New Year’s bartending is something that many bartenders out there are doing all the time. There is nothing more valuable when you are trying to grow than to sacrifice certain holidays. It is important to understand that the bartending business is moving in too many directions.
There are many things you can expect from the bartending industry in the coming year. The main one to keep in mind is the need for bartenders to branch out to other services like food catering. The reason is that more and more people are now looking for “one-stop-shop” solutions for everything.
Now that we have gotten the basics out of the way, we can discuss the many ways in which bartenders can upgrade their services. This is a great way for new year’s bartending to be a much more attractive offer. The ability to provide extra services makes it very convenient for clients. Here is
The food catering business is merging with bartending for a perfect synergy
The first service that any bartending provider should consider as an addition to their business is food catering. This makes the process of incorporating the new service much easier because it is similar.
The bartender needs to bring special tools, ingredients, and equipment to an event to mix and serve cocktails. In a similar fashion, the food catering provider needs to be specific items and tools to keep the food hot, carry it to the location, and serve it to guests.
The logistics of food catering are different from that of bartending, but they fit a similar profile. Food catering requires that you prepare the clients’ requested menu of choice. You then need to take the costs into account for the number of guests for any given event.
Once this is established, you can then set the date for the delivery. Then you can have the food ready for the specific timeframe requested by the client. This is going to be the most basic way to handle the good catering business process.
Do keep in mind that there are many variables for this kind of service. This means that some people could ask for extremely simple foods like pizza or corn dogs. In contrast, others could request complex dishes, like pasta or turkey with gravy, etc.
Given that is common for catering to be requested during holidays and not just for regular parties and events, complex dish requests are to be expected. With that out of the way, you need to take your time to get things done the right way. Just one mistake with your food catering business can be devastating to your reputation.
The incorporation of Music DJ services is perfect for new years bartending
If there is one thing that always goes with parties, events, and celebrations of any kind, it is definitely music. Being able to understand the process of doing this is going to be extremely important.
When you have a bartending business, you can enhance it with many specific strategies that are very useful. For example, you could take the time to look into the kind of music that you want to have for the event. Your DJ should be someone that understands the kind of mood and the right time to play certain songs during an event.
Being able to provide this extra service for any type of situation is always going to be extremely useful. Remember that the best and most reliable services in the world are the ones that can offer extra services closely related to the main service.
You should always think of having a professional DJ on your staff if you want to make a perfect impression. If the DJ can make the event memorable and highly entertaining, you can bet that there will be recommendations for the service.
Once you manage to do this the events that you work on are going to be more engaging and memorable. This is the best way for you to start seeing the kind of results that make a real difference.
Photo booth services are an excellent way to upgrade new years bartending events
The photo booth has turned out to be one of the best and most reliable ways to upgrade any event. These booths are very encouraging for people to use to have fun and enjoy. You always need to consider that if you have a photo booth service, you need to set a price per hour.
Some people prefer to set a price for the entire event duration, but you have to consider some things. A good way to look into this is to always bring the fun factor to a new level.
The size and the features of a photo booth are not always the same. This means that investing in one of your businesses is not going to have the same cost in any situation.
Never take on services you cannot handle for new years bartending
The new year bartending trends in 2023 include the ability to expand your business to other services. With that said, you also need to consider efficiency and professional results. If you are unable to provide that, it is best to limit the number of services you offer.
Once you can gain the experience you need, you can decide to offer a new service. It really comes down to how much experience you can gain to handle several services.
A good alternative is to take on jobs with bartending teams that handle all of those services. Doing this for several months can give you some important insight so that you can eventually have your own business.
The new year bartending service is in high demand
Many people are looking for bartenders to work on new years parties. This is to be expected this year and in the coming years with full force. We saw how this was drastically reduced during the pandemic in the last couple of years. With that said, things are relatively back to normal now.
The great thing about having an efficient bartending service right now is that you are bound to find many clients. There are competitors, but there are far more clients than there are bartenders. At least this is the case in most areas of the world. That is one of the reasons why the business is still quite promising.
We have mentioned some factors and ideas regarding how to expand the service. The idea is to become very efficient at the core service and then look for ways to bring more to the table. Here is an article by eater on what it is like to work as a bartender on New Year’s Eve.

The coming decade is also going to be a great time for bartending
While we can’t predict what the future holds long term, we can say that the coming decade is going to be great for bartending. Many people consider the use of a reliable bartender and this is likely to be in high demand for the coming decade.
The only factor that could be a problem with radical limitations is another pandemic. With that said, it is looking like a very good decade for anyone in bartending. There are so many ways for this business to grow and so many clients in need of their services.
If you consider these factors, you will find many business models out there, but this one is very promising. The digital age is also creating even more opportunities for bartenders to organize their services. The best way to approach this is to be prepared on all fronts.
This interesting post by Australian bartender goes into the future to show us what bartending could look like in 10 years.
Personality and emotional control play a major role
This is an important thing to consider for anyone that decided to work in bartending. Think about how this is going to be something essential for any bartender that looks for results.
Being able to work with any kind of crowd and any kind of guest is crucial for success. You should never look into a bartending job if you do not have the ability to avoid making things personal.
It is important to consider that many guests at bartending events can be difficult to work with. They can be rude and they can get intoxicated and become more difficult. This is why it is essential for a bartender to stay calm at all times.
This is probably the one element that sets apart a person with the potential for a career in bartending. Knowing your drinks is important and being business savvy too, but the need for a calm attitude is more important.
If you ever find yourself in a situation with rude guests, you have to consider staying calm as long as you are in no physical harm. This is going to help you gain an edge as a bartender. More people are going to be interested in hiring your services if you show this level of control.
Do bartenders make good money?
This is a question many people ask and it is common to see it everywhere. The truth is that this is a profession that can be very lucrative. The biggest challenge is to be able to make a name for yourself as an independent bartender. You can also create a bartending team for a larger business proposal for clients.
A bartender can earn as high as $130,000 a year or as little as $12,000 a year. This is going to depend on too many factors, but hard work and professional services usually move forward fast.
So, there is indeed a lot of money to be made as a bartender, but you have to work hard. It is like many other professions that offer the potential for growth. You do need to make sure that you are doing everything you can to succeed.
It is often a long road of many months and even years to make a name for yourself. The good news is that once this happens the rates you can charge are higher. You are also likely to have many returning customers to work with each year.
How much do you tip a bartender at an open bar at a wedding?
The wedding bartender deserves a good tip for a good job. This is something that is going to depend on how much people can afford to tip. It is expected to see $5 to $20 in tips from guests at times, but the ideal range is between $10 and $50.
It is not advised for people to tip bartenders less than $10, but a $5 could be ok. Tipping $1 would be a bit too low, so it’s best not to tip in that case. In any case, tipping should always be a reward for a good job and it is not always that people do a good job. If they do, you should try to tip accordingly.
How many bartenders do you need for 200 guests for New Year bartending?
When you have any kind of event that has no less than 200 guests, you need to hire at least 3 bartenders. Usually, one bartender can handle up to 80 to 100 guests, but even in those cases, 2 are a better number.
When it comes to 200 guests, you need at least 3 bartenders to ensure efficiency. This is even more important when all 200 guests are likely to order cocktails. You should always make sure that every bartender on your team can handle any type of cocktail request.
Party Shakers proves to be the ultimate service for that one-stop-shop experience
When you are looking to achieve the best results with your bartending efforts, you will find that the best way to do this is to hire a great team that knows how to handle any event. This is always a great way for you to see how a professional bartending team handles this process.
Party Shakers is an excellent example of a service that offers all the solutions you want and need. This means you get a professional bartending team, a professional music DJ, tasteful and efficient foot catering, and photo booth services all in one place.
Questions and Answers
Yes, there is potential for high earnings in bartending and this can range from $12K a year to $130K a year. There are many factors at play, but hard work and dedication usually help a lot.
The tips that you decide to give a bartender are always up to you, but anything ranging between $10 and $50 is always a good choice. Remember that the quality of the service should determine your tip.
If you want to be able to handle an event with 200 people, you need at least 3 bartenders, or 4 bartenders with two bar setups is the best choice. This provides the kind of results that you want and needs for any type of event.
Final thoughts on new year’s bartending
The idea of new year’s bartending is one that is quite promising without a doubt. You will find that the best way to make a bartending business succeed now is to offer several services. A great example of this is with the Party Shakers team.