Bartending is an amazing profession for those who are good with social environments and fast-paced work. It is essential to remember Bartenders dos and donts when you decide to get involved in the world of bartending.
One of the best ways to answer this question is that there are several relevant do’s as well as don’ts. You will find the answers to each of them in this publication. Do keep in mind that there are certain things that may not apply in some situations. With that said, most of these are situations in which it does apply.
When you think of bartending, the first thing that comes to mind is serving drinks. In a way, that is the core of the service from the standpoint of the consumer. This is certainly not the case for the bartender as there are many specific things to keep in mind at all times.
Bartenders dos and donts at a bar?
There are many different answers to this question and we are going to go over all of them. The main thing that a bartender should never do at a bar is losing his or her cool. The most relevant aspect of bartending is always to have the emotional intelligence for the job.
There are many scenarios that will test a bartender’s emotional intelligence. This is going to be extremely important and it is like the ultimate test for bartenders. Here is the deal, a person can be extremely good at mixing drinks, and this person can also be good-looking, smart, friendly, and productive. The problem is that none of this matters if that person is unable to handle difficult situations.
We would say that nothing is as important as emotional control in bartending. You are entering a profession that has many challenges when it comes to your interactions with people. When you bartend, you are going to be dealing with people who get drunk and become obnoxious and difficult.
This is simply the type of thing that comes with the territory and you need to be aware of that. Some people may appear to be calm and polite when they are not drinking, but alcohol transforms their attitude. When this happens, you need to be ready to handle the situation.
How should you handle rude people?
This brings us to the important question regarding how you should be handling rude people. When a bartender is working at the bar and someone becomes difficult and rude, the bartender needs to stay calm.
The first thing to consider is that you shouldn’t take any of this personally. This person does not know you and their anger, rudeness, or frustration could be directed at anyone. It just happens to be you at that moment.
The second you decide to take things personally, that is the moment when you fail to control the situation. Always remember that your ability to stay calm and not get offended or angered by situations in bartending is crucial.
Always remain polite and civil and this is going to show all witnesses that you are doing your job professionally. There is no reason for you to have to engage in a discussion. If the guest is becoming insulting and even physically threatening, you should call security.
If there is no security, you should politely ask this person to step back and to allow you to do your job. There is never a good reason to enter a physical altercation with a drunk guest. Even if the person is not drunk, you should apply the same principle.
Once you do this, it will be much easier for you to achieve the results you want in bartending. Maintaining composure and never allowing anyone to make you too upset is always going to be extremely helpful in your career.
In contrast, you can expect your bartending profession to sink like the Titanic if you are unable to stay levelheaded. Emotional control is the ultimate thing to always consider as a bartender.
What is the best way to deal with drunk people?
It is important to consider that someone who drinks moderately can be rude, but they are not necessarily inebriated. In the same sense, someone can be very polite and friendly while also being intoxicated with high levels of alcohol.
Drunk people can pose a different type of problem as they can get into an accident after leaving the bar. They can also have a hard time walking, speaking, or even standing up. When someone is too drunk, it is important that you consider no longer serving that person drinks.
Some bars will have specific regulations when it comes to drunk people, but you need to use your good judgment. Never allow yourself to end up in a situation with someone who is incapable of walking and still drinking.
There are many aspects regarding the legality of this situation, but you never want to find yourself in trouble because of this. There are situations when family and friends of someone who ends up in a car accident can point fingers at the bartender. This is a common situation when the person involved in an accident had just been drinking at a bar.
You may find that someone could become angry and upset that you decide not to serve them more drinks. This is still a much better outcome than having to deal with issues related to a drunk driving accident.
What is a traveling bartender?
There are some bartenders who decide to start working at a specific place to bartend there as a full-time job. This can be a great decision for some bartenders. Mainly if you can find a job that pays a salary that is good enough. The kind that doesn’t require you to have other jobs on the side.
For most bartenders, a single job is not going to be enough. When this happens, the best way to handle this is to become a traveling bartender. It doesn’t mean you need to be traveling out of the country or even out of our state. What it means is that you need to be looking for jobs in your state in as many areas as possible. Some bartenders are able to find several jobs per week and this is often enough for a profitable business.
You could also become a bit more adventurous and look for jobs outside of your state. The kind that you can do one day and then travel back to your place the next day. Some bartenders are even open to jobs outside of the country. This is the case as long as the timeframe and the income are good enough to validate the trip.
What are the basic rules for engaging in mixology?
Mixology is a very complex topic if you go into the details of how and why a specific mix is good. A good mixologist will tell you that anything goes when it comes to experimenting with mixes. One of the basic rules to follow is to only use ingredients that are safe for human consumption.
Aside from that, one of the most fascinating things about mixology is the constant pursuit of new mixes. This is truly an aspect of this process that is worth considering. Many mixologists are not even interested in bartending and they prefer to dedicate their time to the pursuit of new mixes.
What should you do at a bar?
We have mentioned what you should never do at a bar, but there are also things you should consider doing. You should always be friendly and have a smile on your face. If there is one thing that can ruin a bartenders career is to let their personal problems get in the way.
When you bartend, you need to forget about your personal life. Leave those issues at the door when you step into your workplace. You need to take your time to learn the skill of separating work from personal emotions.
There is no need to have a fake smile on your face if you are feeling bad for any reason. Just a friendly face is going to be good enough. You should keep a friendly attitude and this is going to have a very positive effect on your career.
If you can have interesting conversations with people as you bartend, this is going to be even better. There are many ways to make people feel like you are happy to be there. The best thing about this attitude is that it is likely to help you find more jobs.
Keep your head in the right place when you are providing bartending services and you will always see the benefit. There are many important considerations to make when you are working as a bartender. Having a positive attitude is always going to be one of the main things to consider.

Has bartending changed in the age of technology?
The truth is that it has not changed that much regardless of how things are evolving. The bartending job is usually very straightforward. It does not need nor does it have time to use technology. At least not during the job, but technology is indeed very useful to help bartenders find new clients.
It is always a good idea to consider that bartending is about quick thinking and knowing your drinks by heart. It is not helpful for you to have to check your phone during a crowded event. Some bartenders do this to learn how to prepare a drink.
Questions and answers about Bartenders dos and donts
The main thing that you should never do at a bar is losing your cool. You need to be someone who is emotionally composed to handle any challenge. This is going to be the best way for you to achieve optimal results as a bartender. Some people find it easy to do this, while others do have a harder time. In any case, emotional control is always going to be important if you want to be successful in bartending.
Rude people are always going to be a part of the bartending profession due to the circumstances. The more crowded a place becomes, the more likely it is that you will run into someone who is rude. The best way to handle rude people is to remain calm and stay polite and civil. You will be surprised to see how many people who are being rude might back up and even apologize for their rude. This is essential for Bartenders’ dos and donts.
People who get drunk are more likely to become difficult to handle in many ways. It is important that you can keep your cool at all times when this happens. You need to be aware of the fact that this is going to be a common occurrence. You have to remember it is usually not personal when drunk people are difficult. A big deal in Bartenders dos and donts.
A traveling bartending is someone who is willing to take bartending jobs that are not close to their home. They can do this by taking jobs outside their city and even out of state. In some cases, a job can be good enough to travel abroad. The traveling bartender can be someone who makes a great living.
There are some core rules for mixology, but the idea is for this to be a profession of discovery. Experimenting with mixes and creating new combinations can be quite interesting. This is one of the reasons why many individuals choose mixology over bartending. Some people like socializing at work, others like to spend time researching on their own.
Final thoughts
There are many do’s and don’t in bartending, but the ones that we have mentioned are essential. Always keep this in mind when you get involved in this profession and you will achieve great results. Bartending can be a very rewarding job for those who know how to handle the daily challenges it can bring. This is why the Bartenders dos and donts are important.