When you hear the saying “you are what you eat” this is a very true statement in many ways. The bartender diet should contain all kinds of healthy foods that help with energy and optimal brain function.
A good bartender diet needs to have vegetables, fruits, and foods that are easy to digest. It is the choice of each person to decide on being vegetarians or vegans, but also those who eat meat can benefit greatly from its protein content.
Today, we are going to be talking about the many aspects of the ideal bartender diet. With that said, please keep in mind that we are not doctors and we do not know if you have specific food allergies or digestive issues. We advise to consult with your doctor before making any dietary changes.
What are the best foods in the bartender diet to boost your energy levels?
This article by Integris Health provides some insight on some of the best foods to eat for an energy boost. The ideal diet should include these foods for frequent consumption at home or on the go.
The large number of complex carbohydrates, potassium and Vitamin B6 make the banana an excellent source of energy. Another great thing about bananas is that they are easy to pack and you can have one at any time without inconveniences.
This is an excellent serotonin booster and this means it is great for stress management as much as it is for energy levels. The best thing I that you can mix your oatmeal with berries, bananas, and some honey for that extra bit of taste and energy boosting greatness.
This is the ultimate superfood that is also super tasty and goes great with everything. There are many good fats and there is high contents of fiber and B vitamins. Get a few slices of avocado and put some olive oil on them and you will have an excellent energy boosting snack.
While sardines are not the most popular fish for people to eat, they are ideal for energy boosting purposes. Keep in mind that sardines are also great for protein and they are cheap. You can get sardines in cans with tomato sauce for a very low cost in most supermarkets.
This is a good old food choice that is extremely nutritious with plenty of protein per unit. Keep in mind that protein is an excellent source of energy. Boiled eggs are very easy to pack and eat anywhere. It is perfect for the bartender diet.
There is probably no other fish that is as healthy and packed with protein as salmon. When you eat salmon, you will get a powerful surge of energy and it is a very tasty fish that goes well with many dishes.
If you feel like you need to snack to keep from getting hungry, you can pack some almonds. They are an amazing source of energy and they are also great for your health in general. Do not purchase salted almonds.
If you feel like you have a sweet tooth that is hard to satisfy, you can try eating a couple of oranges daily. They are very sweet and they can help fight that craving. They will give you a natural energy boost and they are packed with Vitamin C.
What should you stay away from in the bartender diet?
There are many foods that can be very draining and damaging to a bartender’s energy levels. Any type of sugary foods like pastries can be terrible for many reasons. This is why it is recommended that you stop consuming donuts, cupcakes, and any kind of pastries at all.
You will find that many delicious foods such as pasta, rice, and white bread are terrible for your energy too. Healthline mentions how damaging this can be due to the quick sugar level rise caused by processed grains. When this happens, you will also experience a fast drop in energy levels.
Other foods and drinks to avoid in a bartender diet include:
- Any food that is fried
- Hot dogs and hamburgers
- Carbonated soft drinks
- Coffee and energy drinks
There is no question that we are all tempted by junk food because it tastes good to us once we get used to it. With that said once you cleanse your body from that food, you realize it does not taste great.
There are many people who are always looking for wars to improve their efforts and achieve the best results. When you commit to healthy food, you will find it much easier to stay healthy all year round.
The bartender diet is also about when you eat
Dieting is not just about what you eat, but also about when you eat the food. There are many people who like to eat only one or two meals per day and this is terrible. Even if you diet is good, you should distribute your meals to eat at least 4 times per day.
Smaller meals distributed evenly during the entire day are great to boost your metabolism. This is an excellent way for you to start seeing some great results with your diet. When you do this, your body becomes a fat burning machine and this helps you stay slim and energetic.
A good way to do this is by packing food in small portions. Schedule them and eat them within a couple of hours each. This is going to prove to be essential for you to achieve results.
If you have a very tight schedule at work with a bartending event, you can always take a 10 minute break to snack on a quick meal. Just make sure that someone can be there to take over. This can be tricky if you are alone tending a bar.
All this talk about bartender diets is a perfect reminder of the importance of good catering for events. This article shows you how to hire food catering for an event.
A bartender diet always includes staying away from alcohol
There is no doubt that alcohol is one of the most damaging habits for a bartender. Given the nature of the job, it is much easier to end up suffering from alcoholism. This is why it is highly recommended that anyone who works in bartending is able to avoid alcohol.
Never forget that this is a problem that has ruined many bartending careers. If you feel that you have a hard time quitting alcohol, you may not be the right fit for a bartending job. This article goes into the details regarding why bartenders should stay away from alcohol.
There are too many people in this line of business that end up regretting drinking. It has been proven that bartenders are more likely to deal with alcoholism than the majority of professions.
How do I hire a good bartender that has a good bartender diet?
Hiring a good bartender is not simple, but you can find one if you know where to look. The best thing to consider is the experience level of the bartender or bartending team you hire. It is important that you always take the time to look at some options. With that said, the best bartender should be someone who is friendly, social, and aware of all bartending drink mixes.
A good way to know if a bartender is good is to look for their customer reviews. The best bartenders are always the kind of people who can get things done with ease. When a bartender is good, you will find more great reviews about their service.
Who is the No 1 bartender in the world?
There is no specific bartender that the world considers number one in the entire world. There are many great bartenders out there that have earned a spot in the ranks, but no one can be singled out. Perhaps the best way to answer that question is that anyone who can combine personality with great service skills is a great bartender.
Where is the best place to work as a bartender?
There is no specific place for anyone to be able to say it is the best location to work. There are too many variables for this and in some cases, it is the bartender that defines the best location. Some bartenders like to work in hectic and crowded locations, while others prefer a more relaxed setting.
What is a high end bartender called?
A high end bartender is also called an experienced and popular bartender. It is important to consider that the best bartenders in the world are always the ones that work very hard to build a great reputation.
A great bartender is always someone who knows how to work in any environment. This is a person with a great reputation for optimal service and knowledge. Once someone manages to achieve that status, the work they do in general becomes much easier to handle.
The high end bartender is someone who believes in a quality bartender diet too. This is a person that wants to be healthy and full of energy to perform at optimal levels. Always remember that bartending is a physically and mentally demanding job.
What is a freelance bartender and do they follow the bartender diet?
There are some bartenders who decide to work for a specific business in order to get a paycheck every month. In contrast, there are bartenders who decide to work on their own and they freelance. The freelance bartender is someone who looks for new jobs on their own and is not attached to one particular business.
The best thing about freelancing is that you have potential for amazing results and great earnings. This is extremely important as you see yourself in a situation that has no specific limits or barriers.
The biggest reason why people fear the freelancing bartending career is due to the initial struggle. The good news is that once you become popular, this is no longer going to be an issue. You will have a constant flow of new customers and that will make your business very stable.
How much do you tip a bartender at a private party?
The tip that you give to a bartender at a private party should reflect the service. If someone has done a great job for you at a personal level, you can always thank that person with a tip. Anything ranging from $10 to $30 should be a minimal consideration.
It is a good idea to consider that the tip should be at least as much as the hourly rate. This is a good way to decide on the amount and this is always a good approach.
How many bartenders do you need for 50 guests?
There are cases when people will hire one bartender for 50 guests and this should be enough. It really does depend on the kind of event that you are running. Some events will require more than one bartender if they are more dynamic even with a small guest list.
It is always a good idea for the bartending team to have a meeting with the event planner. This is going to allow you to make the best decisions in terms of staff requirements.

Party Shakers offers the bartending services you need
The bartender diet has to be quite healthy in order for all bartenders to work efficiently. Our team commits fully to this profession and this means that we always work extra hard to ensure the best results.
If you are in need of a reliable bartending service, we have the best in the business. We also offer DJs, food catering services and photo booths in case you want more entertainment. These are all reasons why we have become the best choice for any event that wants a great outcome.
Questions and answers
Hiring a good bartender is not that difficult as long as you are able to look in the right place. You need to hire someone who has vast experience and someone who is also emotionally intelligent. The best bartenders are always people who know how to handle any situation with ease.
There is not a number one bartender in the world in the sense of the word that you could pick one. There are many great bartenders worldwide, but what they all need to have in common in their ability to be in emotional control and their skills and knowledge of mixing.
The best place to work as a bartender is always the place that feels best to each person. Some bartenders like very quiet settings while others prefer to work in more hectic environments. It really is something that depends on each person and how they feel about this line of work in general.
The freelance bartender is anyone that works different events all the time in different venues. This type of bartender does not rely on a single place to work or a monthly paycheck. The biggest issues with freelancing is that it can fluctuate in terms of work, but there is the huge advantage of having much more earning potential.
Final thoughts on the bartender diet
The diet for the job needs balance and you need to avoid junk food as much as possible. There are many reasons why it is important to stick to a healthy diet. Your energy level can reach much higher levels without a doubt.