Alcoholic beverages are very popular and common to see all over the world. There are all kinds of things to consider when it comes to drinking alcoholic beverages. In addition, this makes for great material for Alcohol documentaries.
So, to answer that question, yes, there are many documentaries about alcohol. All of them serve the purpose of showing you in one way or another that drinking is ok in moderation. With that said, their emphasis is on the consequences of crossing the boundaries of moderate drinking.
One of the things that matters the most about this is the process of showing the audience that blurry line. When a very blurry line shows the boundaries of acceptable drinking and addiction, many people are constantly stepping over it and this is the biggest problem.
The following list of documentaries all do an amazing job at showcasing that line in one way or another. This is the reason why they are worth watching as they all offer a different angle into the same problem.
The top 7 alcohol documentaries we recommend are:
- Risky Drinking
- The Truth About Alcohol
- Drinkers Like Me
- Drinking To Oblivion
- A Royal Hangover
- Dispatches – Drinking Yourself To Death
- Brought Up By Booze
Risky Drinking
This is one of those Alcohol documentaries that really touches on the many aspects related to the risks of drinking. It is not just about the risks for your health, but also the risks of accidents, self-injury, violence, etc. In addition, there is so much that goes into this. You will get to see how four different people get involved in very risky situations due to their addiction to drinking.
The documentary came out in 2016 and it runs a total of 58 minutes.
The Truth About Alcohol
Perhaps some people would be inclined to believe that there are redeeming qualities to alcohol. This is one of those things were people will try to make any kind of excuse to validate their addiction. The documentary takes a very scientific approach that really goes into the details. In addition, it explains the reasons why alcohol is terrible for your physical and mental health.
This documentary is from 2016 and also runs a total of 58 minutes.
Drinkers Like Me
After receiving a diagnosis of a moderate liver fibrosis problem, Adrian Chiles, an active broadcaster decided to start looking into his drinking habits for a shocking revelation. It is a great documentary to reveal just how much we think certain levels of alcohol consumption are “normal” when they are actually at borderline levels near addiction.
This 2018 documentary runs a total of 58 minutes.
Drinking to oblivion
This one is also great at showing us the thin line between culturally acceptable drinking in modern society and addition. There are too many red flags in the way that people drink and how they consider this to be a normal way of life. In addition, this one is a very rude awakening for those who believe they are not slipping into dangerous territory.
Another 2016 documentary running a total of 59 minutes.
A Royal hangover
This one focuses on the drinking problems in the UK and it features the popular actor and activist Russell Brand. It goes deep into the health issues related to alcoholism and the problems that the youth of the UK face. It is definitely a great look into alcoholism in a specific region. With that said, the lessons learned here apply to any location in the world.
This one is from 2014 and it runs for 102 minutes.
Dispatches – Drinking Yourself To Death
The one thing about this one that really stands out is that it looks to expose the alcoholic beverage industry. It is very important to consider how much of a role advertisement plays in the addictions of millions of people. In addition, the documentary takes the time to show us how this is an incredibly dangerous epidemic.
This is a 2007 documentary that runs for 59 minutes.
Brought Up By Booze
This one is very specific in the fact that it focuses on the life of Callum Best. A man who grew up with an alcoholic father. There are many revelations that this famous footballer offers to the audience. It is another revelation on how much damage alcoholism can do in parenting. Definitely worth checking out and easily a relatable story for many people who grew up with alcoholic parents.
This is a 2009 Alcohol documentary that runs a total of 60 minutes.
Is it possible to drink without danger of alcoholism?
There are many people who drink alcohol socially and never fall into the trap that leads to alcoholism. The good thing is that the majority of people do not become alcoholics, but many people do end up close to becoming one.
Unfortunately, many people do end up becoming alcoholics and they have a harder time quitting the longer they are addicted. Therefore, when this happens, it is usually necessary to handle this carefully.
The good news is that there are many support group and institutions that help alcoholics recover. Being able to start this process as quickly as possible is essential. Sometimes the hardest part is to recognize you have a problem. Many alcoholics are in denial even years after their have spiraled out of control.
If you or someone you know is dealing with alcoholism, you may want to seek help. There are many battles we deal with in life and addiction to alcohol is a difficult one without a doubt. The more support you can find, the easier it is to make the decision to overcome the addiction.
What are the most common signs of alcoholism seen in Alcohol documentaries?
There are many stages to this disease and there are many specific signals that you can look for. We are going to be talking about the main signals to consider. There are very specific things you may start to notice and the sooner you spot them, the better.
The main signs are:
- Drinking until you are drunk at every social event
- Drinking at home even when you have no guests
- Saying that you can quit anytime you want, but you don’t feel like it
- Choosing to drink when you should be doing something more important
Drinking until you are drunk at social events
This is a very common sign that you are dealing with alcoholism and it should be considered at all times. See if you are the type of social drinker that always gets drunk at parties and events. This is going to be very important and it will help you look at things from a different angle.
Drinking at home without guests
While there is absolutely nothing wrong with having a beer or two at home without guests. This is not that good of a habit if you find yourself doing it every day. Even more if you are getting slightly drunk in the process.
Saying you can quit anytime but you don’t want to
This is one of the most common early signs of alcoholism, but it also a common thing to see in full-blown alcoholics. This is the reason why it is important to consider this and avoid the trap. You are probably lying to yourself when you say this and that is the dangerous part. This is why watching some Alcohol documentaries is a good idea.
Choosing to drink over more important activities
If you are drinking during hours you should be working or during breaks. Maybe drinking is keeping you from engaging in activities with your loved ones. In any of those scenarios, you may want to consider stopping.
If you feel that you are displaying those signs, it is a good idea to consider getting help. With that said, it could still be earl enough for you to quit on your own. You do need to consider that once alcoholism hits, it is very difficult to quit without getting help.
What is the strongest drink a bartender can make?
Have you ever heard of Aunt Roberta? Well, if you have, you are very likely not to want to say her name at a bar. If you do, there is a chance that the entire place will go silent. No one will speak as they witness the ultimate alcoholic bomb being prepared. Very few people are brave enough to drink it, and very few bartenders recommend it.
This is a 100% alcohol-based beverage that contains Vodka, Gin, Brandy, Blackberry liquor, and Absinthe. Yes, Absinthe! This drink alone could make you hallucinate, so just imagine what the mix could do to your system. These drinks are all part of many Alcohol documentaries.
Other strong and worthy contenders include:
- The Sazerac
- The Nicolashka
- The Zombie
- The Jungle Juice
The truth is that all of those drinks are the type reserved for those with high tolerance to alcohol. It is always important to consider this as you find yourself ordering any of them, with a special level of careful consideration when it comes to Aunt Roberta.

How many bartenders do you need for 150 guests?
Now that we have discussed the documentaries and the dangers of alcohol, it is not all bad news. Most people are able to enjoy drinking in a way that is safe. This is why bartenders are laws required at parties and events. They can really make any event a much better experience in many different ways.
The average expectation is to have at least one bartender for every hundred guests. In this scenario, two would be an optimal number. You always need to make sure that there will be enough bartenders handling an event. Having only one can really turn into a problem that is going to make this process much harder.
Never forget that bartending is always the type of thing that is going to make the biggest difference in the results you achieve. The more people you have at your event, the more bartenders you need to handle this process.
Questions and answers
Yes, there are many, and we have listed some of the most relevant that we consider worth watching. With that said, there are many others out there worth checking out too. The great thing about these documentaries is that they all offer an interesting and important look into the issues related to the addiction to alcohol.
Aunt Roberta is one mean lady that is going to bring anyone to their knees. That is the name of what is officially the strongest cocktail drink anyone can ask for. This is why you should be prepared for what will happen to you if you drink it. The likelihood that you can handle it without ending up drink is quite low.
There are many parties or events that will exceed one hundred guests. When this is the case, more bartenders are needed. The rule is to consider at least one bartender for every one hundred guests at the very least. This is something to keep in mind for your next party or event.
Yes, there are many people who drink without endangering their health and they know how to do it. They keep drinking at a social level and never drink alone. Perhaps it is important to consider the many things that can show you red flags that lead to addiction. The documentaries are great at helping you learn more about the dangers that come with alcoholism.
Final thoughts on Alcohol documentaries
There are many ways to look at alcohol and how it affects our lives. The main thing to consider with that is that you have to be aware of the many dangers of alcoholism. Moreover, there are ways to handle drinking without ending up in a bad situation.
The beauty of the documentaries that we mentioned is that this helps you look into this problem. This brings more awareness and alertness to help detect a problem with alcoholism.
Check those documentaries out and you will be able to see this from different perspectives.