktails that we see today are also some of the oldest in existence. The Sazerac, Gin and Tonic, Old Fashioned, Martini, Margarita, Manhattan, and Mai tai top the lists.

As time went on, the cocktails became more sophisticated. In addition, bartenders started experimenting with different ingredients and techniques, resulting in a vast array of cocktails with their unique flavors and presentations. Additionally, one of the most famous early cocktails was the Sazerac, which was created in New Orleans in the mid-1800s. In addition,  this drink consisted of cognac or rye whiskey, absinthe, and bitters and was served in a glass coated with sugar.

The bartending cocktails continued to grow in popularity

Moving further into the history of bartending cocktails. The popularity of cocktails continued to grow throughout the 20th century, with each decade bringing new trends and innovations. The 1920s, in particular, were known for their cocktails, thanks to the Prohibition era. During this time, speakeasies popped up all over the country, offering illicit drinks to patrons who were eager to defy the law. Also, some of the most famous cocktails from this era include the Gin Rickey, the Sidecar, and the Manhattan.

The 1930s and 40s saw the rise of tiki culture and the creation of exotic cocktails like the Mai Tai, the Zombie, and the Scorpion. These drinks were typically made with rum and tropical fruit juices, and they were served in colorful glasses with elaborate garnishes.

The 1950s and 60s saw the emergence of the martini culture, thanks to James Bond and his famous “shaken, not stirred” request. Morevoer, this era also saw the creation of classic cocktails like the Margarita, the Bloody Mary, and the Old Fashioned, not to mention quite a few others.

We can expect to see an endless evolution with drinks and cocktails. Moreover, it is common for mixologists to bring in new ideas for bars and restaurants. Also, the addition of those new mixes usually depends on how popular they become.

The acceptance that is given to these drinks matter a lot and that is a key factor. Furthermore, there are some cases when bartenders and mixologists work on specific drinks for a long time to fine tune the results.

The new era has spawned many new drinks and mixes

In recent years, cocktails have become more inventive and creative than ever before. Mixologists are constantly pushing the boundaries with new ingredients, techniques, and presentations. Molecular mixology, for example, has become a popular trend, with bartenders using scientific methods to create new and unusual cocktails.

There are also many mixologists that are constantly coming up with new and exciting drink ideas. These are constantly being offered at bars in order to see their acceptance. This is also one of the main reasons why it is very important to consider this. Also, the world of cocktails is constantly evolving and new drinks are being created all the time.

Also, you can see many other unnoficial drinks that people like to create and post online. Nevertheless, it takes more than just a nice looking drink for it to become official.

The following are the top 10 oldest drinks in the history of bartending cocktails:

  • In the 1830s, the Sazerac cocktail inventor created the oldest cocktail in the United States in New Orleans, consisting of rye whiskey, Peychaud’s Bitters, absinthe, sugar, and a lemon twist.
  • The British East India Company created the Gin and Tonic in the early 19th century, originally adding gin to quinine to make the tonic more palatable and prevent malaria.
  • Whiskey, sugar, and bitters make up the classic Old Fashioned cocktail, typically garnished with a cherry and orange slice, and has been around since the 1800s.
  • In the late 1800s, the Martini became one of the most iconic cocktails in the world, typically made with gin or vodka, vermouth, and garnished with a lemon twist or olive.
  • The Manhattan, made with rye whiskey, sweet vermouth, and bitters and garnished with a cherry, is another classic cocktail that has been around since the late 1800s.
  • Rum, lime juice, and sugar make up the simple Daiquiri cocktail, invented in Cuba in the late 1800s and typically served over ice.
  • The Negroni cocktail, a popular Italian drink, was invented in the early 1900s and consists of gin, sweet vermouth, and Campari, garnished with an orange peel.
  • The Sidecar is a classic cocktail first made in the early 1900s with brandy, Cointreau, and lemon juice, typically served in a sugar-rimmed glass.
  • In the 1930s, the Margarita cocktail was invented and typically made with tequila, lime juice, and triple sec, served in a salt-rimmed glass and garnished with lime.
  • The tropical Mai Tai cocktail was invented in the 1940s and consists of rum, lime juice, orange and orgeat syrup and is typically served in a tiki mug.

The list

Some would argue that there is no definitive list of “official” cocktails, as many bars and organizations have their own criteria for what constitutes an official cocktail. With that said, the International Bartenders Association (IBA) has a list of 77 cocktails that are recognized as official. Moreover, these cocktails are considered to be classic and iconic drinks that are commonly found on bar menus around the world. In addition, here is the complete list of the 77 official IBA cocktails:

  1. Alexander
  2. Americano
  3. Angel Face
  4. Aviation
  5. Bacardi
  6. Between the Sheets
  7. Bellini
  8. Black Russian
  9. Bloody Mary
  10. Bramble
  11. Caipirinha
  12. Champagne Cocktail
  13. Clover Club
  14. Cosmopolitan
  15. Cuba Libre
  16. Daiquiri
  17. Dark ‘n’ Stormy
  18. Death in the Afternoon
  19. Derby
  20. Dry Martini
  21. Espresso Martini
  22. French 75
  23. God Father
  24. God Mother
  25. Golden Dream
  26. Grasshopper
  27. Harvey Wallbanger
  28. Hemingway Special
  29. Horses Neck
  30. Irish Coffee
  31. Jack Rose
  32. Jungle Bird
  33. Kir
  34. Long Island Iced Tea
  35. Mai Tai
  36. Manhattan
  37. Margarita
  38. MartĂ­nez
  39. Mimosa
  40. Mint Julep
  41. Mojito
  42. Moscow Mule
  43. Negroni
  44. New York Sour
  45. Old Fashioned
  46. Paradise
  47. Pina Colada
  48. Pink Lady
  49. Planter’s Punch
  50. Port Flip
  51. Ramos Gin Fizz
  52. Red Snapper
  53. Rob Roy
  54. Rusty Nail
  55. Sazerac
  56. Screwdriver
  57. Sidecar
  58. Singapore Sling
  59. Stinger
  60. Tequila Sunrise
  61. Tom Collins
  62. Tuxedo
  63. Vesper
  64. Whiskey Sour
  65. White Lady
  66. Yellow Bird
  67. Alabama Slammer
  68. Angel’s Tit
  69. B-52
  70. Banana Banshee
  71. Blue Lagoon
  72. Brandy Crusta
  73. Chicago
  74. Chocolate Martini
  75. Cosmopolitan Martini
  76. Flamingo
  77. Freddy Fudpucker

These are all the cocktails that are seen as official in most locations, but as mentioned earlier, this is different in some areas.  The main thing to remember with all of this is that you will find a large number of mixes. This means that there are variations of each of those drinks. Some of those variations are also seen as official drinks by some organizations. Undeniably, this is all part of the history of bartending cocktails.

What are the most affordable bartending cocktails at a bar?

There are many affordable drinks and we mentioned some of them in the oldest cocktails list. You have the Margarita, Gin and Tonic, Daiquiri, Mojito, Whiskey Sour, Rum and Coke, and the Old Fashioned to name a few.

All of those drinks that we just mentioned are often seen as the most common requests. The reason is that they are very affordable, but they are also very tasty. This is the reason why they are such favorites for a large number of people all over the world.

It is great that some of the most popular and tasty drinks are also some of the less expensive. This makes it easy for people who love the nightclub lifestyle to enjoy great drinks for a low cost. Always remember this and you will find that your wallet won’t suffer too much when you order drinks.

What are the most expensive bartending cocktails at a bar?

Now, if you really want to get sophisticated and eccentric with bartending cocktails, you can ask for some incredibly expensive drinks. These are not featured in the official IBA list and they are truly exceptional in cost and extravagance.

It is also important to note that most bars out there won’t even feature these drinks. You need to visit very specific bars that are high end and have a wealthy customer base. A few of those bars include the Bar at the Plaza in NY, The Ritz Carlton Bar & Lounge in NY, along with the Library Bar in Los Angeles.

There are several other places in different locations of the world, but those are the ones that are most commonly mentioned. The most expensive drinks are certainly not available in most regular bars. These are truly the high-end type of cocktails that make a world of a difference in terms of price. As a matter of fact, to say they are expensive is kind of an understatement.

The Diamond Cocktail:

Mix rare vintage cognac with a $20,000 diamond to make this cocktail. Serve it in a crystal glass and garnish with a diamond-studded olive. By all means, this is a great drink to celebrate the history of bartending cocktails.

Diamond Is Forever Martini:

Make this luxurious cocktail with premium vodka, a splash of lime juice, and a diamond ring worth $16,000. Moreover, it is only served in very specific locations. Not ony is it tasty, it is also unique.

The Ono:

The Japanese chef who created it inspired the Ono cocktail made with Louis XIII cognac, rare brown sugar, and Angostura bitters. Also, serve it in a crystal glass and garnish with gold flakes.

The Sapphire Martini:

Mix Bombay Sapphire gin with a blue diamond worth $100,000 to make this cocktail. Serve it in a crystal glass and garnish with a diamond-studded olive. Indeed, this is an amazing drink to order.

The Ruby Rose:

Combine rose petals, raspberry vodka, and a rare ruby gemstone to make this cocktail. In addition, serve it in a crystal glass and garnish with a rose petal.

The Flawless:

Make this cocktail with Stoli Elit vodka, a rare diamond worth $50,000, and a splash of lime juice. Serve it in a crystal glass and garnish with a diamond-studded olive. Also, the name itself tells you just how much goes into this drink.

The Winston:

Make this cocktail named after Winston Churchill with 40-year-old Johnnie Walker Scotch, Chartreuse liqueur, and a dash of bitters. In addition, you serve it in a crystal glass and garnish with a rose petal. Undoubtedly, this is one great contender for high-end drinks.

Ritz Sidecar:

Mix the rarest vintage cognac with Chartreuse and lemon juice to make this cocktail. Serve it in a crystal glass and garnish with a gold leaf. Also, this is a drink that is very elegant looking. Alternatively, you can find similar options that people find ideal.

The Platinum Passion:

Combine rare passion fruit and Bacardi Rum with a platinum necklace worth $1 million to make this cocktail. Serve it in a crystal glass and garnish with a diamond-studded straw. Therefore, this drink is one that very few get to taste. Also, you only find it to be available in very select locations. In particular, those that are known to serve high paying customers.

The Jewel of Pangaea:

Bartenders make The Jewel of Pangaea by combining a rare vintage whiskey, 1985 vintage Krug champagne, and a $40,000 diamond. They serve it in a crystal glass and garnish it with a cherry studded with diamonds. Clearly, this is a drink that creates amazing results.

It is obvious that these are very unique cocktails that are pretty much the same as hose desserts that are covered in gold or something of that extravagant nature. Undoubtedly, this is the kind of drink that is a luxury to have and not for the casual bargoer.

Luxuries that are all about the bragging rights

When someone orders a drink worth thousands of dollars, it is very unlikely that the taste and experience can match the price tag. Therefore, the main reason why this happens is because people want to be able to say they had a super expensive drink. Be it for personal gratification or to show as a sign of status, this is a special kind of purchase.

In addition, the drinks that are this expensive are usually served at very exclusive places. Also, you can imagine that the range of prices is truly outstanding. Nevertheless, there are plenty of options that can suit the needs of most people.

At this range of prices, those who purchase this kind of drink do not have any kind of reservation with costs. What’s more, the person that can afford these drinks is more likely to decide based on the style of the drink, not on the price tag.

This is a common thing to see when people order high end drinks that are very exotic. It should be noted that you will find that there are many variations and styles for these drinks based on the location that serves them. Also, consider the quality of the service providers for this purpose.

Party Shakers offers some of the best services to celebrate the history of bartending cocktails

If you are looking for a quality bartending team that can offer the best services in the business, you need to look no further than Party Shakers. We have been in business for a very long time and this is one of the reasons why we are ideal for your needs.

Our team consists of highly trained people who are able to provide bartending services on all sorts of events. Moreover, we are all able to mix all the drinks and cocktails you can request out of the standard bartending cocktails. Also, you can expect a truly professional service at all times.

We can bring our mobile bartending services to your location too. Additionally, we also offer music DJ services and photo booths for anyone that wants to enhance their events even further. Just contact us and let us know what you need in order to ensure that we can provide the services you require for your event.

Questions and answers on the history of bartending cocktails

What are the most affordable cocktails at a bar?

If you are on a budget, you will find that the Margarita, Gin and Tonic, Daiquiri, Mojito, Whiskey Sour, Rum and Coke, and the Old Fashioned are ideal for your needs. Also, there are several variations that can be great for this purpose.

What are the most expensive cocktails at a bar?

There are some specific custom drinks that are incredibly expensive and served at very high-end bars. In addition, some of them include the Platinum Passion, the Ruby Rose, the Ritz Sidecar, and the Flawless.

What is the cost of bartending services in LA?

The cost of bartending services in LA is always going to be different depending on the venue and attendance. After all, you can always negotiate this with the bartender service and come up with a great bundle package. Also, the cost of bartendng depends on the expeirnce of the service provider.

Final thoughts 

There are many bartending services out there that are able to provide quality services to people. With that said, the bartending cocktails that are available at most bars are not always the same. Also, this is one of the reasons why it is very important to consider the type of bar for some drinks.

If you are ready to ask for some delicious cocktails during a private event, you can hire Party Shakers to ensure the best outcome!