It is a busy day of celebration and the best wedding bartender is expected. You are feeling a bit overwhelmed by the fast pace of the night. The only thing that is keeping you sane is your ability to remember specific things to make things easier. This is just one common scenario that bartenders can expect to experience.
A great bartender is like a hawk that has a very watchful eye in order to stay ahead of what is happening. This is the reason why it is essential for a bartender to have a good memory and to use it for several important reasons while bartending.
Those who are in bartending will always find it hard to handle busy days if their memory is not optimal. There are many aspects of bartending that rely on a good memory. We are going to be discussing the many ways in which this is important.
Why is the best wedding bartender important?
There is no doubt that a good bartender is someone who can handle any type of event. The wedding bartending service is very specific and it requires a special touch. Anyone that bartends for weddings needs to be a very friendly and intuitive person.
This is the part where the ability to have a good memory is going to come into place. When you are bartending, you will be involved in a dynamic that requires that you use your memory as often as possible.
There are many scenarios during a wedding bartending event that require your memory. For example, learning who the main guests are and making sure you know their favorite drinks. You need to be on the lookout and see who is almost don’t with their drink. This is going to allow you to stay ahead of the situation and provide the required drinks.
You need to consider that the guests are going to be requiring a lot of attention for many different reasons. The wedding is always an event that stands out for many reasons. Unlike regular events, when there is a wedding, people expect to be treated with a little more care.
This is the main reason why it is so important to consider the value of this process. A bartender really has to work as hard as possible to leave a great impression. The ability to remember as many guests as possible and their favorite drinks is very useful.
How do people find the best wedding bartender?
Finding the best wedding bartender is going to be a process that requires certain factors to consider. The first thing is that you will find it much easier to ensure that a skilled bartender can work for a wedding.
The main thing to remember when looking for the best bartender for a wedding is experience. Look for a bartender that has been doing this for a long time. Once you do that, the results will become much easier to handle.
The best bartenders always work with a larger team and they also have a good social media presence. This is going to prove to be essential and it also shows the level of commitment that they have. Not just for their customers, but also for their business and that is very important.
We advise that you check their customer reviews to see how they have handled past projects. This is also very good and it will provide the kind of insight you want. If a service provider has a mix of good and bad reviews, this is not a good sign. The reviews should be predominantly positive.
With that said, even the best business in the world will eventually get a bad review. The main thing to remember is that this should be the last common type of review. Once you have read enough reviews, you will have a clearer picture of what people can do with this service.
Why are most wedding plans so stressful for the bride?
Weddings are a very stressful time for brides because this is a very special day. They want to make sure that everything goes perfectly. This is why they always wish to hire the best for their events and this means the best wedding bartender.
In addition, the bride stresses out about catering and about the person that will be handling the music. All of these are very important things to keep in mind at all times. Brides will often hire event planners to help them, but it is likely that they will choose the best staff.
Most of the time, women feel that weddings are the most special day of their lives. They have been dreaming of that day ever since they held their first doll with a bride’s dress. This is why it can be such a difficult time as much as it is exciting.
Learning to identify those who are able to handle wedding events is essential. Most brides are not going to take this process lightly and they want every staff member to be a professional.
What is the cost of hiring the best wedding bartender?
The best wedding bartender can cost around $30 to $50 an hour depending on several factors. You need to keep in mind that the size of the event, the size of the bar, the number of activities, etc.
Sometimes a bartender will be requested to perform flair moves, but this is not usual for weddings. The main thing to remember is that the bartender has a good memory. This will help them remember the drinks that guests enjoy.
What about bartenders for corporate events or parties?
The need to have a good memory when you are a bartender for corporate parties is even larger. You need to consider that one of the best ways to handle any kind of event is to know your guests.
A corporate event is a perfect time for a bartender to be able to make use of all the skills learned. There are several ways to handle corporate events, but the main value is the networking.
This is going to be the one thing that really makes corporate events great. A bartender is going to be someone who is able to do things in a way that is simple. Someone who makes a great impression on guests and someone who is in control of themselves.
The challenges of handling large events
Some bartenders are great at handling small events and parties, but very few have the experience required for larger events. This is the reason why it can be a bad idea to hire bartenders that are not skilled enough.
The biggest problem for most inexperienced bartenders is that dealing with large events is very different. It is not the same thing to deal with a few requests at once, than it is to deal with dozens.
The process of bartering for large events is a really important exercise in good memory. It is also an amazing exercise in the process of testing ones emotional control levels. This is going to prove to be the most relevant thing to consider for the best wedding bartender services.
When a bartender is able to have a good memory and remember faces, this will help tremendously. You really need to take your time when you are involved in this and it will be of huge help.
A bartender that is helpful and friendly is important for any type of event. The challenge in large events is to also be emotionally stable to deal with people. There will be many drinkers and some rude people in large crowds. This is the reason why it is essential to always take the time to look into this carefully.
How to exercise your memory for bartending?
There are many ways for someone to exercise their memory as bartenders. A good way to do this is to practice how to associate names with things you know well. There are many people who have a naturally receptive memory and others who need to build this skill.
The main thing to consider is that your memory is like a muscle. This is in the sense that it gets stronger the more you use it. It is a good idea to play memory-based games to keep your memory in shape.
It is also a good idea to make sure that you can work on your cocktail skills. Keep in mind that there are 77 official bartending cocktails and you want to know all of them. Some of these drinks are not requested by too many people, but others are very commonly seen.
This is why it is very important to consider them at all times when you are looking to upgrade your efforts. Always remember that the best in the business know all the drinks without hesitation.
It may sound like 77 drinks is too much, but it is not that difficult when you serve them daily. If you feel that learning all of them at once is overwhelming, you can start by learning the 20 or 30 most requested. This is a good way to start this process and make it less complicated.
Hire Party shakers for the best bartending services
We have a team of highly experienced bartenders that can handle any kind of event regardless of the scope. This is one of the things that makes everything completely different. You can feel peace of mind when you hire our team and we will handle the process with optimal professional results.
If you need bartenders for weddings, corporate events, birthday parties, and any sort of celebration, we have the staff you require. Just let us know what you are looking for and we will ensure the best of the best.

Questions and answers
If you want to have the best wedding, you need the best staff there for you and with you. This is the reason why you need to hire the best bartender you can find. This is going to ensure that your guests are pleased with the service they get.
Finding the best wedding bartender service is not easy, but once you consider several factors to make your decision, this is much easier. The main thing to remember in such situations is to take your time. Evaluate all the good and the bad things that you can see and this is going to be very helpful in this process.
Brides tend to get stressed out about their wedding because this is a very special time in their lives. It is very important for a bride to make sure that it all goes well. The groom is more likely to be relaxed about the whole thing (except the cold feet probably).
The costs of hiring the best wedding bartender can range from $30 to $50, but some factors are involved. You need to look at this as something that also depends on the quality and the popularity of a bartender.
Yes, a good bartender will usually know all 77 official cocktails. If not, they at least know all the ones that are popular. This is important because it makes it easier for the bartender to handle certain situations. The last thing a bartender wants is to be dealing with a person asking for a drink they don’t know.
Final thoughts on bartenders and their memory
When working in the world of bartending, you need to make sure you are good at memorizing faces and drinks. There are many ways to handle the career of bartending, but only the most dedicated succeed. That dedication can come in many forms and shapes and that makes it extremely important.
If you want to hire the best of the best, consider the process of working with Party Shakers for your wedding, corporate event, or party.